"We the People" have already sold our rights as citizens to the highest bidder.
"We the People" care about American Idol and stupid celebrities more than what happens to us or our money.
"We the People" get more angry over a racial comment than over the fact that our government spends trillions of dollars of our money on bailing out huge banks and car companies that are too stupid to survive, er, "too big to fail".
"We the People" are idiots.
"We the People" have lost any rights to claim our god given rights as human beings and as Americans. This nation is the nation we have given ourselves.
i actually kinda liked the last few paragraphs. kinda reminded me of Snow Crash or Daemon some other cyberpunk/tech thriller future. He may want to try to expand on that for a few stories or not. don't limit yourself to music, go for the well rounded artist.
while i see your point, i have to say i am guilty of the same thing. I really like my music, and i feel disdain for music i don't like the and the people that do like them. It is human nature.
i am not apologizing for him, i am just saying he isn't alone in feeling that way about music he does and does not like.
yes, shame on us for believing that money isn't the end all.
We are going to completely ignore all the free stuff for the last X thousands years used for many different purposes.
so. our gov't wants another gov't to change their laws or they can't sell here. if i was Costa Rica, I would tell the US to shove off and sell to Brazil or something. This is bullshit.
so, can i buy any Costa Rican sugar on the black market?
So privacy is a thing of the past?
i use a moniker for a reason, and it is not so everyone can know everything about me. Frankly I don't like most people who do know me personally, much less thousands that don't.
I keep my internet life separate from my real life.
its like they said "let's make a format almost but not quite like xml. Then run it through a few idiot business-types then see how that works." yea.
I so wish they would dump HL7 for xml with a medical DTD.
Would make so much more sense.
but HL7 is better than the alternative: faxing medical documents. our VPN tunnels to the local hospitals are alot more secure than any fax or email could be.
the problem is, you are almost always allowed to backtrack. If you can back out of an agreement, then i don't see how it is wrong.
now i do agree with slacker52600 above, how can they possibly be allowed to change the terms of service without notifying the user? I know in MMORPG's, if there is a term of service change, they always post it before you log in after the update. I think all companies that change their terms should be force to do this.
from an it standpoint, you know one of those people who spent time learning non-medical skills, CPT codes do suck.
I may have been oversimplifying how we did it, but there is a file that translates CPT codes to something (i think for HL7 files or something, no my area of expertise) for our EMR. Our billing dept uses CPT codes more than our doctors do, though.
yea, i have been talking to my billing people and it seems that CPT codes are almost only for billing stuff. Still not sure if we pay AMA anything, though.
On the post: Do You Have Any Legal Right To Privacy For Information Stored Online?
Re: Does technology negate the Constitution?
"We the People" care about American Idol and stupid celebrities more than what happens to us or our money.
"We the People" get more angry over a racial comment than over the fact that our government spends trillions of dollars of our money on bailing out huge banks and car companies that are too stupid to survive, er, "too big to fail".
"We the People" are idiots.
"We the People" have lost any rights to claim our god given rights as human beings and as Americans. This nation is the nation we have given ourselves.
Hope you enjoy the next season of American Idol.
On the post: If Your Options Are To Change With The Times Or To Just Complain About Them, Which Is More Likely To Work?
On the post: If Your Options Are To Change With The Times Or To Just Complain About Them, Which Is More Likely To Work?
Re: Re: Re:
i am not apologizing for him, i am just saying he isn't alone in feeling that way about music he does and does not like.
On the post: If Your Options Are To Change With The Times Or To Just Complain About Them, Which Is More Likely To Work?
Re: He Forgot The Obvious.
On the post: China Google Hack Shows Security Gaps... Or Issues In Online Surveillance Apps?
Re: most likely instigated by the Chinese government.
On the post: NY Times Apparently Planning To Commit Suicide Online With Paywall
We are going to completely ignore all the free stuff for the last X thousands years used for many different purposes.
On the post: US Blocking Costa Rican Sugar From US Markets Unless It Agrees To Draconian IP Laws Citizens Don't Want
so, can i buy any Costa Rican sugar on the black market?
On the post: Peter Jackson Freaks Out About BitTorrent Leak Of The Lovely Bones
Re: Re:
On the post: Peter Jackson Freaks Out About BitTorrent Leak Of The Lovely Bones
Re: Re: Re: until
On the post: Peter Jackson Freaks Out About BitTorrent Leak Of The Lovely Bones
Re: Re: until
SELECT anonymousCoward WHERE grammar_level
On the post: Zuckerberg: People Are Comfortable Without Privacy, So We Threw Them All Over The Cliff
i use a moniker for a reason, and it is not so everyone can know everything about me. Frankly I don't like most people who do know me personally, much less thousands that don't.
I keep my internet life separate from my real life.
On the post: More Surveillance Can Make Us Less Safe
On the post: Copyright Monopolies In The Middle Of Health Care Reform Debate As Well
Re: Re: Re: Re:
its like they said "let's make a format almost but not quite like xml. Then run it through a few idiot business-types then see how that works." yea.
I so wish they would dump HL7 for xml with a medical DTD.
Would make so much more sense.
but HL7 is better than the alternative: faxing medical documents. our VPN tunnels to the local hospitals are alot more secure than any fax or email could be.
On the post: Another Court Finds 'Browserwrap' Terms Are Enforceable
One reason I use open source software is, as long as the maintainer doesn't change the license he/she uses, I know my rights at all times.
On the post: Another Court Finds 'Browserwrap' Terms Are Enforceable
now i do agree with slacker52600 above, how can they possibly be allowed to change the terms of service without notifying the user? I know in MMORPG's, if there is a term of service change, they always post it before you log in after the update. I think all companies that change their terms should be force to do this.
On the post: Copyright Monopolies In The Middle Of Health Care Reform Debate As Well
Re: Re:
I may have been oversimplifying how we did it, but there is a file that translates CPT codes to something (i think for HL7 files or something, no my area of expertise) for our EMR. Our billing dept uses CPT codes more than our doctors do, though.
On the post: France's Latest Plan: Tax Google, Microsoft And Yahoo To Fund Record Labels
oh wait, that's not right....
(change that letter, carry the one...)
Blame France!
On the post: Bakery Claims Trademark On Smiley Face Cookies; Sues Competing Cookie Firm
On the post: Copyright Monopolies In The Middle Of Health Care Reform Debate As Well
Re: NFPA Placard codes?
On the post: Copyright Monopolies In The Middle Of Health Care Reform Debate As Well
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