No Ringtone, No Style

from the i'm-so-uncool dept

You know what they say about the reliability of online surveys... The Register has a story about an online survey from a WAP site (suggesting a survey taker bias already) saying that if you haven't downloaded your own ringtone, you risk being called boring. In response, of course, I'd say that if you have downloaded your own ringtone, you risk being called annoying. The Register then goes on to point out some other results from this survey, including that about 70% of people surveyed would rather lose their wallet than their mobile phone, and about 90% say they're addicted to their mobile phone. I'd say there's a bit of self-selection bias going on here.
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  1. identicon
    LittleW0lf, 30 May 2002 @ 12:03pm

    This just in...

    An online survey of three people on a personal vanity website only my best friends have access to revealed today that there is no intelligent life on the internet. You may all go about your non-intelligent lives... Also, a survey of one person (me,) and confirmed by several independant sources has revealed that the media, the RIAA/MPAA/BSA, and just about anyone else who matters wants us online folks to go broke buying their rediculously overpriced just because its on the internet wares. Hmmm, maybe this gives further credence to the first survey.

    These damn statistics (read lies) have got to stop!

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  2. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 30 May 2002 @ 2:16pm

    Re: This just in...

    A one-person survey (me) today found that you are in serious need of a dictionary, or at least some good old fashioned spelling lessons!

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 31 May 2002 @ 5:27am

    Maybe not...

    Just maybe some of us do our own ringtones so we can use ones that are not annoying and so we don't have to check our phone each time somebody elses ring.

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  4. identicon
    todd, 31 May 2002 @ 6:12am

    Time for a Poll, Mike

    Mike, this one might be fodder for a TD poll:

    What kind of ringtone do you have?

    Personalized & annoying to all
    Personalized and funny to me (but annoying to others)
    Personalized and funny to everybody (yeah, right)
    Standard because I'm lazy/indifferent
    Standard 'cause I'd never have a personalized ringtone
    Standard yet still annoying (as in the "Hooked on Classics" versions of ringtones).

    I'm in the "Personalized and funny to me, but annoying to others" camp.

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  5. icon
    Mike (profile), 31 May 2002 @ 8:26am

    Re: Time for a Poll, Mike

    Good idea. Done.

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  6. identicon
    LittleW0lf, 31 May 2002 @ 8:10pm

    Re: This just in...

    Sorry Anonymous Coward (Troll)...I apparently don't have access to a spelling checker (in my web-browser) for two, longer than 8 letter, words I apparently misspelled. I am not that good with scrabble, but I am a lot better in the wit department than you apparently are.

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