"So, now the questions is if the White House will actually listen to the cybersecurity experts at NIST "
Uh, you remember how NIST is the group that has been compromised by the NSA on a multitude of levels?
I wouldn't rely on NIST any more than I'd suggest relying on what NIST represents, such as FIPS - which happens to be mandated on every machine and is basically an imaginary wishlist of "your machines/processes are secure!"
Aha, indeed. Just like how they "can't" label you a suspect for witnessing a crime.
I think the answer is obvious: don't tell the feds anything unless you have evidence yourself and deal with it privately. Which is sad, because that supports Churches in this case taking precedence in making legal decisions.
You're not missing anything by skipping broadcast tv or cable TV.
That's what's called "an improvement in quality", not the opposite. What with speeding up of tv shows to cram more ads and other similarly obtuse behaviors.
I agree, when I read "think tank", the first thought is "overpaid/willfully ignorant group of politically minded individuals". Blame the bad ones for that.
I could make a sexually-focused epithet but it's just as entertaining to know that any political figure is basically willing to show that they don't even deserve the ground they stand on, as long as you shower them with money.
Use a whitelist. Block any mail services that are not approved, and do that on devices as well.
It's not that hard in 2014, and makes it even more obvious when people are skirting the laws and best practices.
Hell, it's not even about skirting laws and is more about just how likely these people are to be targeted and get viruses/information compromised, etc. You'd think these people would be vaguely more interested in their own safety and self-preservation.
Maybe Cisco's China part of the organization can sue the US in some twisted form of corporate sovereignty? Then our circle of TAFTA/TTIP/stupidity can be complete!
This is about something more simple: Stingrays. Stingrays notably force cellphones back to 2G, which means they're using the compromised Gemalto information, among others.
So it's not that Gemalto is only open to the NSA (They probably have no idea) but that their vulnerability is what is exploited in stingrays.
Yeah, I have to say as soon as I read "terrorists" I read "we're using bullshit to get what we want", because that's what I read any time I hear responses about terrorism when we're talking about both international AND domestic spying.
Nobody said it does. Crazy simply begets more crazy, especially when you are a situation where you can only see things from a specific viewpoint - everything else then is simply reaffirming your views.
Therefore, there is only one directions thing can go.
Of course 25mb/s is an understatement. 25mb/s upload *and* download works for *one person* and all of that person's devices, assuming they have no more than a few.
If you live anywhere with more than one person (say, in a relationship or a family) - 25mb/s is somewhere between unusable and a joke.
Living with my wife and us both being very connected I find even 100mb/s barely adequate and 10mb/s upstream to be an insult.
Latency (if not the kind from pure distance issues) is caused by poor bandwidth management which is caused by poor network management.
It all comes back full circle.
If you want to really not see latency peaks even if your speed is more than fast enough to handle the connection, get a VPN so they can't throttle your traffic. HostVPN is my suggestion.
On the post: White House Floats Idea Of Crypto Backdoor... If The Key Is Broken Into Multiple Pieces
"So, now the questions is if the White House will actually listen to the cybersecurity experts at NIST "
I wouldn't rely on NIST any more than I'd suggest relying on what NIST represents, such as FIPS - which happens to be mandated on every machine and is basically an imaginary wishlist of "your machines/processes are secure!"
On the post: Barrett Brown Loses Email Access For A Year After Using Email To Complain About Prison
Longer than the year, I presume.
On the post: What Do You Do When Preserving Evidence Is Labeled 'Possession' And Destroying It Is A Felony?
Re: Re: Re: Re:
I think the answer is obvious: don't tell the feds anything unless you have evidence yourself and deal with it privately. Which is sad, because that supports Churches in this case taking precedence in making legal decisions.
On the post: When Analyzing Cord Cutting Options, Most TV Analysts Continue To Pretend Piracy Simply Doesn't Exist
Re: What's missing
That's what's called "an improvement in quality", not the opposite. What with speeding up of tv shows to cram more ads and other similarly obtuse behaviors.
On the post: To Abundance: The Cause Of, And Solution To, All Of Life's Problems
Re: Any thoughts on preventing being co-opted
On the post: AT&T's Cozy NSA Ties Brought Up In Attempt To Scuttle DirecTV Merger
This now explains sling
I now see why this has ramped up so fast after the Aereo lawsuit.
On the post: Blackburn Bill Attempts To Gut New Net Neutrality Rules. You Know, For Freedom.
On the post: There Is No Way That Hillary Clinton Didn't Know She Was Supposed To Use A Government Email Account
There are easier and obvious solutions
It's not that hard in 2014, and makes it even more obvious when people are skirting the laws and best practices.
Hell, it's not even about skirting laws and is more about just how likely these people are to be targeted and get viruses/information compromised, etc. You'd think these people would be vaguely more interested in their own safety and self-preservation.
On the post: In Unsealed Document, FBI Admits Stingray Devices Will Disrupt Phone Service
Re: Re: Re: Re: I wonder...
On the post: In Unsealed Document, FBI Admits Stingray Devices Will Disrupt Phone Service
On the post: In Unsealed Document, FBI Admits Stingray Devices Will Disrupt Phone Service
Which is why Gemalto's hack is such a big deal. It's what Stingray uses to operate, as I even noted myself.
https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150225/07101530138/gemalto-ok-yes-we-were-hacked-yes-some -sim-cards-may-be-compromised-not-because-us.shtml#c133
On the post: In Wake Of NSA Leaks, China Drops Major US Tech Companies From Its Approved Supplier List
On the post: Gemalto: Ok, Yes, We Were Hacked, And Yes Some SIM Cards May Be Compromised, But Not Because Of Us
So, this isn't just about NSA or Gemalto
So it's not that Gemalto is only open to the NSA (They probably have no idea) but that their vulnerability is what is exploited in stingrays.
http://www.computerworld.com/ar ticle/2600348/mobile-security/are-your-calls-being-intercepted-17-fake-cell-towers-discovered-in-one -month.html
On the post: FedEx Refuses To Ship Perfectly Legal Milling Machine (Which Can Also Craft Gun Parts), Can't Provide A Coherent Reason Why
Re: Re: Re: FedEx has a point.
On the post: President Obama: I'm A Big Believer In Strong Encryption... But...
On the post: Turns Out New Senate Intelligence Boss Was Simply Full Of It In Claiming Feinstein Couldn't Distribute The CIA Torture Report
The humor is that we'll have nobody to thank but Burr for that happening.
On the post: Former CIA & NSA Boss: September 11th Gave Me Permission To Reinterpret The 4th Amendment
Re: Re:
Therefore, there is only one directions thing can go.
On the post: You Don't Own What You Bought: Drone Maker Updates Firmware On All Drones To Stop Any Flights In DC
Re: Re:
On the post: Cable Industry Fights New 25 Mbps Broadband Definition Because The Need For Those Speeds Is 'Hypothetical'
Re: Re:
If you live anywhere with more than one person (say, in a relationship or a family) - 25mb/s is somewhere between unusable and a joke.
Living with my wife and us both being very connected I find even 100mb/s barely adequate and 10mb/s upstream to be an insult.
On the post: Cable Industry Fights New 25 Mbps Broadband Definition Because The Need For Those Speeds Is 'Hypothetical'
It all comes back full circle.
If you want to really not see latency peaks even if your speed is more than fast enough to handle the connection, get a VPN so they can't throttle your traffic. HostVPN is my suggestion.
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