Diebold Employed At Least Five Convicted Felons In Management Positions

from the um...-background-checks,-anyone? dept

This is sounding more and more like a bad movie. In fact, if someone wrote this script, I'd bet it would get rejected as being way too implausible. Not only has Diebold been shown to have incredibly insecure technology on their electronic voting machines (universal password: 1111), had their (very partisan) CEO say that he was going to help his party win the election, been trying to sue every whistle-blower who calls them on this, admitted that they're going to try to jack up prices for anyone who tries to force them to add a paper trail and been caught using uncertified software in a recent election (breathe...), now it also turns out that they've employed at least five convicted felons in management roles at their voting machine subsidiary, according to Bev Harris, who has been leading the charge against Diebold. In fact, a senior VP of the group, who was responsible for writing and maintaining the code used in their voting systems, served time in prison for "stealing money and tampering with computer files". Diebold says that the guy left at the time they acquired his company to become their e-voting subsidiary, but they're still using this guy's code.
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  1. identicon
    Director Mitch, 18 Dec 2003 @ 10:50am

    Why not MAKE it into a Movie?

    Mike, your supressed ambition is calling. Why not work on that screen play you always had a desire to do? It involves writing, which you do every day, technology, which is your interest, and poor business ethics, which is a pet peeve (well the last one is true for everyone).

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  2. icon
    Mike (profile), 18 Dec 2003 @ 10:58am

    Re: Why not MAKE it into a Movie?

    Are you making a pitch to "direct" the movie, Director Mitch? ;)

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  3. identicon
    aNonMooseCowherd, 18 Dec 2003 @ 11:04am

    Re: Why not MAKE it into a Movie?

    If you do, Diebold will no doubt sue you, but then you can auction off their subpoena on EBay as a PR stunt.

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  4. identicon
    scott, 18 Nov 2004 @ 1:29pm

    re: being sued by BoldLie (sorry, dyslexic)

    from my journalism classes in college, i learned that truth is always a defense in the court of law.

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  5. identicon
    christopher power, 28 Jan 2005 @ 10:41am

    convicted felons

    i am shocked to know that the only news a convicted felon gets is disgraceful news. furthermore i emplore you to think with your brain about why it is that those felons were hired. ever heard of a scape goat. a convicted felon has nothing to lose right?! is it just possible that there are few convicted felons who have in fact turned their lives around and are struggling just to get a job that pays decent wages and live in a decent community? by live in a decent community i mean be allowed to live in a community where people will not pre judge or use this person as a scape goat. it is not all the felons doing the crimes. wake up and smell the air...look at the natural water sources...research the ozone depletion. grow up the goverment has been using the public mass to fling the proverbial rocks at the felons and all the while the welfare system is being dragged down. i would suggest you do a little more research bfore running off at the mouth.

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  6. identicon
    RYAN HACKBARTH, 21 Aug 2006 @ 1:45pm

    Re: convicted felons

    Thank you for your comment. I am a felon who is trying to turn my life around, who came across this web-site while looking for options for felons. This Mike charactor seems to be a very sheltered, ignorant, s.o.b. who pissed me off. So thank you for your reply.
    Ryan Hackbarth

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  7. identicon
    NA, 2 May 2007 @ 1:57pm


    I personally know Ryan...Hackbarth as I was stumbling through websites and came across his name. Yes, he IS a felon, but one heck of a guy! Only God can judge us, that's for sure.

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  8. identicon
    caleb mckean, 2 May 2009 @ 6:30pm


    Thanks for the useless piece of information. I will jot that down as a useless bit of information and store it in my memory file under the heading junk mail.
    Felons should not be categorized this way. I make my employer a lot of money. I hold myself to a higher ethical standard than I did when I committed my crime.
    Traffic felon for life.

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  9. identicon
    Dave, 28 Dec 2009 @ 5:16pm

    The writer

    The writer of this article is in fact a sexual predator of children under the age of two and has no credibility to write about other felons.
    Sex offenders quit posting these frivolous articles.

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