Is E-Commerce Customer Service Going Downhill?

from the not-just-getting-the-kinks-out dept

It's not just software where people are having support problems these days. One columnist notes (while admitting it's a sample size of one) that he's noticed his customer service experiences with online retailers has been dreadful lately. He claims that back in the 90s he had wonderful experiences, but lately that's not the case at all. What's interesting, of course, is that the early days were when these small firms were supposed to have more trouble delivering the service levels promised. However, it often seems that smaller companies do give better customer service because they really do appreciate the business. It's once companies get larger that they start to treat customers as if they were interfering with more important work.
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  1. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Mar 2005 @ 2:45am

    No Subject Given

    Yea, I bet this moron bought stuff off the lowest priced reseller without any research. People, check the companies out before you buy. You only have yourselves to blame if you get taken or have to deal with really bad service (assuming your somewhat technologically capable). Yes, I don't think people who can't even use google shouldn't be buying online, just like I don't think little old ladies should be shopping in a crime-ridden neighborhood at night. For most of us however, the fact remains if you buy from a trusted company, most times you get pretty good service (A+ newegg & ajump!).

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