The media will never do anything about it. If you look at the SOPA PIPA debate and rebellion, it took shutting down government phone switches before any news organizations even mentioned it. When they did speak it was seriously misleading. These are news organizations that rely on things remaining as they are.
The more likely scenario is, in the next 10 years we will reach the point where enough people are getting their news from alternate sources, to tip the tide. Google plus, Facebook, blogs, RSS feeds, etc will all play their part.
There is this thing called a remote. It has this other thing called a mute button, I use it on every commercial, as do many other people. There is no difference.
"including some questions about how random the random key generation really was, as well as significant concerns about Mega's claims that it offered deduplification"
The deduplication can be something as simple as a CRC checksum being generated pre-encryption. If they use a one way hash on it, generate a distinct hash key per user, and only link that to the specific users account. I do not see a problem.
If however this is system wide deduplication, it opens them up to more of the same DOJ BS they were nailed with before.
"So you beat back SOPA and are ending up in much the same place, except the screws will continue to tighten and there's no judicial oversight. Nice work!!"
There is the ability to throw class action lawsuits at the companies that have forced to do this.
With the rate of mental health issues in the world, these IP types should be really scared.
Statistically speaking, one of these days, someone that was tormented the way Aaron Swartz was, will realize where the torment is coming from. They will then walk into the Oscars, ASCAP, MPAA, or RIAA and nuke the fuckers.
After which, in an ideal world, this bullying by prosecutors will be made illegal. With the way US Govt works, more than likely, laws will be enacted against targeting content types instead.
That lack of true response, and political BS answers is the reason for 4chan's involvement in the first place. I fully expect this to go i-nuclear and require 1,000,000 signatures by next year.
"Kim Dotcom is coming out of this never looking better. His image is vastly improved from when this whole case began."
It is odd living in a nation run by a bunch of Forrest Gump wanna be's. If this was 10 years ago I would of asked if the DOJ was paid off by Kim Dotcom. Now I know it is just plain stupidity on the federal governments side.
We should push for world law that limits copyright to a certain number of years. Wow ... that is scary. Mickey Mouse in the public domain, in under ninety five thousand years.
"hitting a fire alarm in a crowded building and causing several people to be trampled to death, and causing terror in many others is a form of TERROR ATTACK"
Your argument is idiotic. Comparing blocking access and entry in to a building, and block access to the exits, are two different things.
On the post: Cyber War: A One-Sided Battle Against A Trumped Up Enemy
On the post: Anti-Piracy Group Already Demanding That Kim Dotcom's New Mega Service Be Shut Down
The more likely scenario is, in the next 10 years we will reach the point where enough people are getting their news from alternate sources, to tip the tide. Google plus, Facebook, blogs, RSS feeds, etc will all play their part.
On the post: Dish Turns CBS' Actions Against It; Touts Its Revoked 'Best In Show' Status With A Damning Footnote
On the post: The War On Computing: What Happens When Authorities Don't Understand Technology
Re: War of Attrition...
On the post: Mega's Security Appears To Be Surprisingly Bad
Re: Re:
On the post: Mega's Security Appears To Be Surprisingly Bad
The deduplication can be something as simple as a CRC checksum being generated pre-encryption. If they use a one way hash on it, generate a distinct hash key per user, and only link that to the specific users account. I do not see a problem.
If however this is system wide deduplication, it opens them up to more of the same DOJ BS they were nailed with before.
On the post: For Internet Freedom Day, Watch Aaron Swartz Explain How SOPA Was Stopped
Re: Saddened
Or it could have been an accident ie autoerotic asphyxiation, or murder made to look like a suicide.
On the post: One Year Later, SOPA/PIPA Supporters Still Completely Ignore The Public
Re: From The Tough Shit Dept.
There is the ability to throw class action lawsuits at the companies that have forced to do this.
On the post: For Internet Freedom Day, Watch Aaron Swartz Explain How SOPA Was Stopped
Statistically speaking, one of these days, someone that was tormented the way Aaron Swartz was, will realize where the torment is coming from. They will then walk into the Oscars, ASCAP, MPAA, or RIAA and nuke the fuckers.
After which, in an ideal world, this bullying by prosecutors will be made illegal. With the way US Govt works, more than likely, laws will be enacted against targeting content types instead.
On the post: For Internet Freedom Day, Watch Aaron Swartz Explain How SOPA Was Stopped
Re: Oh no!
On the post: Law Professor James Grimmelmann Explains How He Probably Violated The Same Laws As Aaron Swartz
On the post: White House, Tiring of Death Stars And Deportation Requests, Ups 'We The People' Signature Threshold From 25,000 To 100,000
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On the post: White House, Tiring of Death Stars And Deportation Requests, Ups 'We The People' Signature Threshold From 25,000 To 100,000
"Reset the threshold back to 25,000"
On the post: Megaupload to DOJ: Misleading Semantics Aside, You Told Us You Were Investigating Infringing Files, So We Preserved Them
It is odd living in a nation run by a bunch of Forrest Gump wanna be's. If this was 10 years ago I would of asked if the DOJ was paid off by Kim Dotcom. Now I know it is just plain stupidity on the federal governments side.
On the post: How The FBI's Desire To Wiretap Every New Technology Makes Us Less Safe
What we should be asking is how soon they will be stopping their own Forrest Gump hacker plots?
On the post: DOJ Responds To Megaupload's Accusations Of Misleading The Court... By Misleading The Court
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On the post: A Fitting Tribute For Aaron Swartz: Researchers Post Free PDFs Of Their Research Online
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On the post: Anonymous Launches White House Petition Saying DDoS Should Be Recognized As A Valid Form Of Protest
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That is a very liberal attitude, did someone disagree with your opinion?
On the post: Anonymous Launches White House Petition Saying DDoS Should Be Recognized As A Valid Form Of Protest
Re: Re:
Your argument is idiotic. Comparing blocking access and entry in to a building, and block access to the exits, are two different things.
On the post: Anonymous Launches White House Petition Saying DDoS Should Be Recognized As A Valid Form Of Protest
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