Thanks to Mike and Techdirt for their stories about trademark bully Entrepreneur Magazine's "despicable" attacks against entrepreneurs that use the word entrepreneur.
For the record, I filed "pro se" because like probably 99% of all individuals and small biz owners, I cannot afford $250,000 or more for a law firm. Also beware of Entrepreneur magazine shills abusing Techdirt's reader comments system with hate-filled rants and personal attacks that will be anonymously posted or using fake names (ironically, Entrepreneur magazine was started by a convicted bank robber using one of his numerous fake names!). People under the intense pressure of trying to cover-up years of blatantly defrauding a federal agency can get very desperate and angry. What you won't see from these shills is credible proof that Entrepreneur magazine ever produced any of their so-called "Entrepreneur Expo" or "small business expo" events during the time-frame in question, and possibly not since the 1990s.
On the post: Entrepreneur Magazine Sued For Allegedly 'Defrauding' The Trademark Office
pro se litigants, personal and anonymous attacks
For the record, I filed "pro se" because like probably 99% of all individuals and small biz owners, I cannot afford $250,000 or more for a law firm. Also beware of Entrepreneur magazine shills abusing Techdirt's reader comments system with hate-filled rants and personal attacks that will be anonymously posted or using fake names (ironically, Entrepreneur magazine was started by a convicted bank robber using one of his numerous fake names!). People under the intense pressure of trying to cover-up years of blatantly defrauding a federal agency can get very desperate and angry. What you won't see from these shills is credible proof that Entrepreneur magazine ever produced any of their so-called "Entrepreneur Expo" or "small business expo" events during the time-frame in question, and possibly not since the 1990s.
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