No, that was the point of the post, at the place I worked, we just forwarded the resumes on.
As for the personal attack, I will ignore it since only malicious stupid frickin morons would think their personal attack is justified for showing color in a post.
I worked for a headhunter and I have to say there is good money in it. Some companies will only deal with recruiters, in case some did not know that. Most company HR and hiring departments are the same and HR's are usually to busy with dealing with present employees they do not have time for interviews. I can state, we never made any resumes. We received resumes, did a preliminary phone interview, and passed them on to the company, if they were interested, then did a follow up either setting up another interview or sending a new resume. If there was a typo, I bet it was the job applicants, not the recruiters, though I have known one or two recruiters who redo resumes for a certain format, since they want all their resumes to be seen as theirs immediately. This woman should go elsewhere to find a job, not sue, become news and then not be able to be hired because she is known nationwide =P How frickin stupid can you get.
The problem there of course, J.R., is the people have to care enough to get involved and do something. We Americans have gotten lazy and fat. We rest on our moral standards and see them continuously erode. We see the government outright cheat people, lie, steal, rape, and plunder and what do we do about it? We say "That's a shame." and we might blog about it, talk about it on a few posts, etc. but we never really DO anything about it. When was the last time anyone reading this did anything about something they thought the government was doing was unjust??
If the Chinease really wanted to hurt the US all they would have to do is stop shipping the goods they make for US companies. Our electronics industry costs would sky-rocket forcing lay-offs. The US would be forced to supply all the unemployed with unemployment checks and the economy would stagger.
Fair competition is something else again though and either way it goes, it will be the users who end up on the screwed side paying more than it is worth, o wait, we already are. Now they are gonna screw small biz as well.
Well at least the MPAA is not suing dead people anymore.
It would depend on how the music is played right? If it is a public radio station they are listening to then they have no case since it is aired in public yeah? If the dancers bought the music they have a license as well you would think. Though they would probably say it is broadcasting, hence they need to license it.
Here we go with the blame the parent thing again. I am sorry but it is no more feasible for me to police my 16 year old every second of the day than it is for anyone to learn the entire Klingon language in a single afternoon. Yes I talk to my kids about their interests, games, movies, etc. I police their lives, make sure they eat, go to school, don't make bombs or kill people. You want more than that, learn the entire Klingon language in a single afternoon and we will talk.
Intros, Popups, music and video on any website should not be allowed on the home page unless it does not auto start. Nothing can turn someone off a site faster than a falsh intro or a midid tune playing in the background or a glaring rock video that starts before or during page loading. Instant close button on the first sound.
No way in hell am i gonna add Skype to my listings. I get some of the stupidest questions now, I can imagine trying to actually talk to these people. I sell on Ebay so I do not have to talk to the public. Email is good for hiding that fact I think the question is stupid, live I wold not be able to keep my mouth shut, I would have to ask someone if they were a total moron or just part....
Well, kind of. You can program a tour, kinda like a slide show and it will fly you from one destination to the next. Thought there is no controls to work while it is during the flight and you never enter an airplane...
You are absolutely right, it could have been much worse. Thing is, with broadband just now starting to become mainstream there was not was to deliver the interactive type ads. Now that broadband is getting widespread we should end up seeing new ad types and such. The other main reason ads are billboards is because it is a tried and proven method. Works on highways, in magazines, on TV, etc. So why try something new that would take research, money, and time when you can just put up a billboard on your site and start making money?
I would say the one who comes up with the next great advertising scheme will be the one who wins the spam wars problem.
Well Google will have to pull a rabbit out their butt for this one I think. It will take more than a few restrictions to get all of it cleaned up, may even take a complete redesign on the back-end of the program. Could be very time consuming but if Google does it first, clean up the spam sites, I think it would put Google over the top in users minds and cement them on top for another few years.
Well, once again our super intelligent government is doing it's normal don't let the right hand know how bad the left hand screwed up. Gotta love the VA, until now we only thought it was ran by a bunch of brainiacs, no we know for sure....
Well I guess I will quit Ebay. I can't stand Yahoo for some reason. I have tried many times in the past to use Yahoo and i just can't do it. Their advertising services suck, in my opinion. I had to use them for a previous company I worked for. So, if things work out where I have to actually use Yahoo at any point during my time trying to buy or sell something on Ebay I will probably move on to or something.
Heh, lots of opinionated readers, looks like we could see a flame war today, gotta love it ;) I am surprised bad parenting or video games were not blamed for this, blame the kids who did it. I just gotta say, I am an admin/owner of a mud, which is a MMORPG of sorts, just a text based multi-user game. We have players who do nothing but find and exploit bugs. We find and banish the exploiters. I have had my server taken down by DOS attacks, been threatened with real life violence, and even been threatened with this kind of thing. Know what? In the end I am still there and they are gone, the mud is up and running and nothing has really changed. My point, I guess, is these kind of people always get caught or go away quietly when someone calls em on their threats and in the end, with a bit of time, all the damage they might do can be fixed. The media blows things way out proportion, including bloggers who circulate rumor. People just need to take a bit of responsibility for their actions. Me first.
This is an example of how bad journalism can cause mass hysteria. I am afeared of WiFi. Though I have been on WiFi well since wireless first became available, I am a lazy SOB and refused to run cat5, so I just waited till the price on wireless dropped enough, then bought into it =P Just means my network had to wait a few years to reach it's full potential. No Problemo.
On the post: No, You're Supposed To Take Spelling Errors Out Of Resumes
RE: John G.
On the post: No, You're Supposed To Take Spelling Errors Out Of Resumes
On the post: No, You're Supposed To Take Spelling Errors Out Of Resumes
RE: Re: Headhunters by Spel Chekerer
As for the personal attack, I will ignore it since only malicious stupid frickin morons would think their personal attack is justified for showing color in a post.
On the post: No, You're Supposed To Take Spelling Errors Out Of Resumes
On the post: No, You're Supposed To Take Spelling Errors Out Of Resumes
On the post: Netherlands Is The Latest To Outlaw Search Engines
Re: J.R.
On the post: China's New Anti-Cheating Strategy: Cheating May Kill You!
Oi, embargo...
On the post: GoDaddy Sued For Violating Patent On Auto Configuration Of New Servers
Once again it blows.
On the post: Rational Thoughts On Network Neutrality
On the post: The RIAA Says No Dancing To Music On YouTube
It would depend on how the music is played right? If it is a public radio station they are listening to then they have no case since it is aired in public yeah? If the dancers bought the music they have a license as well you would think. Though they would probably say it is broadcasting, hence they need to license it.
On the post: Politicians, Yet Again, Think The Constitution Doesn't Apply To Video Games
parent parents parents
On the post: Yes, Everyone Clicks To Skip The Flash Intro On Your Annoying Website
On the post: eBay's Latest Skype Plans No More Convincing
On the post: Judge Lets Google Earth Fly On
Google Earth Flight Simulator...
On the post: Is Adsense Killing Google?
RE: Pope Ratzo
You are absolutely right, it could have been much worse. Thing is, with broadband just now starting to become mainstream there was not was to deliver the interactive type ads. Now that broadband is getting widespread we should end up seeing new ad types and such. The other main reason ads are billboards is because it is a tried and proven method. Works on highways, in magazines, on TV, etc. So why try something new that would take research, money, and time when you can just put up a billboard on your site and start making money?
I would say the one who comes up with the next great advertising scheme will be the one who wins the spam wars problem.
On the post: Is Adsense Killing Google?
RE: AdSense and AdSense Spam
On the post: VA Reminds Thief How Valuable Stolen Data Is
On the post: Ebay, Yahoo Shuffle Ads Around In Bid To Beat Google
On the post: MySpace... The Social Network For Extortion Scammers
News reports get exaggerated
On the post: Blame The WiFi Even When It Has Nothing To Do With The Crime
Bad Journalism
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