Senior Citizens Least Likely To Fall For Spam

from the good-for-them dept

My grandparents know to ignore and delete spam because they're pretty net savvy individuals who read Techdirt every day - and know that spam is bad news. However, many people assume that the growing crowd of senior citizens online are less internet savvy, and thus, more likely to fall for spam scams. A new study, however, suggests that (as we used to believe) our elders are wiser that we might think. According to the study, senior citizens are the least likely to respond to spam, while all those 18-to-29 year-old know-it-alls who are keeping the spammers happy by replying. Of course, this was an online survey, so all the usual caveats apply.
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  1. identicon
    dorpus, 23 Mar 2004 @ 1:55am

    When will the definition of "senior citizen" chang

    The notion of retiring at 65 is perhaps valid only in the context of the 20th century, when life spans were shorter. In order to keep pension systems solvent, in order to accomodate longer life spans, maybe the definition of "senior citizen" will start at 85 by the time we get old.

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  2. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 23 Mar 2004 @ 6:21am

    Re: When will the definition of

    Be sure to come back at 85 and let us know how your 30+ years at Wal Mart as a greeter have been.

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  3. identicon
    dorpus, 23 Mar 2004 @ 12:20pm

    Re: When will the definition of

    Not likely, I'm starting med school courses in a few months. I'll be giving very painful injections to your grandchildren.

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2004 @ 8:49am

    Re: When will the definition of

    Of course senior citizens rely the least to spam.
    The vast majority of them cannot access a remote control, let alone an email program.

    dorpus, starting med school and becoming a med school experiment are two entirely different career paths.

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  5. identicon
    SarahCare, 5 Dec 2006 @ 5:04am


    Spam? maybe.... spyware ads telling them their computer is infected with a virus? not likely...

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