We should not be surprised at Government's response to this issue, as it's essentially the way that elected officials operate when the system becomes so broken that it no longer represents the wishes of those who elected them.
Their broad definition of Terrorism is the tool they will use to discourage other forms of protest, particularly the use of the Internet to communicate resistance against the coming Global Corporate takeover of Government.
Given that the US Govt has used everything from so called Free Trade Agreements to military intervention to enforce commercail advantage for decades, why is it so surprising that other nations would seek to use the limited legislative means at their disposal? You Americans say such funny things...
Its the classic 3 way combo- an industry sector getting rich on paranoia, vested interests (eg the movie industry) getting to change Government policy & the government itself trying to stay in power by looking tough on extremism. Over the whole thing is the fear of loosing control of the flow of information, from the likes of Murdoch. This is all going to get much worse before change occurs.
From the perspective of someone outside the US, I am always amazed at the lack of cognitive dissonance of most US citizens. Their ability to believe in American exceptionalism while acknowledging the many failures of their civilization (compared to other developed countries) is truly staggering. Having more weapons than others, does not make a person or a country more respected, just feared.
On the post: FBI: Bring Us A Unicorn. Techies: They Don't Exist. Senator: Stop Complaining & Tell Us Where The Unicorn Is
On the post: UK Politician Theresa May Tries To Out-Orwell Orwell With Insanely Authoritarian Speech
On the post: How Much Of Europe's Regulatory Interest In Silicon Valley Is Just Jealousy Over Successful Foreign Companies?
On the post: EU Official Says It's Time To Harm American Internet Companies Via Regulations... Hours Later Antitrust Charges Against Google Announced
View from Au
You Americans say such funny things...
On the post: We Now Know The NSA And GCHQ Have Subverted Most (All?) Of The Digital World: So Why Can't We See Any Benefits?
This is all going to get much worse before change occurs.
On the post: How The CIA's Torture Program Is Destroying The Key Foreign Power The US Had: The Moral High Ground
high moral ground?
Their ability to believe in American exceptionalism while acknowledging the many failures of their civilization (compared to other developed countries) is truly staggering.
Having more weapons than others, does not make a person or a country more respected, just feared.
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