Lawyer Misses Court Date Thanks To Spam Filter

from the whooooops dept

We've all heard stories about people missing important emails thanks to spam filters, but what's the most important email that you lost (or, rather, almost lost) thanks to such a filter? Apparently, a lawyer who was defending a client in a wrongful death lawsuit would probably say it was the email telling him when he needed to be in court. Instead of being in court, he went on vacation. The judge in the case was looking into sanctions against the lawyer -- including dismissing the case. However, after being shown that the email was, indeed, caught in a spam filter, the judge excused the absence. Who thinks "my spam filter ate it" is going to become a much more common excuse for avoiding anything setup via email?
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  1. identicon
    Bill Eccles, 23 Feb 2005 @ 11:01am

    No Subject Given

    Who thinks E-mail is a viable source of dependable (read "receipt guaranteed") communications?

    You're wrong.

    Who thinks that the USPS, First Class Mail, is a viable source of dependable communications?

    You're wrong, too.

    In fact, unless you speak to the person on the phone, or send them a message with return receipt requested, you haven't guaranteed that your message will be received.

    The USAF learned that the hard way a few years back when SecState Ron Brown's plane crashed as a result of an E-mailing of critical information. The net result? Orders that reinforced that the USAF's message system is the only acceptable method of communicating critical information.

    Now, if the lawyer said, "Sure, E-mail me, I read my E-mail," then he's certainly at fault, and not understanding the technology's limitations is his fault, too. Though I'm sure if he's clever enough, he could shift liability to his ISP for not explaining it to him.

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  2. identicon
    Oliver Wendell Jones, 24 Feb 2005 @ 12:06pm

    The important missing question

    What the heck was in that e-mail that made it snaggable by a Spam filter?

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  3. identicon
    patrick currier, 13 Mar 2005 @ 5:11pm

    Re: The important missing question

    I'm adding this page to -- hope that is ok with you... Let Me know if not.

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  4. identicon
    alison kayla bleiweiss, 13 Dec 2005 @ 1:58pm

    if my e mail does not go through

    Hisometimes when i send an e mail to one of my friends who have aol like my friend blair i send ti to her but i get a messege that it failed to go through. so i will try agan now.

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  5. identicon
    ali bleiweiss, 13 Dec 2005 @ 3:42pm

    if no one replys to an email

    Hi i was jusst wondering if you send someone an e mail and they do not put a reply meesege on it and send it bsck what should you do/

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