Viagra Maker Sick Of All The Spam

from the sue-everyone! dept

Pfizer, the folks who brought you Viagra, are apparently sick of all the V1*4gRa ads in their email inboxes as well, and have decided it's time for them to do something about it. They're trying to shut down bogus websites and spammers claiming to sell Viagra, and get to the point where someone at Pfizer, with a legitimate reason, will be able to send out an email again that mentions Viagra without having it shot automatically into a spam blackhole.
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  1. identicon
    Oliver Wendell Jones, 3 Aug 2004 @ 1:44pm

    Brings to mind a phrase....

    Now, what was it....?

    Oh, yes, now I rememeber...


    Sorry, Pfizer, but if you really cared about protecting the good name of yourself and your products, you should have done something a long time ago (in internet years).

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  2. identicon
    Jake, 3 Aug 2004 @ 2:09pm

    About time...

    This is great and all, but how long did this take? I fear that they've simply gotten all they could get out of the free publicity this was providing to help solidify the name "Viagra".

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 4 Aug 2004 @ 7:34am

    Convient Outrage

    Of course they're going to have a problem with unauthorized explotation of their franchise once they've achieved 99% brand recognition.

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  4. identicon
    leaf, 20 Apr 2005 @ 4:35pm

    No Subject Given

    what does anyone know about consumerdirectrx.. i have been with them fotr three months now, abnd went with one of their add places,, so far nothing has showed up, and no one has ever visited my site

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  5. identicon
    uk, 13 Jan 2010 @ 9:20am

    pharma an spam

    huh so many online pharmacies today created by students...

    link to this | view in thread ]

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