Exactly. Remove the internet and what do you have?
A guy goes out to his car and finds a dvd under his windshield wiper. He watches it with a few of his friends, it's some kids throwing a box at another kid. His friends express disgust. He shows the cops, the cops...
..charge him for finding it on his car?
Meh, maybe that analogy doesn't work quite well (I shouldn't have used a car!), but anyone with any amount of (un)common sense can tell that Google is not to blame here.
They offer the embedded video options to their END USERS as a courtesy
..and who are these mysterious "end users"? Someone who is allowed to embed but doesn't? Someone without a web page? It seems to me that if they don't want people embedding videos, they shouldn't allow it. If they allow it, they shouldn't complain because someone does.
there is no reason on earth for them to support some other companies business model
Yes, there is. Every pair of eyes that watches those videos also watches the ads. That's how they make money at Hulu. If someone can get 10,000 more people to watch the videos because they allow those users to tweet what they are watching, that's 10,000 more people watching ads. It's a win-win. No one is losing money here. If Hulu was smart, they'd quickly integrate this quite obvious (yet somehow left out??) feature into their page, and presto, there's no reason to visit the other site anymore.
Not that I disagree with you, Kyle, but if a musician writes one song popular song, you can bet he'll start considering himself a "professional" musician regardless if he never writes a popular song again in his lifetime.
Then again, to counter my own argument, he'll get paid for that one song for the rest of his life.
At any rate, you can drop the "semi" and I won't mind. :)
I'm sorry Chris, but playing the starving artist card doesn't work. You are trying to confuse the issue. You claim you work "9 to 5" at being a musician-- but you still expect to be paid even when you're *not* working. Just because I ignore your music while drinking a glass of scotch at my favorite bar doesn't mean the bar owner should pay you. If I play a song on a jukebox, you don't get a phone call to wake up and perform it for me, do you? There are many fields that require expensive college degrees but that doesn't entitle all of us to get paid for each USE of our work, does it? No, just for musicians? Why? What makes you different?
I applaud your dedication to doing what you love, but that doesn't give you the "right" to get paid for doing nothing.
How do *I* know which artists fall under these organizations? Do they have a Master List? Do **they** even know? (It sounds like they don't.)
A comprehensive list of the music that cannot be played unless protection money is paid would be quite useful business owners. In fact, if someone were to make and maintain a list of "safe" artists they could probably get owners to pay a (much smaller) yearly fee. Like Anti-virus software for music. :)
Well, I can counter your made up numbers with some of my own. If the pirate bay points to 100,000 torrents for illegal downloads and takes zero of them down, but Google points to 1,000,000 illegal torrents and takes 50% of them down, who is doing more "harm"?
I think you've trolled the wrong post. This post isn't about file sharing, it's about collection agencies. You want this one. I know, wicked embarassing, right? We all make mistakes though, so don't let it get you down.
So basically any private party can accuse another private party of something and have the accused's property taken by force and turned over to the accuser without the need of any criminal act?
Any *wealthy and well connected* private party can, yes. If you tried it on them, I suspect it wouldn't work out so well.
Google has set themselves up to be in a world of hurt if public opinion turns against them at all, as they are entirely dependant on people being nice to them.(sic)
I don't know about you, but this is *exactly* where I want all corporations to be. When they have a government grated monopoly to keep them in business regardless of public opinion, that's when things go to shit.
Now, I may be wrong, but I think you're confused because Verizon's network is all 3G, and only part of AT&T's is. So, Verizon's 3G map and it's coverage map is the same, and AT&T's isn't.
Furthermore, the non-colored-in parts of Verizon's map would actually indicate no service, whereas AT&T's only indicates no 3G coverage. (I think they claim 98% coverage in the US, or something like that.)
Personally, as a iPhone/AT&T user, I'd much rather AT&T focus their money less on lawsuits and more on upgrading their shitty (as shown accurately in the Verizon ad) 3G coverage.
Not that it matters much, if Verizon doesn't mess up the Droid, I'll be switching soon anyway.
banned the girls from extracurricular activities for a while
Seems to me they already have an extracurricular activity. :)
In the photos, the girls wore lingerie and pretended to lick a penis-shaped lollipop.
The true criminal is people who sell penis-shaped candies to children knowing full well those children are going to pretend to lick them. I'd be way more concerned if they actually licked said candy instead of just pretending. :P
On the post: Italian Prosecutors Assume Google Execs Read All YouTube Comments; Demands Jailtime Over Video
A guy goes out to his car and finds a dvd under his windshield wiper. He watches it with a few of his friends, it's some kids throwing a box at another kid. His friends express disgust. He shows the cops, the cops...
..charge him for finding it on his car?
Meh, maybe that analogy doesn't work quite well (I shouldn't have used a car!), but anyone with any amount of (un)common sense can tell that Google is not to blame here.
On the post: Hulu Telling Sites To Stop Embedding So Much
Re: Not one mention of the costs to Hulu
..and who are these mysterious "end users"? Someone who is allowed to embed but doesn't? Someone without a web page? It seems to me that if they don't want people embedding videos, they shouldn't allow it. If they allow it, they shouldn't complain because someone does.
there is no reason on earth for them to support some other companies business model
Yes, there is. Every pair of eyes that watches those videos also watches the ads. That's how they make money at Hulu. If someone can get 10,000 more people to watch the videos because they allow those users to tweet what they are watching, that's 10,000 more people watching ads. It's a win-win. No one is losing money here. If Hulu was smart, they'd quickly integrate this quite obvious (yet somehow left out??) feature into their page, and presto, there's no reason to visit the other site anymore.
On the post: The Lobbyists' Ability To Control The Message
Re: Re: Re: Do us a favor
On the post: Once Again, Walmart Stops People From Printing Family Photos Due To Copyright Law Claims
Then again, to counter my own argument, he'll get paid for that one song for the rest of his life.
At any rate, you can drop the "semi" and I won't mind. :)
On the post: Once Again, Walmart Stops People From Printing Family Photos Due To Copyright Law Claims
On the post: Once Again, Walmart Stops People From Printing Family Photos Due To Copyright Law Claims
On the post: Essayist Writes Popular Essay... Then Sends 'Non-Negotiable' Invoice To Church Who Posts It Online
On the post: ASCAP, BMI And SESAC Continue To Screw Over Most Songwriters: 'Write A Hit Song If You Want Money'
Re: You guys scare me.
I applaud your dedication to doing what you love, but that doesn't give you the "right" to get paid for doing nothing.
On the post: ASCAP, BMI And SESAC Continue To Screw Over Most Songwriters: 'Write A Hit Song If You Want Money'
List there a list?
A comprehensive list of the music that cannot be played unless protection money is paid would be quite useful business owners. In fact, if someone were to make and maintain a list of "safe" artists they could probably get owners to pay a (much smaller) yearly fee. Like Anti-virus software for music. :)
On the post: Video Game Developers Say That Piracy Really Isn't A Big Threat To Business
Re: Software history is often forgotten
Ah, how innocent we were back then. :P
On the post: Would Google Be Liable Under The Pirate Bay Ruling?
Re: Re:
Fun, isn't it?
On the post: Massively Increasing Music Licensing Fees For Clubs Down Under Massively Backfires
I think you've trolled the wrong post. This post isn't about file sharing, it's about collection agencies. You want this one. I know, wicked embarassing, right? We all make mistakes though, so don't let it get you down.
Have a great weekend!
On the post: Massively Increasing Music Licensing Fees For Clubs Down Under Massively Backfires
Re: Re: Wow
Why is common sense always a liquid? Can it be concentrated? Or better yet, carbonated.
Just wondering.
On the post: Police Allowed To Hang Onto Seized Computers For Anti-Piracy Group, Despite No Gov't Prosecution
Any *wealthy and well connected* private party can, yes. If you tried it on them, I suspect it wouldn't work out so well.
On the post: Google Doesn't Rely On Intellectual Property For Its Leadership Position
Re: Re: Re:
I don't know about you, but this is *exactly* where I want all corporations to be. When they have a government grated monopoly to keep them in business regardless of public opinion, that's when things go to shit.
On the post: Retailers Still Want New Laws Blaming eBay For Shoplifting; Law Enforcement Isn't So Sure
My Bad.
I'm a victim, I couldn't help it!
On the post: Australian Radio Program On 'Piracy' What 60 Minutes Should Have Done
Re: Re:
It's a fantastic mix of greed and ignorance.
On the post: AT&T Sues Verizon Over 'There's A Map For That' Ad Campaign
Re: Re: Re:
Furthermore, the non-colored-in parts of Verizon's map would actually indicate no service, whereas AT&T's only indicates no 3G coverage. (I think they claim 98% coverage in the US, or something like that.)
Personally, as a iPhone/AT&T user, I'd much rather AT&T focus their money less on lawsuits and more on upgrading their shitty (as shown accurately in the Verizon ad) 3G coverage.
Not that it matters much, if Verizon doesn't mess up the Droid, I'll be switching soon anyway.
On the post: MPAA Tells The FCC: If We Don't Stop Piracy, The Internet Will Die
On the post: Teens Sue School After Being Disciplined For MySpace Photos
Smooth move.
Seems to me they already have an extracurricular activity. :)
In the photos, the girls wore lingerie and pretended to lick a penis-shaped lollipop.
The true criminal is people who sell penis-shaped candies to children knowing full well those children are going to pretend to lick them. I'd be way more concerned if they actually licked said candy instead of just pretending. :P
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