Yahoo Will Dump Google

from the only-a-matter-of-time dept

After testing a Google-free Yahoo in Australia, it looks like Yahoo is set to dump Google in the next few months. This is not a huge surprise. Almost 4 years ago, I was saying Google and Yahoo would either merge or be rivals. I guess they're going to be rivals.
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  1. icon
    Mike (profile), 6 Jan 2004 @ 12:39am

    Ok, ok, I was wrong. :)

    Because I've been having the debate with mhh5 for four years, I'll admit that I was wrong about my belief that Google and Yahoo wouldn't compete. My original assumption was that Yahoo would continue to focus on being a portal with the best search, and Google would focus on being search. I assumed that Google wouldn't go portal.

    What I hadn't realized (and what many people didn't realize) was that search, itself, would become so lucrative, so fast.

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  2. identicon
    Steve Sanderson, 6 Jan 2004 @ 10:26am

    Arrogant and obvious

    "Almost 4 years ago, I was saying Google and Yahoo would either merge or be rivals. I guess they're going to be rivals.:

    Sorry, but this sounds soooooo arrogant! It's always been obvious that this would happen, and to say "I told you so" just smacks of arrogance - like saying "I knew the dot-com crash would happen." Duh!

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  3. icon
    Mike (profile), 6 Jan 2004 @ 11:04am

    Re: Arrogant and obvious

    4 years ago it was anything but obvious... especially since Yahoo was using Google and had invested in them.

    Also, in this case, mhh5 has a record of what he said four years ago. Most people who now say they "knew" the dot com crash would happen were talking about how it would go on forever during the boom years.

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  4. identicon
    mhh5, 6 Jan 2004 @ 4:56pm

    Re: Arrogant and obvious

    Ok... Point taken. If it sounds arrogant/obvious to you, then it probably sounds arrogant/obvious to a bunch of people. My apologies. I have already promised to Mike that I will tone down my posts in the future.

    But you say it's "always" been obvious that Yahoo and Google would become rivals? I don't think so. I mean my "prediction" was that they would either merge or become rivals. Admittedly that's a pretty "cover my ass" sort of prediction. (And I was hoping no one would nail me for saying that.) I'm basically saying something like the stock market will either go up or down... :) Now *that* is a duh statement...

    So my apologies. And I'll try to refrain from saying "I told you so" when my predictions are sort of tautologous.... :)

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  5. identicon
    Jeremiah, 6 Jan 2004 @ 5:06pm

    Re: Ok, ok, I was wrong. :)

    "...Google and Yahoo would either merge or be rivals.."

    C'mon, this is like saying the sun is either going to rise or set. At the end of the day, you can't be wrong.

    Here, I'll make a prediction: The U.S. may or may not annex Canada.

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  6. identicon
    mhh5, 6 Jan 2004 @ 5:13pm

    Re: Ok, ok, I was wrong. :)

    Ah, you got me just after I posted... I knew someone was going to point that out...

    Ok, so no more "I told you so" tautologies! I get it!

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  7. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 7 Jan 2004 @ 7:50am

    That's not a prediction..

    "tomrrow, it is either going to rain or not going to rain"... duh.

    I fail to see how your "prediction" was a stroke of brilliance.

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  8. identicon
    mhh5, 7 Jan 2004 @ 1:23pm

    Re: That's not a prediction..

    Ok. I think we've beaten this horse far into the afterlife. I didn't think I was saying I was brilliant. (And certainly, no one believe it now...) I was just pointing out that I said Yahoo and Google had similiar goals back when it was arguably not obvious.

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  9. identicon
    Anonimo, 24 Feb 2004 @ 12:08pm

    Re: That's not a prediction..

    i agree with you.

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