A statutory rate on ALL mobile2mobile multimedia data transactions is a fair way to do business. These transactions have not really began yet and now is precisely the time to establish this rate. ASCAP is stretching their performance right territory a bit with what I'm reading here. However, there is some validity in the carrier's obligation to NOT support clear violations of copyright laws as ISPs have done. In the case of charging fees for copyrighted materials to go from point A to point B, the copyright holder should obviously be compensated. It is our belief at datarevenue.org that the wireless carriers have a responsibility to honor this fundamental function of copyright protection when these transactions occur. This would cover any peer2peer data transactions and again, is a fair way to do business. If a user likes something enough to pay to share it then they will. If not, then it won't be shared by them. Either way data infrastructures should own up to the responsibilities the ISPs were able to avoid because of the multimedia players inability to unite back in the day when p2p was just beginning.
On the post: ASCAP Now Claiming That Your Mobile Phone Ringing Is A Public Performance
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