People Accidentally Throwing Out Music Industry Checks

from the the-final-insult dept

Now that the music industry price fixing checks have gone out in the mail, some people are wondering where their check is. It turns out, however, that many people are confusing the checks with junk mail and throwing them out. The article quote a "veteran direct-mail operator" who points out that the check looks like typical junk mail. I have to agree. I almost tossed my check when it came. Though, I wonder how else they could have designed it so that it wouldn't look like junk mail.
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  1. identicon
    Michael Vilain, 3 Mar 2004 @ 2:58pm

    They also look like rebate checks

    Having purchased CDRs and other sundry things that have rebates at the local FRY's, those checks look like this one. So, it wasn't sorted into recycling...

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  2. identicon
    itchyfish, 3 Mar 2004 @ 4:49pm


    Ever think that they designed it to look that way on purpose?

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Mar 2004 @ 5:26pm


    That's exactly what I thought when I read it - surprised more people didn't pick that up (must not be as tainted as us).

    It would seem that getting a mass-mailer to Email out checks that you didn't want cashed, would be quite an effective system.

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 3 Mar 2004 @ 5:48pm

    No Subject Given

    Yep, I almost tossed it too. Even the shape (squarish) is odd for a check. Weasels.

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  5. identicon
    LittleW0lf, 4 Mar 2004 @ 7:08am

    How do I know I am supposed to be getting a check?

    I am confused, as I bought quite a few CDs during the time that they were supposidly pricefixing. Was there some sort of procedure for getting yourself on the list of folks who should receive a check? I really don't care, as the payout isn't anything to write home about, but how do I know that I was supposed to be receiving one and accidently threw it out?

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  6. identicon
    Jeff, 4 Mar 2004 @ 10:42am

    Re: How do I know I am supposed to be getting a ch

    You had to go to a website and register.

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  7. identicon
    AMetamorphosis, 5 Mar 2004 @ 8:46am


    I filled out the online form for EVERYONE I knew their address for. ( about 30 people )

    All of my friends have been talking about their checks and how they don't know why they got one. I've told them I filled out their names for them and they have thanked me.

    The ironic part is either I pitched mine when it came or I still have yet to receive it.

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