The only real benefit of the P.I. going paperless... that there will be a lot fewer leftist Parakeets in the coming years in the Seattle area.
These papers are dying for TWO reasons. The first is, yes, the Internet, but the second reason has been weakening them for a long time and that is blatant leftist editorialization in the news copy. Left and Liberal simply does not sell. Nobody wants to read, much less pay for, that constant stream of snide, snarky, "I know better than you" effluent that drips off the fingers of these miserable, self-loathing root-weevils.
This is why liberal talk radio simply does not exist.
So, with Leftist newsprint and talk radio on the ropes, why is the left on TV doing so well? The answer is deceptively simple. Subscription TV via cable or sat. Less than 20% of Americans get their TV programming over the air any more. Unfortunately, it is the bundling pricing structure of these providers that is propping up the left on TV. If a-la-carte pricing was available today by law for subscription television, networks like MSNBC and CNN would likely fold within 18 months.
First off, not all movies are released all around the world on the same day. In fact, in some markets, movies can be months or up to a year behind. There are any number of reason for this, from subtitling to voice overs to whatever. Heck it could just be good business not to release the latest movie in the middle of Japanese golden weeks.
Ummm...NOBODY cares about --how-- these companies --wish-- to keep doing business the same way --FOREVER--.
Today, in 2009, two simple words eviscerate your arguments by exploding the myth of "Markets":
Customers simply DO NOT CARE about your "market" concepts. They only see attempts to block, channel or delay access to products they seek as ANNOYING RESTRICTIONS motivated by GREED, SLOTH or INCOMPETENCE.
To prove my point that the Garcia photo is identical in pose to the Koorda photo, here is Garcia's photo turned into an Obama version clone of the Fitzpatrick "Viva Che" poster done with TRIVIAL effort:
Garcia's and Fairey's works are both UN-ORIGINAL and while copyright may be stupid enough to protect these works, there is no law protecting the reputations of these men of, in my humble opinion, little talent and even less honor.
Trust Me.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Hey Rham, what are the focus groups saying this morning?
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
You are being granted a limited term monopoly that will likely place additional burdens on our legal system.
Copyright and Patent application fees collected today in no way offset the expense to society for the use of the court systems.
And why do you think --your-- "Work" is worthy of monopoly protection of the federal government? Have you crated a work that took 20,000 hours off your lifetime to create?
When you have an unreasonable, uncivilized sworn enemy out there in the world who wants you dead for what-ever stupid simian reason their little whiskered heads can dream up, wade out there and get them first.
Stop trying to secure every last damn thing and place and just eliminate the problem at the source.
People who DO NOT recognize the rights of others to lead peaceful lives have not earned that right for themselves.
"A Work made available under CC0 may be protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights"
Please. Let's just eliminate copyright altogether so this sort of tortured legal reasoning is not required.
At a bare minimum, returning copyright to explicit, opt-in, expensive as hell to register for and short terms (5 years) for would solve a multitude of problems.
Had the GPS bracelet had a bluetooth receiver and the child's clothing had a bluetooth chirper sewn in, then the Sex offender's bracelet could have called the police once the child chirper had been in proximity for two solid minutes. The police could know the offender's name and address, the child's name and address and the location of where they we both together in seconds.
And do -you- know what the most amazing thing about secrets is?
They are -virtually impossible- to keep.
And tossing off blunt ended cliches like "reinvent the wheel" demonstrates that you're not really paying attention are you?
Whole cloth invention is extremely rare anymore. The word 'invention' as it applies to patent these days is an overreaching joke. The vast majority of what is patented these days is simple innovation around the edges of what already exists, or worse, IP land grabbing of what evolution has built over millions of years, or the now discredited "Business Process" nonsense.
And what's with the name calling? How old are you? 12?
On the post: Songwriter Claims He Was Exploited By Google... But A Few Seconds Of Logical Thinking Disproves That
At least it wasn't a link.
On the post: Great Moments In AP Protectionism: Demands Takedown Of Videos It Purposely Shared With Affiliate
Well, this makes it pretty clear now...
On the post: Great Moments In AP Protectionism: Demands Takedown Of Videos It Purposely Shared With Affiliate
Obligitory AP bashing...
Lets hear yours.
On the post: A Guide To Libel For Bloggers
My Attorney will be in contact with you Mr Doe.
You have impugned my reputation and I intend to seek legal redress.
On the post: TSA Accused Of Trademark Infringement
Cue deep announcer voice....
On the post: Freeing Journalists From Newsprint's Straitjacket
The only real benefit of the P.I. going paperless...
These papers are dying for TWO reasons. The first is, yes, the Internet, but the second reason has been weakening them for a long time and that is blatant leftist editorialization in the news copy. Left and Liberal simply does not sell. Nobody wants to read, much less pay for, that constant stream of snide, snarky, "I know better than you" effluent that drips off the fingers of these miserable, self-loathing root-weevils.
This is why liberal talk radio simply does not exist.
So, with Leftist newsprint and talk radio on the ropes, why is the left on TV doing so well? The answer is deceptively simple. Subscription TV via cable or sat. Less than 20% of Americans get their TV programming over the air any more. Unfortunately, it is the bundling pricing structure of these providers that is propping up the left on TV. If a-la-carte pricing was available today by law for subscription television, networks like MSNBC and CNN would likely fold within 18 months.
On the post: Obama's Gift To British Prime Minister Rendered Useless By DRM
Re: Re:
First off, not all movies are released all around the world on the same day. In fact, in some markets, movies can be months or up to a year behind. There are any number of reason for this, from subtitling to voice overs to whatever. Heck it could just be good business not to release the latest movie in the middle of Japanese golden weeks.
Ummm...NOBODY cares about --how-- these companies --wish-- to keep doing business the same way --FOREVER--.
Today, in 2009, two simple words eviscerate your arguments by exploding the myth of "Markets":
Customers simply DO NOT CARE about your "market" concepts. They only see attempts to block, channel or delay access to products they seek as ANNOYING RESTRICTIONS motivated by GREED, SLOTH or INCOMPETENCE.
On the post: Attorney General Says He'd Adjust Antitrust Policy To Save Newspapers
Mr. Holder might also want to consider avoiding insulting virtually every hardworking American by implying they are racists.
I for one, found his comments on this topic personally insulting.
On the post: Has Mannie Garcia Changed His Tune About Shepard Fairey's Obama Poster?
The REALLY sad part of all this is...
Garcia's photo of Obama's pose that day is identical except for ROTATION and Left/Right flip to Alberto Korda's March 5, 1960 photo of Che Guevara.
Don't believe me? Here's the two side by side, rotation and flip adjusted:
In 1967, Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick took Koorda's photo and made the now iconic "Viva Che" poster:
To prove my point that the Garcia photo is identical in pose to the Koorda photo, here is Garcia's photo turned into an Obama version clone of the Fitzpatrick "Viva Che" poster done with TRIVIAL effort:
Garcia's and Fairey's works are both UN-ORIGINAL and while copyright may be stupid enough to protect these works, there is no law protecting the reputations of these men of, in my humble opinion, little talent and even less honor.
On the post: Harlan Ellison Sues Again
What I want to know is...
Also, since I'm not a fan of Ellision, can someone here tell me if his writing is distinguishable from his other excretory activities?
On the post: President Obama Still Missing The Point: Include The Public In The Process, Not Just The Selling
The difference between Regan and Obama...
Trust, then verify.
Trust Me.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Hey Rham, what are the focus groups saying this morning?
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
Ooops...Trust me again.
On the post: Creative Commons Adds A 'No Copyright At All' Option
Re: Re: From the (non) license..
Copyright and Patent application fees collected today in no way offset the expense to society for the use of the court systems.
And why do you think --your-- "Work" is worthy of monopoly protection of the federal government? Have you crated a work that took 20,000 hours off your lifetime to create?
Me thinks not.
On the post: Unblurred Google Satellite Images Is The Equivalent Of Yelling Fire?
Oh here's a NOVEL IDEA...
Stop trying to secure every last damn thing and place and just eliminate the problem at the source.
People who DO NOT recognize the rights of others to lead peaceful lives have not earned that right for themselves.
On the post: Creative Commons Adds A 'No Copyright At All' Option
From the (non) license..
Please. Let's just eliminate copyright altogether so this sort of tortured legal reasoning is not required.
At a bare minimum, returning copyright to explicit, opt-in, expensive as hell to register for and short terms (5 years) for would solve a multitude of problems.
On the post: Tracking Sex Offenders With GPS Isn't A Bulletproof Solution
Re: Re: The problem with this technology is...
On the post: Tracking Sex Offenders With GPS Isn't A Bulletproof Solution
The problem with this technology is...
Had the GPS bracelet had a bluetooth receiver and the child's clothing had a bluetooth chirper sewn in, then the Sex offender's bracelet could have called the police once the child chirper had been in proximity for two solid minutes. The police could know the offender's name and address, the child's name and address and the location of where they we both together in seconds.
On the post: Why East Texas Judges Just Gave Patent Holders Incentives To Sue More Companies...
Re: Re: I say "End Patent NOW"!
And do -you- know what the most amazing thing about secrets is?
They are -virtually impossible- to keep.
And tossing off blunt ended cliches like "reinvent the wheel" demonstrates that you're not really paying attention are you?
Whole cloth invention is extremely rare anymore. The word 'invention' as it applies to patent these days is an overreaching joke. The vast majority of what is patented these days is simple innovation around the edges of what already exists, or worse, IP land grabbing of what evolution has built over millions of years, or the now discredited "Business Process" nonsense.
And what's with the name calling? How old are you? 12?
On the post: Why East Texas Judges Just Gave Patent Holders Incentives To Sue More Companies...
I say "End Patent NOW"!
Let's pitch all this childish "Ooooh, That waaaas -Myyyyyyyyyyyyyy- idea first!" crap.
Innovate, Instantiate, or get the hell out of the way.
(Mike...Feel free to re-mix, re-use that one.)
On the post: Is It Trademark Infringement To Resell A Product You Legally Bought?
Next time try something more like this:
Dearest Mary Kay,
Thinking of you again so I thought I'd share this link with everyone here!
Kisses! Enjoy.
On the post: Company Threatens EFF With Defamation In Response To EFF Trying To Bust Its Patent
Who over at Seer is running that clown show?
Never, and I mean NEVER, threaten lawyers who feel passionate about what they do. Especially with gauze thin crap like this argument.
And comb your damn hair. You look like hell.
Ohhh...this is funny...
PMB #133
4420 Alpine Road
Portola Valley, CA 94028
If I google mapped this would I see a three story log cabin in the sat view?
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