Movie Studios Actually Considering Simultaneous Release Of Movies

from the shocking dept

Sure, it wasn't a surprise when the head of Blockbuster Video in the UK suggested that movie studios would be better off releasing movies in theaters and on DVD at the same time. Blockbuster would clearly stand to benefit from that arrangement. It wasn't even that surprising to see Steven Soderbergh (with help from Mark Cuban) decide to do exactly that with his latest movie. It's more of an independent effort, and so it's not surprising that they'd try innovative marketing tools. However, to hear the incoming head of Disney say that they're considering the idea is a bit of a surprise. Did you ever expect to hear a mainstream entertainment industry CEO say: "We can't stand in the way and we can't allow tradition to stand in the way of where the consumer can go or wants to go." Of course, the rest of the article is about how the movie theaters are freaking out over such an idea, including quotes from the head of The National Association of Theater Owners claiming that "there would be no viable movie theater industry" if that happened. That, of course, is ridiculous. If the theater owners really believe that their only competitive advantage is the fact that they've got a headstart on DVDs, then they don't belong in business. Some theaters are finally realizing it's all about the experience, and a move to simultaneously release movies might force the megaplexes of the world to realize this as well.
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  1. identicon
    Sean, 29 Aug 2005 @ 2:25am

    Theaters will be OK

    I have buddies who will only go see a new movie in the theaters because they enjoy the big screen, and the popcorn, etc. Keeping that in mind, I think the movie theaters will be ok, although it may take a new strategy -- by the theater owners -- to make it happen.
    - Sean

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  2. identicon
    Treniac, 29 Aug 2005 @ 5:26am

    Re: Theaters will be OK

    hell maybe ticket prices will come down... --- That's the main reason I don't see as many movies in theatres any more.

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  3. identicon
    BG, 29 Aug 2005 @ 6:16am

    I'd like to see...

    I'd like to go to a good movie (usually because it's worth it to see on a much larger screen) and when I come out (or before he movie) I'd like to see some kiosk-type vendors selling current film-related merchandise, including maybe a DVD of the film I just saw. What would also make this nice would be to have the DVD or merchandise discounted slightly because you've just seen the movie as a paid ticket-goer. This would help not only instant advertising with t-shirts for sale but also repeat experiences. The vendors could even be outside franchises or suppliers that pay the theatre for the spot to sell. It would be a natural extension of the popcorn and candy concessions. Haven't they thought of this already?

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  4. identicon
    Mario, 29 Aug 2005 @ 10:24am

    Great idea

    People who use to go to theaters will still go anyway, so they won't lose anything.
    However, I think the industry will generate a lot more of money, because they will open a totally new market.
    There are thousands of people like me. I don't like to go to the theaters and I usually wait for the DVD release for watching movies in my already expensive home theater system.
    I generally go to Blockbuster and rent the movie, but if the movie is worth to buy, I buy it instead of renting it.
    Now, if they release a DVD at the same time as the theaters, and still delay the rentals, I'd rather buy the DVD.
    Who can probably be the loser in this game?. I guess nobody, they'll all win, because the current markets will remain the same (theaters and rentals), and they'll additionally open a new one.

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  5. identicon
    Flatline, 29 Aug 2005 @ 11:54am

    The movie going experience

    I like this idea! I too have a great home entertainment system and I'd rather watch movies at home. Why? Let's review: expensive and terrible popcorn; loud and obnoxious movie-goers who always happen to sit right behind you; no control over the volume - often too soft and at least once too loud; finding parking and coming back to a hot car, and finally - the ability to pause the movie for a potty break.

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  6. identicon
    heinrich dahms, 29 Aug 2005 @ 12:10pm

    Movie Studios Actually Considering Simultaneous Re


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  7. identicon
    miken, 1 Sep 2005 @ 3:47pm

    just one guys opinion

    I love it because there are times when i rent or buy a movie and then wish I had gone to the theater, so if I bought the movie and liked it I would then go to the theater. I dont much care for paying 9 dollars for a ticket or 15 for a combo, but I would if I really liked the movie at home first. This would encourage me to spend MORE at the theater.

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  8. identicon
    Paulo, 4 Jan 2006 @ 8:59am

    Re: just one guys opinion

    I agree. I remember when going to movies was an event. You "prepared" yourself, dinner or not and then movie. And they used to have a little brochure of the movie, with a resume of the story, the tecnical data, anda so on... I collected them, for years. All movies had a coffee break, at least. Now, you have small boxes, non stop sessions, lots of them in a shopping center, among burgers and towsends of people. Theaters lost all glamour. Ok, if its not a delightful experience, and if it costs double of the DVD rental, well... Thats all folks.

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  9. identicon
    Omar Casasola, 27 Jan 2006 @ 12:19am

    simultaneous release

    I think that you were on the right path of truth behind this major propagonda of simultaneous release. Even with the CEO of Disney stating that he believes in simultaneous release I for one am not convinced. No person in their right mind will want to loose money by giving people the opportunity to rent a movie and copy it for friends to have at home. The tremendous loss will completely ruin Hollywood. This is only a marketing experiment for independent films and mediocre movies. So in my opinion independent films plus mediocre films that otherwise wouldn't be in theatres will benefit big time from simultaneous release but Big Budget hits will only hurry the process of releasing to DVD maybe by 4 months but they will never simultaneous release.

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  10. identicon
    ali bleiweiss, 22 Feb 2006 @ 10:55am

    jaws 4

    Hi i just love the movie jaws 4 the revenge

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  11. identicon
    Ray Lanfear, 21 Mar 2007 @ 8:28pm

    Jake's Closet


    Hi Everyone,

    Were the proud parents of our son Lance Lanfear, who is an independent movie producer and has
    just produced "Jake's Closet". Lance is 29 years old and resides in Hollywood, with his wife Martha.

    Our goal is to get 1 million people to be among the first to see the trailer of "Jake's Closet". To be
    among the first visit: put your mouse over the images and click on. Any
    other publicity and/or interview we could obtain for Lance, would greatly be appreciated. If if only to
    simply forward this email on.

    The writer/director is Shelli Ryan and the the producer is our son, Lance. Its a true depiction of the
    unconsicious and insidiousness way parental alienation occurs in families distressed by divorce. The
    movie depicts just how real a child's fears are. With divorce rates approaching over 50% versus 25%
    in the sixties, it should have a massive audience appeal, due to the content.

    Appreciate any help you can give in spreading the word, again to be among the first to view the
    trailer simply visit:

    Thanks for your help in reaching our goal of 1 million viewers for a subject that should have an
    potential audience in the millions.

    Ray and Judy Lanfear
    Proud Parents of Lance

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