This Movie Still Smells Like A Stinker

from the big-in-Japan dept

We've written a lot about what movie theaters need to do to compete these days is improve the theater-going experience, rather than complain about piracy or shrinking release windows. In Japan, two theaters are offering an exclusive new service: smells synchronized to certain scenes of a movie. This idea really isn't new, going back to the 1960s for Smell-o-vision, or the scratch-n-sniff cards that accompanied the "Odorama" version of John Water's 1982 film Polyester, and it's hard to see how the idea's got any more appeal these days. The film in question is the Colin Farrell vehicle The New World, which was released in the US at the end of 2005 and despite an Oscar win, generated an anemic $12.7 million in US box receipts, and moviegoers will be hit with a "floral scent" during a love scene, a mix of peppermint and rosemary during a sad scene and other aromatics. Theaters will also be able to download additional smell-tracks, and NTT Communications, the company behind the service, also sells a home version. Wonder if they complain about rogue smelltrack-sharing sites where pirates download hijacked copies?
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  1. identicon
    GoogleGuy, 12 Apr 2006 @ 2:13pm

    Every time I attend the movies, I'm amazed how we've advanced with digi cartoon movies, action movies with blazing effects, yet we still watch movies from a film projector? I can see dust/hair spots on the screen!! What year are we in!!?!?! WHERES MY DIGITAL MOVIE THEATER AT? Is there one I don't know about?

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  2. identicon
    Mikester, 12 Apr 2006 @ 2:25pm


    Indeed there is. There are quite a number of theaters that have gone digital - maybe you need to stop going to the $3 matinee theater? :)

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 12 Apr 2006 @ 3:07pm

    Even the theaters that use digital still have the dust spots, the reason is that the Movie Industry puts them into the digital finished product so that it provides a "nostalgic" movie going experience. They don't think we can handle having a clean image on the movie screen.

    Just like they think they know what's good for us. The movie industry needs to stop thinking for us and start listening.

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 12 Apr 2006 @ 3:10pm

    you're gettin holed, I can watch rocky horror for a dolla fitty...

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  5. identicon
    Mik3_D, 12 Apr 2006 @ 3:13pm

    This is stupid

    I couldn't care less about what a movie scene "smells like." What I do care about is seeing a GOOD MOVIE without commercials, being overcharged for bad food, and interupted by morons. Thats all they need to provide.

    Its a team effort between theaters and movie makers. They both have to get their act together if they want to succeed.

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  6. identicon
    John W. Bunce, 12 Apr 2006 @ 4:17pm

    Dietary Habits

    More than anything in the whole world, I love eating my own poop.

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  7. identicon
    David Mcleod, 12 Apr 2006 @ 5:44pm

    smellivision sounds cool but please keep it out of the porno's rotten tuna doesnt sound like a plus if you get my drift!!!!!

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  8. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 12 Apr 2006 @ 6:18pm

    Dietary Habits

    I wonder if the scatman knew what he was actually singing about...

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  9. identicon
    J-Man, 12 Apr 2006 @ 6:22pm


    Most of if not all movies smell like stinkers with Hollywood in control

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  10. identicon
    4771cu5, 12 Apr 2006 @ 6:54pm


    I just want to go to a theatre that sells beer and lets me smoke, or at least has some upstairs smoking balcony.

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  11. identicon
    Cheney the Dick, 12 Apr 2006 @ 7:41pm


    I bet The New World smells as shitty as it was to watch! The Oscars never fail in sucking.

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  12. identicon
    Darknet, 12 Apr 2006 @ 11:09pm

    Well I'll be skipping the movies with shit and vomit smells thanks.

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  13. identicon
    Beany, 13 Apr 2006 @ 10:52pm

    3D Smellorama!

    At last! I can fart in a theatre and everyone will think the movie stinks!

    "It must have been the chille!"

    link to this | view in thread ]

  14. identicon
    annie, 5 Mar 2007 @ 4:50pm


    OMG im soooooooo bored

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