Techdirt Moves On Up To The 64th Floor: Some Changes Around Here

from the pardon-our-dust dept

We've got a bunch of announcements today (and a few more coming up as well), but I wanted to start off with the big one: Techdirt, the company, is becoming Floor64, the company -- while Techdirt, the blog, will remain Techdirt. The blog began back in 1997 as a fun side project by me. Over the years it grew into much more, and in 2000 it became a business, also called Techdirt. In 2006, we launched the Techdirt Insight Community as our main line of business and the natural evolution of what we'd been doing as a company. However, there was growing confusion over the Techdirt brand, as people weren't clear whether it meant the blog, the company or the community -- so we felt it was time to clarify. Specifically, there are now three brands related to this site:
  • Floor64 becomes our new parent brand. That's the brand under which all of our products will now reside. It's a brand we've used for years internally (though some have noticed), and now it represents our overall outward brand.

  • Insight Community is one of Floor64's two main offerings. This rebranding of the Techdirt Insight Community will allow us to expand beyond the community we've built around Techdirt, to cover much more than just technology and business. The Insight Community is totally redesigned to reflect where the business has been headed over the past few months. If you're already a member, go check out the totally redesigned system. If you're not yet a member, go sign up and start participating (and earning money). If you're interested in sponsoring a case there, go check out how it works and learn about the value of sponsoring a case and engaging with the community.

    The Insight Community is all about generating insights for companies, recognizing, as we often talk about here on Techdirt, that there's value in the creation of insightful content. The Insight Community is a platform that makes it possible for companies to generate insightful expertise on demand for use in a variety of different ways.

  • Techdirt is our other main offering, and is now solely focused on the blog itself. This should help us avoid some confusion over our different properties and the services that we, as Floor64, offer. Techdirt will remain the same great blog it's been all along, but we'll have some cool new features which we'll be posting about shortly as well. As always, Techdirt, the blog will be focused on providing timely and insightful analysis of technology and business news, with a focus on how technology relates to innovation, public policy and economics.
We've been hard at work on this effort, and there's a lot more to come -- some of which we'll announce today, and much more will be coming in the near future. All of our efforts are, of course, made possible by the great, vibrant, often brilliant and always opinionated community that was built up through this site. So, we're excited to open this new chapter of the business and the site, as we look forward to doing plenty more in the future to continue to give back to this community.
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–The Techdirt Team

Filed Under: floor64, insight community, techdirt
Companies: floor64, techdirt

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  1. identicon
    Adam Singer, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:09am

    Congrats, Mike!

    Huge news - hope everything goes well, I wish you all the best.


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  2. identicon
    some old guy, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:26am


    congrats, and might I inquire.. where did "Floor64" come from? To me, it sounds a tad like a very old console game. Not to imply that as a bad thing, mind you.

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  3. identicon
    ulle, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:28am

    I just happened to see this earlier and then came here and saw the news, talk about timing.

    Who is

    These guys show up as one of my largest referrers... yet there is no web site, and no mention of anyone leveraging their feeds, etc.

    If you know who they are (or if you're part of their team), please leave a comment or drop me a note. You've definitely piqued my curiosity.

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  4. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:29am

    This may be big, but when are you going to start selling T-shirts?

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  5. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:39am

    Onward and upward!

    Congratulations, Mike.

    You've had the CEO role of TechDirt piece as your own for quite some time. But, has it been ironed out what your role will be in the new entity? Will you be active in the day-to-day activities of Floor64 or will you be devoting most of your time to The Public Blog?

    Keep up the good work!

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  6. identicon
    NeoConBushSupporter, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:47am

    A little confused now?

    So was it Techdirt or Floor64 that endorsed the McCain-Palin ticket yesterday?

    VOTE McCain 2008 - He won’t "redistribute" the wealth . . . thats a promise!

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  7. identicon
    Relonar, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:47am

    High Five! and on to another great decade! keep up the great work.

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  8. identicon
    Mark Evans, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:47am


    So, what's the inspiration for Floor64? Cool name, by the way.


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  9. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:50am

    What if my building only has 3 floors? or 21? just wondering.

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  10. identicon
    Keith Jolie, 15 Oct 2008 @ 10:51am

    Good move

    Great idea - it will help you remove your corporate entity from my troglodyte opinions. cheers

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  11. identicon
    Pete Valle, 15 Oct 2008 @ 1:26pm


    Congrats! As a loyal Techdirt reader for years now, I think this is a great idea.

    Cheers and good luck with the incoming projects!

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  12. identicon
    mike allen, 15 Oct 2008 @ 2:34pm


    great idea keep it up

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  13. identicon
    Dan Kantor, 15 Oct 2008 @ 4:08pm


    Great stuff Mike! Been loving Techdirt for 10 years now. I'm very happy to see things moving for you guys.

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  14. identicon
    nasch, 16 Oct 2008 @ 8:02am

    Just thought of something

    Mike always says when patent issues come up that the idea is the easy part. Isn't the Insight Community based on coming up with ideas? Or is there more to it than that?

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  15. identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 16 Oct 2008 @ 8:19am


    Whenever Mike does sell t-shirts, it will be llooooooooooottsssss of them.

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  16. identicon
    jerome, 12 Mar 2009 @ 12:43pm


    hebben jullie ook vloeren te koop voor klanten in holland,


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  17. identicon
    jacky, 8 Nov 2009 @ 10:27pm


    i like it.

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