I was about to post something similar, I think the end goal is for Facebook to start selling automated comment moderation as a service, probably via some sort of wordpress like plug in.
By increasing the liability for sites without automated moderation they practically force sites to buy automated moderation, which Facebook conveniently starts selling, so the law generates them a huge locked-in market.
Re: 'Were you lying to that court, this court, or both?'
As a matter of subjective opinion you're completely right about people blindly believing things that are wildly untrue.
However as a matter of law (and IANAL) the standard is something like a reasonable person knowing the totality of the facts (or circumstances or something). This is a much higher standard and makes convicting her of defamation a much harder push.
I don't know if evidence that many people did believe something affects the courts calculation at all, my suspicion is that it does not.
On the post: Beware Of Facebook CEOs Bearing Section 230 Reform Proposals
I was about to post something similar, I think the end goal is for Facebook to start selling automated comment moderation as a service, probably via some sort of wordpress like plug in.
By increasing the liability for sites without automated moderation they practically force sites to buy automated moderation, which Facebook conveniently starts selling, so the law generates them a huge locked-in market.
On the post: Sidney Powell Asks Court To Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit Because She Was Just Engaging In Heated Hyperbole... Even When She Was Filing Lawsuits
Re: 'Were you lying to that court, this court, or both?'
As a matter of subjective opinion you're completely right about people blindly believing things that are wildly untrue.
However as a matter of law (and IANAL) the standard is something like a reasonable person knowing the totality of the facts (or circumstances or something). This is a much higher standard and makes convicting her of defamation a much harder push.
I don't know if evidence that many people did believe something affects the courts calculation at all, my suspicion is that it does not.
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