I don't understand how it can be legal to spam out threatening legal letters to people with the intention of scaring them into paying you, especially when so many of these lawsuits used to intimidate are so baseless.
Is this the next form of successful Spam? The messages are propogated massively, meant to mislead, and the justification used to send them to people ("Your IP came up in our system!") is frail at best.
On the post: Blockbuster Using Its Deal With Warner Bros. To Mock Redbox And Netflix
Blame BB
The poster seems to be saying to me "We bought the monopoly on these rentals, so suck it!"
On the post: Hollywood Threatens To Stop Selling DVDs In Spain In A Push To Increase Unauthorized File Sharing?
Dishonest Manipulation
This is about scaring people into protecting their business model for them. That's all.
On the post: Uwe Boll's Mass Automated Copyright Lawsuits Registered The Copyright Too Late
Is this mass FUD our new spam 2.0?
Is this the next form of successful Spam? The messages are propogated massively, meant to mislead, and the justification used to send them to people ("Your IP came up in our system!") is frail at best.
On the post: Can You Still Say DRM Is Effective When It Creates Security Vulnerabilities, Performance Degradation, Incompatibilities, System Instability And 'Other Issues'? [Update]
But It DOES Work
On the post: NY Times Execs Think People Will Pay $20 To $30 Per Month For The iPad Edition Of The NY Times
Execs Aren't in the Target Demo
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