"...serious threat to national security…"
"...taking the necessary steps to safeguard security…"
"...a precautionary measure to protect lives and security…"
One minor point. Not once, has the all encompassing surveillance of the US or UK, been shown to have stopped an actual plot, saved a life, or safeguard security.
If they are pulling all email data or meta data the numbers just do not add up. There are over 144 billion emails sent worldwide everyday, 89% are spam. If you remove the spam that is still around 15 billion emails. Break out US from that number and you are around (off on the way low side) 1 billion a day.
The numbers quoted say between meta data, collected emails, etc seem to not jive.
Gut feel says, what has been reported so far, is the "lite" version of what is actually going on. I really think the UK and US are in for a serious crap storm, over the next few months as more details are exposed.
It makes one wonder how many other programs, as illegal as this, there are.
Evil - what is his agenda? it seems like he is trying to destroy this nation financially.
Stupid - well ....
Blackmail - were the birthers right? :p and what does the NSA actually have on him?
Robot - fembot or data?
Burning out - just plain old, to much for him to handle and he is doing the escapism and denial thing. Personally, I think this is the most likely of the options. Recall how weathered he looked after the first couple of months as president, then the vacations started....
Yes your honor, I understand that firing a 30,000 rounds from a minigun in the air in the suburbs is a bad thing. I only killed 238 people it was unintentional ...
It would be far easier to create a site that the owner didn't have the encryption keys for. This way even if they did come in and ask for information it would be of no use to those seeking it.
We do not hate the government, just most of the scumbag politicians, and appointees currently running it.
You seem to fear free speech and people speaking out about government abuses.
You seem afraid that sites like Techdirt are changing peoples opinions slowly but surely.
You seem to subconsciously realize that something has changed in the world. That the event that happened in the middle east, could actually happen here also.
On the post: Federal Official Declares That Anyone Who Speaks Out Against Lie Detector Tests Should Be Criminally Investigated
On the post: Orders To Destroy Guardian Hard Drives Came Directly From PM David Cameron
"...taking the necessary steps to safeguard security…"
"...a precautionary measure to protect lives and security…"
One minor point. Not once, has the all encompassing surveillance of the US or UK, been shown to have stopped an actual plot, saved a life, or safeguard security.
On the post: People Who Got Shorter Sentences Than Bradley Manning: Spies Selling Secrets To Russians & Active Terrorists
On the post: Then And Now: What The NSA Said About PRISM vs. What Latest Declassified Document Says
The numbers do not add up ...
The numbers quoted say between meta data, collected emails, etc seem to not jive.
Anyone have any ideas why?
http://email.about.com/od/ema iltrivia/f/emails_per_day.htm
On the post: Supreme Court Justices Can't Figure Out Email, Completely Mystified By Social Media
Re: Really hope a Justice retires soon
On the post: Latest Leak: NSA Can Spy On Almost Anything, Gets To Set Its Own Filters
On the post: Latest Leak: NSA Can Spy On Almost Anything, Gets To Set Its Own Filters
but but we are protecting your children for the big bad terrorists
"shakes head in disgust and throws out popcorn"
On the post: UK Home Office Says Miranda's Detention 'Fully Justified,' Attacks Press And Public For Condoning Snowden's Leaks
Re: Watergate
On the post: More NSA Spying Fallout: Groklaw Shutting Down
should be ...
PJ is shutting down Groklaw because of different reasons than the Lavabit shut down.
or ... better
PJ is shutting down Groklaw for different reasons than Lavabit.
On the post: MP Keith Vaz: If Anti-Terrorist Law Is Going To Be Abused To Detain Non-Terrorists, We Should At Least Be Upfront About It
Re: html error
On the post: MP Keith Vaz: If Anti-Terrorist Law Is Going To Be Abused To Detain Non-Terrorists, We Should At Least Be Upfront About It
I don't know where politicians get their dictionaries. To me clarification isn't defined as future corner offices and promotions.
On the post: UK Gov't Forces Guardian To 'Destroy' Hard Drives With Snowden Info; Guardian Says Reporting Continues From NY
It makes one wonder how many other programs, as illegal as this, there are.
On the post: Down To Just A Few Possibilities: President Obama Either Lied Or Is Ignorant About The NSA
Re: Dilemma
Stupid - well ....
Blackmail - were the birthers right? :p and what does the NSA actually have on him?
Robot - fembot or data?
Burning out - just plain old, to much for him to handle and he is doing the escapism and denial thing. Personally, I think this is the most likely of the options. Recall how weathered he looked after the first couple of months as president, then the vacations started....
On the post: White House Says It Had 'No Role' In UK Detention Of David Miranda, But Did Have A 'Heads Up'
Re: Re:
This tells us that they are living 20 years in the past. A time when this harassment would have gone unnoticed in the news.
On the post: Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Abolish The NSA And Give Snowden A Parade
Re: Re: Re: Re: Um...
On the post: NSA Defenders Insist Their Lawbreaking Should Be Ignored Because They 'Didn't Mean It'
Re: The NSA Defence
Yes your honor, I understand that firing a 30,000 rounds from a minigun in the air in the suburbs is a bad thing. I only killed 238 people it was unintentional ...
On the post: Journalist For Time Magazine Announces His Eagerness To Defend US Drone Strike Killing Julian Assange
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Who Will Take The Privacy Seppuku Pledge?
On the post: Confirmed: There Is No Real Oversight Of The NSA's Surveillance
Re: Does it bother you ?
You seem to fear free speech and people speaking out about government abuses.
You seem afraid that sites like Techdirt are changing peoples opinions slowly but surely.
You seem to subconsciously realize that something has changed in the world. That the event that happened in the middle east, could actually happen here also.
You seem tiny and small ...
On the post: Confirmed: There Is No Real Oversight Of The NSA's Surveillance
Attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true...
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