About Techdirt.
Started in 1997 by Floor64 founder Mike Masnick and then growing into a group blogging effort, the Techdirt blog relies on a proven economic framework to analyze and offer insight into news stories about changes in government policy, technology and legal issues that affect companies' ability to innovate and grow. As the impact of technological innovation on society, civil liberties and consumer rights has grown, Techdirt’s coverage has expanded to include these critical topics.
The dynamic and interactive community of Techdirt readers often comment on the addictive quality of the content on the site, a feeling supported by the blog’s average of ~1 million visitors per month and more than 1.8 million comments on 77,000+ posts. Both Business Week and Forbes have awarded Techdirt Best of the Web thought leader awards.
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About Floor64
Floor64 has been generating insights and developing insight platforms for over 26years -- and doing so in unique and innovative ways designed to help drive businesses forward, rather than keeping them tied to the past. We manage both Techdirt and the Copia Institute.
Floor64's offices are located in Redwood City, CA. Please see our Contact page, if you'd like to get in touch with us.