Burn Him! Burn Him! People Hate Malicious Hackers

from the such-anger! dept

Probably not a huge surprise, but as various malicious hackers have been getting locked up for very long sentences, a few people are wondering if they really deserve such punishment. However, it appears the public is very much behind making these guys suffer to no end. The problem is that many people are impacted by viruses and malware, and thus are quite angry about it. But, does it really make sense to lock up someone who simply modified a virus someone else wrote for a period of time longer than a violent criminal? Perhaps it does work as a deterrent, but it certainly doesn't seem like there's been any drop off in malicious hacking attacks since these long sentences began.
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  1. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 4 Feb 2005 @ 10:20am

    One more time.....


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  2. icon
    Mike (profile), 4 Feb 2005 @ 12:08pm

    Re: One more time.....

    Er... hence "malicious hackers" rather than just hackers.

    As we've said (repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly), the term "cracker" still isn't understood widely vs. hacker. So we use "malicious hacker" and it's pretty self explanatory, even if it does seem to piss of the 3 of you who insist you've become the language gods.

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 4 Feb 2005 @ 3:25pm

    Think of the economic harm...

    The economic harm from a single virus far outweighs that of any ordinary criminal... Even a small outbreak can cost well over a million of dollars to corporations and business owners.

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 5 Feb 2005 @ 1:00am

    Re: Think of the economic harm...

    Yes and putting the criminal in jail benefits the people who were harmed by returning the lost funds to their bank accounts?

    Not likely.

    In fact, locking up the criminal in no way benefits the people who were harmed.

    In fact, locking up no violent criminals is… well… stupid in the extreme.

    It would be far better to make the punishment fit the crime don’t you think? To make the punishment, I don’t know… BENEFIT someone?

    This country has go to get over our obsession with locking people up for no good reason. We currently imprison more people than China… CHINA… you know, the country known for great food and horrible human rights violations?

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  5. identicon
    Cracker Whacker Slacker, 5 Feb 2005 @ 8:13am

    Re: One more time.....

    I say burn the lot of them.

    If you want to be malicious, you get the swift hand of justice!

    If violent criminals are getting lesser sentences, then lobby that they need stronger sentences.

    As for Cracker vs Hacker, I thought crackers were white guys....lol

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  6. identicon
    Grizzly, 6 Feb 2005 @ 5:09pm

    No Subject Given

    What? They are locking up crackers, while serial killers a being freed? The whole point of locking up voilent offenders was to prevent them from harming an innocent person.

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