Remember folks, when the right say they support free speech, they only support you being free to agree with them. Disagree with them and they'll find a way to stop that.
'Your honour, if people know the person who assaulted them has a history of racism and assaulting minorities, it'll make it easier for them to pursue legal action! We might have to start firing them rather than sweeping it under the rug and that will make it harder for them to find work later in life! Criminal actions shouldn't have consequences if you're in law enforcement! The laws are there for the plebs!'
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks for not being the Gestapo, I gues
Conservatives tend to get their news from people citing one line from an article they either didn't read all the way through or are willingly misinterpreting then spinning right wing fearfiction from it, so I suspect not.
They probably saw the link posted elsewhere as part of that cycle with the same claim and copypasted it without reading any further.
I can't go on primetime Fox News and tell Tucker Carlson to go F*** himself and call his audience morons, therefore I am being censored by Fox because I am being deprived the audience and platform of my choosing for the things I want to say.
'Speech is useless when there is no practical way for it to be heard.' There are plenty of outlets for conservatives to spew their bile, you do not have a right to the audience of your choosing, nor do you have the right to ignore the rules of a platform because you're a conservative.
Re: Re: Re: Thanks for not being the Gestapo, I guess?
Boy, sure is great that 'ideas' are completely divorced from the real world, isn't it? Nobody stormed the US capitol because they were fed lies about a stolen election, nobody persecuted Muslims, African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTQ people and other minorities using policies based on bad ideas. Sure is great that the same ideas that lead to the rise of fascist dictators across Europe are being trotted out for a new audience with a fresh coat of paint, nothing bad can come from it, you know, apart from all the times they did.
So big tech are biased against conservatives, while simultaneously being run by soulless right wing libertarians, prioritising conservative content (Who hasn't gotten a Prager U propaganda piece or Ben Shapiro clip recommended to them after watching actual news?) and downgrading leftleaning outlets, changing their rules to avoid banning conservatives as much as possible and quietly rescinding even the mildest of punishments handed out to anyone on the right as swiftly as they can even though they're still doing the things they were punished for in the first place?
Let's be honest, you will scream bias until the day conservatives are in the same position online as they are on talk radio, left completely immune to suffering the consequences of their online and left wing content is excluded from major platforms entirely.
'<Minority group> are subhuman and should be stripped of their rights and killed.' is not not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'All gun related tragedies are faked part of a conspiracy by the <antisemitic dogwhistle>' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<minority group> are part of a conspiracy to replace white people' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<left wing celebrity> is secretly part of some plan to force everyone to bow to to Moloch' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<antisemitic conspiracy featuring George Soros>' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'The election was stolen by democrats and the 'globalists' without any evidence what so ever' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<dark forces> are planning to murder Donald Trump' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'Every right wing terror attack is a false flag even though the perpetrators are well known right wing figures and regular attendees of far right events' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
Racism, homophobia, misogyny and lies are not just 'holding a different viewpoint' nor is it an alternative to reality. How much blood needs to be spilled before people like you will stop pretending hate speech isn't hate speech because it's coming from conservatives? How many lives need to be lost before you accept bigotry and bullsh*t conspiracies rooted in the deranged rantings of the John Birch Society and the Elders of Zion aren't things that private companies should be forced to host?
A service that requires US broadband infrastructure to be excellent was always doomed to failure. They needs to hit the ground running with a stream of hot exclusive titles to make it worth having in the places it works, instead they got the same titles as everywhere else, later and at full price.
Nothing says 'I'm fighting the oligarchs' quite like unquestioning support of a millionaire who obtained most of his wealth through inheritance and crime who used the presidency to fill his pockets and those of his unqualified children, and a party backed by and run for the benefit of billionaires.
If any of these claims of election fraud were true, they wouldn't have lost case after case, and had their lawyers decline to actually repeat the allegations they made on TV in front of a judge because they knew they were false and they would suffer repercussions. The Trump campaign and republican party had countless opportunities to make their case, to present actual evidence before judges and the american people, they did not, they just screamed loud and hoped they'd be given the opportunity to go on fishing expiditions in states they lost in the hope they'll bve able to badger republicamn officials into throwing out the votes of hundreds of thousands of democrats like they attempted to do in Michigan.
Oh boy, now look for laws like this to be repeated anywhere Rupert Murdoch has influence. Fox News ratings down? Fox news as appealing to advertisers as live footage of a colonoscopy? No problem! Make Facebook and Google pay every time they list a video in their search results or someone posts a link to one.
Looks like Neo Newscorp's business model is affixing itself to more successful entities like a tick that makes racist comments.
As a brit, I spent much of the past twenty years being told by Americans about how much of a surveillance state my country is because of all the cameras. Roll on a decade or two and many of those people are happily fitting cameras to their doors that they have minimal control over and creating an even more insidious system, giving the police free access to their comings and goings.
It's amazing how much freedom people will willingly give up for the latest gadget on the internet of things.
But the law will happen anyway as Rupert Murdoch wants the government to provide him with free money he doesn't have to work for, you know, the thing he's accused welfare recipients across the world of for half a century.
You don't have the constitutional right to enter someone else's private property and start yelling abuse at the other people there without being asked to leave. The government can't take away your right to free speech, social media platforms are not the government, and there is nothing in the constitution that requires them or any other private business to grant you the right to ignore any rules they may set so you can speak before the largest available audience.
The rules aren't applied equally, we all know that, the people screeching and creating laws to combat what they consider 'unfairness' are those who the companies have bent over to appease, right wing content gets special treatment on Facebook, and it took a violent insurrection for twitter to start banning the people behind it. That isn't enough for them, they want complete freedom from any of the consequences of their actions.
They saw what killing the fairness doctrine did to talk radio and television news and their goal is to do that to the internet, getting rid of all content moderation will enable far right voices to yell over everyone unchallenged and flood every outlet which allows user interaction with hatespeech.
They don't like the fact that people don't want what they're selling and won't use platforms where they can say whatever they like with no repercussions, so their solution is to claim victimhood and leave people with no choice.
There's no money to be made in the short term from future proofing, and when people running a company are rewarded for making a number go up, that's all they care about. The lack of investment today will be the problem of whoever takes over after them, and if it becomes a life threatening issue, they can go cap in hand to get the government to pay for it.
In the UK, they privatised the railways in the 90s and the infrastructure was sold off and run for profit. They closed all their in house R&D and outsourced everything, leading to a massive brain drain as the older employees retired and nobody else was hired and trained to fill those roles. They also slashed the money spent on repairs, and eventually it started to cost people their lives. Eventually the government had to step in after a tragedy, gave them money for the upgrades... Which Railtrak turned around and gave to their shareholders. The backlash was so intense, it lead to the company being re-nationalised, but unfortunately for americans, that's not something that's likely to happen as it's just par for the course with govenment money and everyone knows it. They never attach strings to handouts unless they're going to the poor.
It's useless as people are now paying attention to what goes on on the platform, and without access to any of the major app stores the install base isn't going to grow, only shrink as people update their handsets.
On the post: Tennessee Politicians Ask State Colleges To Forbid Student-Athletes From Kneeling During The National Anthem
Remember folks, when the right say they support free speech, they only support you being free to agree with them. Disagree with them and they'll find a way to stop that.
On the post: Appeals Court Rejects New York Police Unions' Attempt To Block Disclosure Of Disciplinary Records
'Your honour, if people know the person who assaulted them has a history of racism and assaulting minorities, it'll make it easier for them to pursue legal action! We might have to start firing them rather than sweeping it under the rug and that will make it harder for them to find work later in life! Criminal actions shouldn't have consequences if you're in law enforcement! The laws are there for the plebs!'
On the post: Yet Another Story Shows How Facebook Bent Over Backwards To Put In Place Different Rules For Conservatives
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks for not being the Gestapo, I gues
Conservatives tend to get their news from people citing one line from an article they either didn't read all the way through or are willingly misinterpreting then spinning right wing fearfiction from it, so I suspect not.
They probably saw the link posted elsewhere as part of that cycle with the same claim and copypasted it without reading any further.
On the post: Yet Another Story Shows How Facebook Bent Over Backwards To Put In Place Different Rules For Conservatives
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
I can't go on primetime Fox News and tell Tucker Carlson to go F*** himself and call his audience morons, therefore I am being censored by Fox because I am being deprived the audience and platform of my choosing for the things I want to say.
'Speech is useless when there is no practical way for it to be heard.' There are plenty of outlets for conservatives to spew their bile, you do not have a right to the audience of your choosing, nor do you have the right to ignore the rules of a platform because you're a conservative.
On the post: Yet Another Story Shows How Facebook Bent Over Backwards To Put In Place Different Rules For Conservatives
Re: Re: Re: Thanks for not being the Gestapo, I guess?
Boy, sure is great that 'ideas' are completely divorced from the real world, isn't it? Nobody stormed the US capitol because they were fed lies about a stolen election, nobody persecuted Muslims, African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTQ people and other minorities using policies based on bad ideas. Sure is great that the same ideas that lead to the rise of fascist dictators across Europe are being trotted out for a new audience with a fresh coat of paint, nothing bad can come from it, you know, apart from all the times they did.
On the post: Yet Another Story Shows How Facebook Bent Over Backwards To Put In Place Different Rules For Conservatives
Re: Re: Evidence
Of their actions, even.
On the post: Yet Another Story Shows How Facebook Bent Over Backwards To Put In Place Different Rules For Conservatives
Re: Evidence
So big tech are biased against conservatives, while simultaneously being run by soulless right wing libertarians, prioritising conservative content (Who hasn't gotten a Prager U propaganda piece or Ben Shapiro clip recommended to them after watching actual news?) and downgrading leftleaning outlets, changing their rules to avoid banning conservatives as much as possible and quietly rescinding even the mildest of punishments handed out to anyone on the right as swiftly as they can even though they're still doing the things they were punished for in the first place?
Let's be honest, you will scream bias until the day conservatives are in the same position online as they are on talk radio, left completely immune to suffering the consequences of their online and left wing content is excluded from major platforms entirely.
On the post: Yet Another Story Shows How Facebook Bent Over Backwards To Put In Place Different Rules For Conservatives
Re: Thanks for not being the Gestapo, I guess?
'<Minority group> are subhuman and should be stripped of their rights and killed.' is not not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'All gun related tragedies are faked part of a conspiracy by the <antisemitic dogwhistle>' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<minority group> are part of a conspiracy to replace white people' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<left wing celebrity> is secretly part of some plan to force everyone to bow to to Moloch' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<antisemitic conspiracy featuring George Soros>' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'The election was stolen by democrats and the 'globalists' without any evidence what so ever' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'<dark forces> are planning to murder Donald Trump' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
'Every right wing terror attack is a false flag even though the perpetrators are well known right wing figures and regular attendees of far right events' is not just 'holding a different viewpoint.'
Racism, homophobia, misogyny and lies are not just 'holding a different viewpoint' nor is it an alternative to reality. How much blood needs to be spilled before people like you will stop pretending hate speech isn't hate speech because it's coming from conservatives? How many lives need to be lost before you accept bigotry and bullsh*t conspiracies rooted in the deranged rantings of the John Birch Society and the Elders of Zion aren't things that private companies should be forced to host?
On the post: Google Disbands Stadia Game Developers And Signals Potential For More Trouble Ahead
A service that requires US broadband infrastructure to be excellent was always doomed to failure. They needs to hit the ground running with a stream of hot exclusive titles to make it worth having in the places it works, instead they got the same titles as everywhere else, later and at full price.
On the post: Facebook's Australian News Ban Did Demonstrate The Evil Of Zero Rating
Nothing says 'I'm fighting the oligarchs' quite like unquestioning support of a millionaire who obtained most of his wealth through inheritance and crime who used the presidency to fill his pockets and those of his unqualified children, and a party backed by and run for the benefit of billionaires.
If any of these claims of election fraud were true, they wouldn't have lost case after case, and had their lawyers decline to actually repeat the allegations they made on TV in front of a judge because they knew they were false and they would suffer repercussions. The Trump campaign and republican party had countless opportunities to make their case, to present actual evidence before judges and the american people, they did not, they just screamed loud and hoped they'd be given the opportunity to go on fishing expiditions in states they lost in the hope they'll bve able to badger republicamn officials into throwing out the votes of hundreds of thousands of democrats like they attempted to do in Michigan.
On the post: Facebook Caves To Australia: Will Restore Links After Government Gives It More Time To Negotiate Paying For News Links
Re: Good Run
You'll have a great time working for water and oxygen down his martian emerald mines.
On the post: Facebook Caves To Australia: Will Restore Links After Government Gives It More Time To Negotiate Paying For News Links
Oh boy, now look for laws like this to be repeated anywhere Rupert Murdoch has influence. Fox News ratings down? Fox news as appealing to advertisers as live footage of a colonoscopy? No problem! Make Facebook and Google pay every time they list a video in their search results or someone posts a link to one.
Looks like Neo Newscorp's business model is affixing itself to more successful entities like a tick that makes racist comments.
On the post: LAPD Asked Ring Users To Turn Over Footage Of Anti-Police Brutality Protests
As a brit, I spent much of the past twenty years being told by Americans about how much of a surveillance state my country is because of all the cameras. Roll on a decade or two and many of those people are happily fitting cameras to their doors that they have minimal control over and creating an even more insidious system, giving the police free access to their comings and goings.
It's amazing how much freedom people will willingly give up for the latest gadget on the internet of things.
On the post: Australian News Sites Shocked & Upset To Learn They Don't Need To Rely On Facebook For Traffic!
But the law will happen anyway as Rupert Murdoch wants the government to provide him with free money he doesn't have to work for, you know, the thing he's accused welfare recipients across the world of for half a century.
On the post: 'Net Neutrality Hurt Internet Infrastructure Investment' Is The Bad Faith Lie That Simply Won't Die
You mean they haven't switched to claiming section 230 hampers infrastructure upgrades yet? I'm disappointed in you, republicans.
On the post: North Dakota's New Anti-230 Bill Would Let Nazis Sue You For Reporting Their Content To Twitter
Re: Section 230
You don't have the constitutional right to enter someone else's private property and start yelling abuse at the other people there without being asked to leave. The government can't take away your right to free speech, social media platforms are not the government, and there is nothing in the constitution that requires them or any other private business to grant you the right to ignore any rules they may set so you can speak before the largest available audience.
The rules aren't applied equally, we all know that, the people screeching and creating laws to combat what they consider 'unfairness' are those who the companies have bent over to appease, right wing content gets special treatment on Facebook, and it took a violent insurrection for twitter to start banning the people behind it. That isn't enough for them, they want complete freedom from any of the consequences of their actions.
On the post: North Dakota's New Anti-230 Bill Would Let Nazis Sue You For Reporting Their Content To Twitter
They saw what killing the fairness doctrine did to talk radio and television news and their goal is to do that to the internet, getting rid of all content moderation will enable far right voices to yell over everyone unchallenged and flood every outlet which allows user interaction with hatespeech.
They don't like the fact that people don't want what they're selling and won't use platforms where they can say whatever they like with no repercussions, so their solution is to claim victimhood and leave people with no choice.
On the post: Texas Power, Phone Outages Again Highlight How Infrastructure Underinvestment Will Be Fatal Moving Forward
There's no money to be made in the short term from future proofing, and when people running a company are rewarded for making a number go up, that's all they care about. The lack of investment today will be the problem of whoever takes over after them, and if it becomes a life threatening issue, they can go cap in hand to get the government to pay for it.
In the UK, they privatised the railways in the 90s and the infrastructure was sold off and run for profit. They closed all their in house R&D and outsourced everything, leading to a massive brain drain as the older employees retired and nobody else was hired and trained to fill those roles. They also slashed the money spent on repairs, and eventually it started to cost people their lives. Eventually the government had to step in after a tragedy, gave them money for the upgrades... Which Railtrak turned around and gave to their shareholders. The backlash was so intense, it lead to the company being re-nationalised, but unfortunately for americans, that's not something that's likely to happen as it's just par for the course with govenment money and everyone knows it. They never attach strings to handouts unless they're going to the poor.
On the post: Parler's Found A New Host (And A New CEO)... For Now
It's useless as people are now paying attention to what goes on on the platform, and without access to any of the major app stores the install base isn't going to grow, only shrink as people update their handsets.
On the post: Parler's Found A New Host (And A New CEO)... For Now
Re: Big Time
Man, it's getting as though conservatives can't engage in violent acts of insurrection without being cancelled. Cancel culture has gone too far!
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