Sen. Arlen Specter Demands Investigation of Spying... In The NFL

from the priorities dept

Sometimes, no amount of snark can top the real world. Threat Level notes that "Arlen Specter, the Republican leader of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Wednesday demanded an independent investigation into 'Spygate.'" Not the administration's various warrantless eavesdropping programs, but allegations that the New England Patriots have been secretly recording the signals of opposing teams. Because, of course, Congress has nothing more important to worry about than cheating in football. This is particularly galling when juxtaposed with reports that the administration has unveiled (sort of) a "cyber-security" proposal that includes expanded spying on the Internet. That is something that could use more scrutiny from Congress. Indeed, because the Bush administration has shrouded details of its surveillance programs in secrecy, Congress has a unique role in investigating the proposal and exposing any aspects that could violate civil liberties. And the Ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee would be a big help in those efforts. But unfortunately, the threat of expanded spying in the NFL is such a serious problem that Sen. Specter doesn't seem to have much time to investigate spying programs that affect those of us who don't play football for a living.
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Filed Under: arlen specter, football, nfl, spying, warrantless wiretaps

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  1. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 16 May 2008 @ 5:42pm

    News like this makes me wish I get hit by a bus in the morning, seriously someone put me out of my misery before my unchecked aggresion and rage from the endless onslaught of stupidity takes its hold and I start a new holocaust erradicating anyone with an IQ below 80. I cannot wait for the day when all the disconnected relcis of the days of old wither off and die so people who are concerned with the real issues at hand may replace an age of emotion and feeling with logic and reason.

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  2. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 16 May 2008 @ 5:45pm

    I will sleep better tonight knowing that our fearless leaders are hard at work protecting us from the likes of the New England Patriots.

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  3. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 16 May 2008 @ 6:00pm

    Didn't you know? If you stop the pats from taping from the sideline and move them 10 feet up into the stands (where taping opposing team's signals is perfectly legal) you'll get gas prices down below $4.00/gallon

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  4. identicon
    rick hanson, 16 May 2008 @ 6:21pm

    life in america

    hey sphincter you should more time worrying about this country than the fact that the patriots beat you in a game! you are supposed to be looking out for the best interest of your country not the best interest of our country. thanks for being a typical a hole!!!!!!

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  5. identicon
    Vote the Bum Out, 16 May 2008 @ 6:37pm

    I can't think of a better argument for term limits for ALL elected positions. Two terms and out for all of the bums. Then the 'power' they misuse will go away (after a full cycle) and maybe some people that know what life is like in the real world (where you have to work for a living) is like and the priorities can be shifted back to important work.

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  6. identicon
    Scott, 16 May 2008 @ 7:56pm

    Um....I'm confused...

    Correct me if I am wrong, but there is a war going on...right?

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  7. identicon
    Chuck, 16 May 2008 @ 9:08pm

    Specter another disgruntled fan

    I would assume the Senator much more to worry about. I just see another disgruntled fan of Pittsburgh and Philly trying to get justice for his teams getting beat. New England was fined heavily, tapes destroyed, was not hidden and the Senator keeps pressing on. Even the coach of the St. Louis Rams mentioned they turned the ball over three times in that Super Bowl game at the worst times. It happens it's a game.

    These rules wouldn't be in place if teams of old weren't breaking them to begin with. Just as a reminder we have a war going on here, lives are being lost, money is being spent. Let's focus on running the country.

    If he wants an investigation due to "integrity" lets open the whole can and get rid of every player with drug charges, domestic abuse charges, driving charges etc. I am tired of opening my RSS Reader just to see 20 new feeds on some player in trouble with the law.

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  8. identicon
    Freedom, 16 May 2008 @ 10:22pm

    Sad to be a Republican...

    Need I say more! Oh well, at least I put my money where my mouth is and contributed to Ron Paul.

    Hmmm... Let's see, gas crisis, privacy crisis, federal abuse of basic freedoms that America was built upon, housing crisis, social security crisis, Iraq War, decling value of dollar, and recession... Oh wait, I almost forgot, the great NFL crisis. Damn, sure glad we caught that one in time!

    So let's see if I have this straight. It is bad for Patriots to spy. It is good for the federal government to spy. Guess it is back to my logic class - I must have missed something!


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  9. identicon
    Melvillain, 16 May 2008 @ 10:59pm

    A little early to start the prognosticating for the season

    He must be a Jets fan.

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  10. identicon
    OnePissedOffAmerican, 16 May 2008 @ 11:20pm

    To Hell In A Handbacket


    That's the number of years I have bet with my wife that America has left.

    If I win, we all lose.

    Oh there will still be an America, just not like you see it today. I envision either one of these scenarios...

    A North American Union (like the European Union) of Canada, the US and Mexico ruled by a quasi socialist/communistic type government that eventually will break the backs of the people and turn us into a 3rd world nation


    More likely, a set of independent nations, some extremely leftist, liberal communist states and some ultra conservative states with a few middle of the road states where most of us will migrate to.

    This is the future of this nation when the government spends more time policing baseball and football than adhereing to the tenants of the Constitution and the rule of law. God help us all...

    link to this | view in thread ]

  11. identicon
    bmc, 17 May 2008 @ 4:21am

    I believe Specter is motivated by the fact that Comcast is a major donor to him. Remember, Comcast is upset with the NFL over the NFL Network not being on cable providers.

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  12. identicon
    Dwight, 17 May 2008 @ 5:49am


    A North American Union huh? Maybe we need some Canucks to dilute these red staters.

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  13. identicon
    Nate, 17 May 2008 @ 6:53am

    Great way to spend your elected time and our tax money... freaking idiots! Find something a little more important to devote yourself to.

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  14. identicon
    Eileen, 17 May 2008 @ 8:26am


    RE: throwing yourself under a bus...

    despite my dislike of social darwinism, I am starting to feel the same way. I'm seriously considering the "nuclear option" of just NOT listening or reading ANY news any more. It's obvious that intelligent (and more importantly) rational and educated people are a minority, and we can't win. I just want to unplug and enjoy the rest of my life without the morning rage I feel every day.

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  15. identicon
    Anonymous, 17 May 2008 @ 10:34am

    As far as I can tell from the article, it wasn't endorsed by Congress itself. If this is the case, perhaps you should stop trying to pull one over by insinuating that it is. Just because an elected official wants the NFL to do something about it doesn't mean that Congress does.

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  16. identicon
    A. L. Flanagan, 17 May 2008 @ 10:36am


    The Republicans can't investigate anything the President does. Whay? Because they're afraid if they move a rock they'll uncover something even more shocking. They're already scared to death (with good reason) about this November. Another big (bigger?) scandal would put even more of them out on the streets.

    Wait until President Obama authorizes the war crimes investigations.

    /At least maybe the unemployed Repubs will have more aid to the poor after the Dems take over.
    //But they'll all get hired by the oil companies/banks anyway.

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  17. identicon
    Bill Castello, 17 May 2008 @ 3:05pm

    Re: To Hell In A Handbacket

    "To Hell In A Handbacket" (sp) uses a stand of Arlen Specter's to rant against the left??? Does he not understand that Specter is a right-winger?

    Does fact and logic mean nothing to the far right anymore? Aren't you guys getting tired of trying to scare us by saying the Dems are socialists? After eight years of Bush, anything will be better, but neither Clinton nor Obama are socialists, even if they want national heatlth care. Free enterprise and profit motivation is super-great for most business, but not for police; fire fighters and medical workers.

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  18. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 17 May 2008 @ 3:51pm

    Re: Um....I'm confused...

    Well technically you are wrong, there is not a congressional sanctioned war going on, we simply invaded another country and have been occupying it ever since.

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  19. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 17 May 2008 @ 3:56pm

    Re: hmmm........

    Might I introduce you to NAFTA, the AMERO, and VeriChip. The American Union already exists behind the curtains, now its just a matter of waiting before the powers that be clue the rest of the world into it.

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  20. identicon
    Overcast, 17 May 2008 @ 6:31pm

    Yep #19 - true enough.

    They wanna control each little part of everything. Including us.

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  21. identicon
    Norm, 17 May 2008 @ 6:34pm


    Perfectly said

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  22. identicon
    OnePissedOffAmerican, 17 May 2008 @ 7:57pm

    Re: Re: To Hell In A Handbacket

    He's a republican, not a right-winger....There is a difference.

    It seems that in the last 10 years or so, the republican AND democrat parties have been hijacked by ultra left wing agendas. This is the reason why we the people have NO representation in our own government anymore. The republicans of the regan era were conservatives. The democrats of the 50's, 60's and 70's were even moderate conservatives and had America's best interest at heart to some degree. This is no longer the case for any party or any section of the Government. You and I, the people are left twisting in the wind bracing for the next moronic congressional, presidential or judicial move that serves nothing but to increase governmental control over our lives. You can make fun of my views if you want, but while you do, please understand that its pointless since I'm not your enemy. You are not mine, we are all in the crosshairs of BIG BROTHER and it is the never ending chipping away of common sense by congressmen and women on both sides of the aisle, the never ending shift to oligarchy by out of control judges, the never ending slide to oblivion by presidents who slowly gain more and more power with each new term that will eventually kill us all...not literally of course.... I hope.

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  23. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 18 May 2008 @ 3:37am

    Just wait. In about 2 months you'll have the NFL suing the US Government for copyright infringement when they include team names in the court papers.

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  24. identicon
    Chuck, 18 May 2008 @ 6:54am

    War. Gas prices. Food prices. Global warming. Unemployment. Housing crisis. Imploding economy. Border security. Illegal immigration.

    And this moron wants to spend his time worrying about football. It's time for him, and most of the rest of them, to get voted out of office for total incompetence.

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  25. identicon
    Xalorous, 18 May 2008 @ 9:05am

    waste and abuse

    1. No fraud but waste and abuse certainly apply here.
    2. Last time I checked, football, and the other professional sporting leagues, are private businesses, unregulated by the federal gov't. Gov't has no business messing about with private businesses.
    3. I remember hearing about congress looking at this when it happened back during the past season. I thought it was a waste of time and taxpayer's money then. I haven't changed my mind.
    4. I agree with term limits. These people are out of touch with the real world. Maybe rotating people in more often will allow them to serve without losing touch with real people.

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  26. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 18 May 2008 @ 9:44am


    thank god they are going to clean up this spygate NFL cheating, lying thingy...i've been having problems sleeping cause of this...

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  27. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 18 May 2008 @ 2:54pm

    Re: Um....I'm confused...

    Ah scott, of course there's a war going on, but War Is Peace after all! Nothing to worry about, and if there is any domestic spying going on, our government would protect us, until then our Ignorance Is Bliss. And just because we fear what we say because of who may be listening doesn't mean we don't have freedom of speech. After, true Freedom Is Slavery.

    Silly proletariats.

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  28. identicon
    known coward, 19 May 2008 @ 8:18am

    You want congress working on real issues???

    Have you seen the job congress has done on War, peace, the enviorment, crime. housing, health care????

    Let em spend all their time investigating the NFL.

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  29. identicon
    Reg, 19 May 2008 @ 10:40am

    Better than their mothers

    The problem seems to be is that people like this have found a better home in Congress then they had at home with their real mothers and they become really helpless to realize common sense and have no one to help with good advise.

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  30. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 21 May 2008 @ 11:43pm

    Re: Re: Re: To Hell In A Handbacket

    Funny Big Brother seems to be a 'publican thing. Democrats seem to be firmly against it, and they claim to be liberal

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