TV Adman Says TV Ads Are Killing TV

from the recognizing-you-have-a-problem-is-the-first-step dept

Didn't see this one coming, did you? Steve Rubel points out that the CEO of the Association of National Advertisers, Bob Liodice, has written to his own blog admitting that TV advertising is killing TV. Actually, what he means is that bad advertising is killing TV. For too long, advertisers have failed to realize that captive audience advertising is dying, and any successful advertisement now needs to be interesting or entertaining by itself. Simply being intrusive doesn't do anything -- other than make people go somewhere else. "How many more commercials are we going to jam into the pod? Aren't we inviting consumers to run out of the room or hit the remote every time they get a whiff that a commercial is coming? Haven't we provided enough rationale for the DVR industry?" Meanwhile, more people than ever are clamoring to just watch the ads at the Superbowl. Certainly seems like there's a pretty big disconnect here. Commercials can work, but they have to be viewed as good content in their own right.
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  1. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Mar 2005 @ 4:42am

    Not for me

    Poor over the air content has me watching less and less TV, and if the HD-TV has the 'broadcast flag',I will not be buying any HD gear.

    From where I sit, the status of TV as a vast wasteland is the cause of the makers of TV content.

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  2. identicon
    thecaptain, 2 Mar 2005 @ 4:57am

    No Subject Given

    Poor content is an issue...but its nothing new.

    HOWEVER, having only 40 mins of bad content with 20 mins of commercials EVERY SINGLE HOUR...with the SAME commercial sometimes running back to back is what keeps me from watching.

    I buy DVDs of the shows I commercials, no fuss.

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 2 Mar 2005 @ 9:38am

    Re: No Subject Given

    Worse is when it's a rerun of a program that was originally 50 minutes-- and the cuts become noticable...

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  4. identicon
    Foston, 2 Mar 2005 @ 10:47am

    TV ads

    While some commercials make me laugh and are definitely worth watching over and over, these are so rare that the only real solution is to watch PBS.

    Half the content on TV is so poor that it isnt even worth watching anyway, and the commercials make it unbearable.


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  5. identicon
    Jared, 2 Mar 2005 @ 11:27am

    Re: No Subject Given

    Bingo. I don't even subscribe to cable, but I do keep getting ads in the mail that I need to for some reason or another. Yeah, there's a few shows that I think would be nice to watch every now and then, or a few channels that are sometimes worthwhile. But, mostly it's a waste of money and time, plus I can't make my own "plan" of channels that I would only want w/o a waste of other crap channels. Besides, DVDs work very well, and it's a one time payment for them. Plus books educate more.

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  6. identicon
    Hersh, 2 Mar 2005 @ 5:38pm

    Has anyone seen this site. I think they make all their money by showing Ads. They're all entertaining ads, but ads still.

    - Hersh

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