Made use of a service to essentially pretend to be from a country you aren't a citizen of in order to use a platform you shouldn't have been on, only to have that company decide to sell the account to someone else because that's what their business is.
As the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized, large social media platforms are the 'modern public squares'
Hmm, does anyone know if the supreme court has semi-recently said anything else about social media platforms and their role as the 'modern day public square'? I seem to recall Stephen might have a copy-paste that might be relevant there so I guess it's my turn to gather the Dragon Balls for a summoning...
Always nice when more politicians make public statements telling the world how much they absolutely loathe the first amendment, free market, personal responsibility and property rights, all the more so when they give away the game by exempting ISP's from their 'you must carry everything' bill even though if your ISP cuts you off you lose access to all online platforms rather than just the one should a social media platform give you the boot.
Just a minor hint politicians throwing these bills out and the people they're pandering to, if everyone keeps showing you the door the problem might not be on their end, and your continual insistence that it is is just making you look all the worse and foolish.
For instance, my rep here in GA is pushing a bill that would bad any kind of vaccine mandate unless it's got 3 years of studies behind the vaccine.
Some people see hundreds of thousands dead and think 'This is horrible, these numbers could have been so much lower if sanity had prevailed and people had acted responsibly'.
Other people see hundreds of thousands dead and think 'This is horrible, we should have been well over a million corpses by now, I'd better do something to ensure that for the next time!'
As monstrous and blindingly stupid as it is to make 'arguing against health and safety measures' a political stunt what really gets me is that someone would do something so abhorrent because they expect it to be effective in making them look better.
As for site vs user moderation it's probably a good idea to remember the articles in the past talking about how moderators for the major social media platforms end up with bloody PTSD from all the horrible stuff they have to wade through, so anyone trying to argue that it's no big problem for the site to offload that to the users is in effect arguing for a lot of people who aren't getting paid for the 'job' having to wade through absolute horrors if they want to keep using the platform.
I can answer that second one, it's because not only are cops the dumbest people on the planet(just ask almost any judge) they're also the most fragile, able to be harmed if not outright killed by things that wouldn't even overly bother anyone else which is why they're so bloody terrified of everything.
Tasking police with self-reporting their own use-of-force activities and reports against officers is really no different than expecting any other criminal organization with tracking and reporting how many people they robbed/assaulted/murdered recently, conflict of interest is baked into it from the start which ensures that if the numbers are at all remotely accurate at any point it will be either purely by coincidence or on something completely harmless.
It would be seen as utterly absurd to expect the local branch of the mob to keep public records of how many stores they've got paying 'protecting' fees, police should have been treated no differently when it comes to actions they likewise have a vested interest in underplaying and/or burying.
I suppose so, it's not like the major publishers are going to want to risk getting on Nintendo's bad side by pointing out how much they hate their fans so I could see a good amount of honest ignorance, it just gets annoying reading story after story of them backhanding their biggest fans only to have people tripping over themselves to give the company money.
'Nothing should ever be moderated!' might as well be the asshole motto, as how else are they to remain on any platform not run and filled by people just like them?
Having such a well known name can be such a bane at times, so many ill deeds laid at the feet of the innocent(ish) members of the Guy family by the black sheep members...
“I see a 600% increase – that’s a failure. If you had more officers and more productivity you’d have more,” Jones said. “I think it could be more.”
The only reason they're getting money is from accusing people of crimes and stealing their stuff, as a police chief they should be aiming to have a town with the least amount of crimes reasonably possible yet since that would mean less money for them and he's bemoaning that they still aren't making 'enough' that's clearly not the aim.
You'd see the number of tickets drop to the single digits if not non-existent practically overnight.
Police should never have a financial link with their jobs beyond simple 'are you showing up?' and 'are you doing the job as dictated by your superiors/job description?', allowing them to profit the more 'crimes' they find just gives them incentive to 'find' as many as possible and in a job where the goal should be less crimes that's quite the conflict of interest.
Why wouldn't they? They've been treating their fans like that for years and people are still buying from them in droves so it's not like smacking their fans around is costing them much more than relative pennies at most.
It always amuses me when I spend several sentence if not paragraphs addressing a comment only to hit submit and find out that someone else had distilled the idea into a single sentence.
You're offering the bare minimum that's expected, congrats?
So, now it seems it's going the other way - they're trying to boast about providing those higher speeds, but doing so in a way that allows them to still profit as if they're offering some kind of premium package instead of something that would have been a natural progressive upgrade to existing plans.
Like a restaurant trying to boast about how luxurious and high class they are because they offer free water with your meal and provide silverware so that diners don't have to bring their own.
I don't think you just said what you might have intended to say.
If the problem is sloppy handling making a substance dangerous when it otherwise wouldn't be then the solution is simple and it's not 'charge the owner for assaulting a cop' but 'have people who aren't such incompetents handle the drugs in a professional manner'.
If handing the drugs with bare skin is a problem then guess what, that's what gloves are for.
If breathing in the substance is a potential problem then that's why breathers and masks with filters exist.
And if the substance is so (potentially) deadly that simply being in the same room as it is a risk then kick the goons with guns out and have some people in hazmat suits handle the scene.
Gonna go with a [Citation Needed] for some details and context there but taking that at face value for the sake of the argument as a valid example that's one data point, now do you happen to have any others because I'm guessing that is not what the likes of Koby mean when they talk about 'political correctness' getting people booted so a few other examples might help there.
On the post: Australian Prime Minister, After Registering For A WeChat Account Using Unnamed Chinese Citizen, Finds His Account Sold To Someone Else
Made use of a service to essentially pretend to be from a country you aren't a citizen of in order to use a platform you shouldn't have been on, only to have that company decide to sell the account to someone else because that's what their business is.
Talk about a hilarious own-goal there.
On the post: OAN Throws A Hissy Fit After Being Axed By AT&T, DirecTV
Re: Re:
I mean, they're apparently fans of OAN so that's kind of a given.
On the post: Georgia Sees Florida & Texas Social Media Laws Go Down In 1st Amendment Flames And Decides... 'Hey, We Should Do That Too'
Another 'we HATE the first amendment' bill I see
As the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized, large social media platforms are the 'modern public squares'
Hmm, does anyone know if the supreme court has semi-recently said anything else about social media platforms and their role as the 'modern day public square'? I seem to recall Stephen might have a copy-paste that might be relevant there so I guess it's my turn to gather the Dragon Balls for a summoning...
Always nice when more politicians make public statements telling the world how much they absolutely loathe the first amendment, free market, personal responsibility and property rights, all the more so when they give away the game by exempting ISP's from their 'you must carry everything' bill even though if your ISP cuts you off you lose access to all online platforms rather than just the one should a social media platform give you the boot.
Just a minor hint politicians throwing these bills out and the people they're pandering to, if everyone keeps showing you the door the problem might not be on their end, and your continual insistence that it is is just making you look all the worse and foolish.
On the post: Georgia Sees Florida & Texas Social Media Laws Go Down In 1st Amendment Flames And Decides... 'Hey, We Should Do That Too'
For instance, my rep here in GA is pushing a bill that would bad any kind of vaccine mandate unless it's got 3 years of studies behind the vaccine.
Some people see hundreds of thousands dead and think 'This is horrible, these numbers could have been so much lower if sanity had prevailed and people had acted responsibly'.
Other people see hundreds of thousands dead and think 'This is horrible, we should have been well over a million corpses by now, I'd better do something to ensure that for the next time!'
As monstrous and blindingly stupid as it is to make 'arguing against health and safety measures' a political stunt what really gets me is that someone would do something so abhorrent because they expect it to be effective in making them look better.
On the post: Georgia Sees Florida & Texas Social Media Laws Go Down In 1st Amendment Flames And Decides... 'Hey, We Should Do That Too'
Dead dog, mangled body, literal pile of shit...
As for site vs user moderation it's probably a good idea to remember the articles in the past talking about how moderators for the major social media platforms end up with bloody PTSD from all the horrible stuff they have to wade through, so anyone trying to argue that it's no big problem for the site to offload that to the users is in effect arguing for a lot of people who aren't getting paid for the 'job' having to wade through absolute horrors if they want to keep using the platform.
On the post: Georgia Sees Florida & Texas Social Media Laws Go Down In 1st Amendment Flames And Decides... 'Hey, We Should Do That Too'
Oh look, time for you to run away again
And moreover, it seems that the majority of calls to ban certain speech are non-recipients of the message.
Which speech are people calling to ban Koby, and as always be specific.
On the post: Cops' New Favorite Junk Science Is Pretending Being Anywhere Near Fentanyl Will Literally Cause Them To Die
Re: Re: kidding right?
I can answer that second one, it's because not only are cops the dumbest people on the planet(just ask almost any judge) they're also the most fragile, able to be harmed if not outright killed by things that wouldn't even overly bother anyone else which is why they're so bloody terrified of everything.
On the post: Nintendo Sics Lawyers To Take Down Fan-Made FPS 'Pokemon' Game Footage
Re: Re: Re:
Game review and reporting publishers that is, just realized my comment was a little unclear and potentially confusing.
On the post: Because No One's Making Them Do It, Maine Law Enforcment Agencies Aren't Accurately Tracking Complaints Against Officers
Conflict of interest much?
Tasking police with self-reporting their own use-of-force activities and reports against officers is really no different than expecting any other criminal organization with tracking and reporting how many people they robbed/assaulted/murdered recently, conflict of interest is baked into it from the start which ensures that if the numbers are at all remotely accurate at any point it will be either purely by coincidence or on something completely harmless.
It would be seen as utterly absurd to expect the local branch of the mob to keep public records of how many stores they've got paying 'protecting' fees, police should have been treated no differently when it comes to actions they likewise have a vested interest in underplaying and/or burying.
On the post: Nintendo Sics Lawyers To Take Down Fan-Made FPS 'Pokemon' Game Footage
Re: Re: Re:
I suppose so, it's not like the major publishers are going to want to risk getting on Nintendo's bad side by pointing out how much they hate their fans so I could see a good amount of honest ignorance, it just gets annoying reading story after story of them backhanding their biggest fans only to have people tripping over themselves to give the company money.
On the post: Devin Nunes, CEO Of Trump's TRUTH Social, Confirms That 'Free Speech' Social Media Will Be HEAVILY Moderated
'Nothing should ever be moderated!' might as well be the asshole motto, as how else are they to remain on any platform not run and filled by people just like them?
On the post: Because No One's Making Them Do It, Maine Law Enforcment Agencies Aren't Accurately Tracking Complaints Against Officers
Re: Uh...are they even trying anymore?
Having such a well known name can be such a bane at times, so many ill deeds laid at the feet of the innocent(ish) members of the Guy family by the black sheep members...
On the post: Cops' New Favorite Junk Science Is Pretending Being Anywhere Near Fentanyl Will Literally Cause Them To Die
Re: Re: kidding right?
Cops have zero credibility on this one.
That sentence is three words too long if you were aiming for accuracy.
On the post: Alabama Town Has 1,253 People, Nine Cops, And Generates $600,000 A Year From Traffic Stops
Whoops, said the quiet part out loud there
“I see a 600% increase – that’s a failure. If you had more officers and more productivity you’d have more,” Jones said. “I think it could be more.”
The only reason they're getting money is from accusing people of crimes and stealing their stuff, as a police chief they should be aiming to have a town with the least amount of crimes reasonably possible yet since that would mean less money for them and he's bemoaning that they still aren't making 'enough' that's clearly not the aim.
On the post: Alabama Town Has 1,253 People, Nine Cops, And Generates $600,000 A Year From Traffic Stops
Re: Curious
You'd see the number of tickets drop to the single digits if not non-existent practically overnight.
Police should never have a financial link with their jobs beyond simple 'are you showing up?' and 'are you doing the job as dictated by your superiors/job description?', allowing them to profit the more 'crimes' they find just gives them incentive to 'find' as many as possible and in a job where the goal should be less crimes that's quite the conflict of interest.
On the post: Nintendo Sics Lawyers To Take Down Fan-Made FPS 'Pokemon' Game Footage
Why wouldn't they? They've been treating their fans like that for years and people are still buying from them in droves so it's not like smacking their fans around is costing them much more than relative pennies at most.
On the post: Cops' New Favorite Junk Science Is Pretending Being Anywhere Near Fentanyl Will Literally Cause Them To Die
Re: Re: kidding right?
It always amuses me when I spend several sentence if not paragraphs addressing a comment only to hit submit and find out that someone else had distilled the idea into a single sentence.
On the post: Fresh Off Its Merger Failure(s), AT&T Gets Back To Promising Big Fiber Investments That May Or May Not Happen
You're offering the bare minimum that's expected, congrats?
So, now it seems it's going the other way - they're trying to boast about providing those higher speeds, but doing so in a way that allows them to still profit as if they're offering some kind of premium package instead of something that would have been a natural progressive upgrade to existing plans.
Like a restaurant trying to boast about how luxurious and high class they are because they offer free water with your meal and provide silverware so that diners don't have to bring their own.
On the post: Cops' New Favorite Junk Science Is Pretending Being Anywhere Near Fentanyl Will Literally Cause Them To Die
'No one is as dumb as a cop' strikes again
I don't think you just said what you might have intended to say.
If the problem is sloppy handling making a substance dangerous when it otherwise wouldn't be then the solution is simple and it's not 'charge the owner for assaulting a cop' but 'have people who aren't such incompetents handle the drugs in a professional manner'.
If handing the drugs with bare skin is a problem then guess what, that's what gloves are for.
If breathing in the substance is a potential problem then that's why breathers and masks with filters exist.
And if the substance is so (potentially) deadly that simply being in the same room as it is a risk then kick the goons with guns out and have some people in hazmat suits handle the scene.
On the post: Devin Nunes, CEO Of Trump's TRUTH Social, Confirms That 'Free Speech' Social Media Will Be HEAVILY Moderated
Re: Re: Time to run away again coward
Gonna go with a [Citation Needed] for some details and context there but taking that at face value for the sake of the argument as a valid example that's one data point, now do you happen to have any others because I'm guessing that is not what the likes of Koby mean when they talk about 'political correctness' getting people booted so a few other examples might help there.
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