They felt bad for a few minutes, then they looked at the TSA and said, "Nah, we're all good, they are much dirtier, more perverted, and should be much more ashamed than us. So remember if anyone questions our actions, just say, we're not groping your daughter and molesting your wife (unless you want us to), we're just tracking your car."
But..But..But... He had an iTaser app on his iphone, I had to confiscate it to keep from being tased by the somewhat irate individual who just kept cringing and shouting, "Don't tase me bro!" as I stole, er pirated, er borrowed, er yeah stole his iPhone... like I was supposed to know what that means....
I'm glad someone brought up the fact that no personally identifiable information was provided on the blog, and that all those jumping to conclusions and assuming that she had done something that violated HIPPA without any actual proof are just more supporters of the current government's effort to remove what little is left of our civil liberties.
Lets just ASSUME that she did something bad without any proof of misconduct whatsoever, and then discuss how bad what she did was without even knowing what she did.... Getting expelled from a university isn't proof of anything except the fact that the school has overzealous administrators quick to jump on the current political/party 'bandwagon'.
When I heard about a nurse blogging, I assumed that it would be talking about general procedures, daily tasks, first time performing various procedures, etc for her own records and potential review purposes (ie. Today I got to perform my first frontal lobotomy on a Senator, would you believe there really is nothing in there, even before performing the lobotomy. Now she's not saying which senator, and since they are all pretty much vacant up there, nothing that would be personally identifiable, until the senator saw the blog and posted a comment of course).
Lets just jump to conclusions and support whatever the current government agency is saying regardless of the facts... They are from the government, and they are here to help...
They have no legal authority to speak, right, so why would anyone listen to them....
Oh, they haven't been rounded up and shipped off yet... give it a week or two, I'm sure some will be found to have 'conspiratorial ties to Manning' and will get a first hand sample of the treatment they criticizing.
We all know hypocrites don't like to be called out or have their position called into question, or they react violently and with 'conspiratorial purpose'....
It would be interesting to see America's GDP broken down by industry over the years, including lawsuits and associated fines/penalties assessed as their own industry. I'm guessing that lawsuits (including the assessed fines, not what may have been paid) would probably be the largest section of America's GDP... Of course it's a little dishonest to consider this to be a 'product' that America produces, but it's money that could be going to produce things, but it's not because it's being removed from the economy via lawsuit and re-distributed to those who aren't actually producing anything (except the laws and lawsuits).
Factor on the amount of money removed from the productive economy via 'lobbying' (if it was possible to get accurate figures on all the hidden/backroom/behind the back/guest at my resort in the Caman island type deals), and I'm guessing that these 2 'industries' would dwarf any legitimate industries in the United States.
When the shills and trolls come on to talk about how their industry is dying or being wiped out by piracy, this is the true industry they are talking about. The industry of taking money from productive members of society via lawsuit, which has become one of the most profitable industries in the US.
Sure I could provide statistics to back up all this, but 68% of statistics are made up on the spot, so just pick some random numbers out of the air and you'll be about as close as the 'industry' statistics that we are expected to believe support their outrageous claims.
Stalin: Ok, generals see that list... those are the ones who didn't vote for me.... Round them all up, and put them in concentration camps, or better yet just shoot them where they stand, if they don't support me, I could care less about their lives...
Still see no reason for votes to be kept secret? It's not about what we the people would do with information, it's about what would be done to we the people if those in power had the information.
Obama: Due to budget cuts and sagging economy, we are going to have to band together and make some serious cuts to get through this thing together. Effective immediately, public schools will only be allowed to serve 'selected' portions of the public. To check if your children will be allowed to attend a public school near you, check the last public voting roster, if you voted "Obama" congratulations, your children are eligible for public school until the next election, all others parents are required to enroll your children in the online only "re-education" program for an annual cost of $100,000 per child per year (come on you'all can afford this, it's less than the cost of 'stealing' one mp3 after all...) Once your children have completed the mandatory 5 year re-education campaign, and you as parents have signed the contractual agreement to vote 'correctly' in the next election, your children may be allowed to attend public school again (all rights reserved, not valid in all states of mind).
This message brought to you by the letters RIAA, MPAA, and the numbers 1337.... (sarcasm off)
So your answer to this is to have the GOVERNMENT (the ones 'subsidizing' the health care of these alleged 'crack, cocaine, and heroine' mothered babies) foot the bill to the tune of $30,000 per birth, rather than the generic cost of $300 per birth....
That will teach those dirty 'mothers' a lesson now, won't it? (and I'm not talking about the ones having the babies here).
1. Mandate health-care for all (subsidized by the government of course)
2. Grant monopolies to drug manufacturers so they can inflate prices 1000%
3. Kill babies.... by restricting use due to excessive cost to only government subsidized births
4. Profit... for the drug companies, and the senators and congress men they bought
Sounds like a plan, I'm sure I have a patent on this business model somewhere, or I can submarine one in there pretty quickly.... lets get some lawyers and get to suing, it's the American way after all right?
When did as American as Mom, Apple Pie, and Baseball become...
As American as Monopolies, Malfeasance and Litigation?
I've patented, trademarked, and copyrighted the process/concept of moving into space in order to avoid the ridiculous artificial limits placed on business by an overzealous government.
Also included in my copyrighted patent/trademark documents are: moving to a different universe, dimension, quantum universe/dimension, galaxies linked by artificial wormholes, black holes, and any other 'unregulated' places not yet discovered or not currently technologically possible (moving into the digital world, aka TRON will be covered by this when it becomes technologically possible).
Please be aware that for anyone considering this type of move, I will be happy to provide a 'license' to allow the move, for the amount of $1 billion dollars for a 10 year renewable license.
Let’s begin with perhaps the single biggest threat we face as a Country: cultural theft. At the outset, I want you to know that I recognize and appreciate that MPAA members are on the front lines every day when it comes to practicing cultural theft. Further, I want you to know that the member studios of the MPAA deeply appreciate the efforts you make every day to ignore the hemorrhaging of cultural theft that we are engaged in. Without the ignorance and apathy of the general public, and , we wouldn't be able to steal your culture and sell it back to you over and over again to continue to make the obscene profits we have become accustomed and entitled to.
We must continue to work together, pushing for stronger laws to protect intellectual property and more meaningful enforcement of those laws is the only thing we know how to do these days. We must also educate parents and students and everyone else about the real world impact of cultural theft on jobs and on local tax revenues, and how our ability to steal your culture can have a direct impact on on our ability to make the kinds of profits that we wish to see.
Wait a minute here... was there any 'music' recorded in these illegal wiretaps?
Based on the fine and daily amount the feds were recording these guys for 204 days, I think we can safely assume (just like the RIAA/MPAA do) that in that time frame the Feds recorded some music in their wiretaps.
So while they may only be on the hook for $100 per day to the lawyers, we should be expecting to see a lawsuit by the RIAA against the federal government for copyright infringement for every piece of a song that was recorded on any of those 204 day's recordings. This could open the Feds up to some huge fines based on what consumers would have to pay if they did the same thing (remember folks, recording music IS THE DEVIL, and you have to give the devil his due....).
Seriously though, lets say I setup a recording device in public near an area where lots of people play music (radios, CD's, car stereo's, etc) and recorded all the 'sounds' for 204 days. Lets assume that I only recorded one 'song' per day in my perfectly legal public recordings, how much would the fine be if I was taken to court and the recordings were presented as proof of my 'copyright infringement'? $10,000? $100,000? $2,040,000?
I think it's only fair that the Feds should be sued by the RIAA for any piece of music that they happened to record in their illegal wiretapping. Furthermore I think they should be slapped with Murder charges under the 'felony murder rule' since they are committing a crime related to killing someone, since 'Home recording is killing the music industry'.......
yeah, I'm serious.... now where did I leave that tinfoil hat
Is it a fly rod, or an 'long range mid digit extension to facilitate occular obsfucation'?
One sells for $45, but the other goes for a whopping $4500 in defense contracts, so obviously they have concerns about protecting their monopoly, er Trademark.
'long range mid digit extension to facilitate ocular obfuscation' = a finger in the eye (extended by the bamboo rod of course)....
Re: Re: Re: Groklaw concurs and goes a bit further
So if I create an algorithm that breaks the laws of mathematics and functions outside of them, then I can patent it? So if I create an algorithm that shows that 2 + 2 = 5 for exceedingly large values of 2 (when approaching the vertex of a spatial anomaly (black hole) and traveling near the speed of light for example), then I can patent it and sue everyone who says 2+2=4?
All parts of anything used in a process are already defined: as a part of reality. Unless the process 'breaks' reality and functions outside of reality then it shouldn't be patentable? Right? There is nothing being done today that hasn't been done or thought of previously (even if it wasn't patented or recorded, someone out there has thought about it...) Reality is already known, even if it hasn't been specifically manipulated in that manner before.
Re: Re: When will they learn? Instead of trying to fine and jail pirates they should turn us into paying customers (or advertising targets).?
The onus is on the criminal (colored people, distillers, women) to reform themselves..
The onus is not on society to surrender or bend to criminals...
Oh crap....damn those pesky time warps, and here I was thinking we were still in the back in the beginning of the century, you know when segregation, the repeal of prohibition, and the women's rights movement would have all been considered terrorist activities (I mean they were all promoted and sponsored by criminals who didn't like the law at the time, right?)....
Next people will be saying that movie studios could do away with release 'windows' and still make money...
You do realize that expecting companies NOT to charge you over and over for the same thing (in a different format, in a 'new and improved' version, in a new edition, etc) will be the DEATH OF THOSE COMPANIES....
I mean it's not like they know how to provide customers with value, all they know how to do is suck every last dime out of their existing products, then they slap it in a new format/edition, rinse, and repeat.
On the post: Feds Tell Supreme Court They Should Be Able To Stick A GPS Device On Your Car Without A Warrant
Re: Law Enforcement: immune to feelings of shame?
On the post: Hospitals Argue That More Transparency On Medical Errors Will Decrease Dialogue On Fixing Them
Wait, wrong meme....
Allowing open and honest discussion would prevent open and honest discussion... it makes sense if you don't think about it.
On the post: Michigan State Police Say It'll Cost $545k To Discover What Info It's Copying Off Mobile Phones During Traffic Stops [Updated]
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: phone snooping
But..But..But... He had an iTaser app on his iphone, I had to confiscate it to keep from being tased by the somewhat irate individual who just kept cringing and shouting, "Don't tase me bro!" as I stole, er pirated, er borrowed, er yeah stole his iPhone... like I was supposed to know what that means....
On the post: Is It A First Amendment Violation To Kick A Student Out Of Nursing School For Blogging About A Patient?
Wild assumptions anyone?
Lets just ASSUME that she did something bad without any proof of misconduct whatsoever, and then discuss how bad what she did was without even knowing what she did.... Getting expelled from a university isn't proof of anything except the fact that the school has overzealous administrators quick to jump on the current political/party 'bandwagon'.
When I heard about a nurse blogging, I assumed that it would be talking about general procedures, daily tasks, first time performing various procedures, etc for her own records and potential review purposes (ie. Today I got to perform my first frontal lobotomy on a Senator, would you believe there really is nothing in there, even before performing the lobotomy. Now she's not saying which senator, and since they are all pretty much vacant up there, nothing that would be personally identifiable, until the senator saw the blog and posted a comment of course).
Lets just jump to conclusions and support whatever the current government agency is saying regardless of the facts... They are from the government, and they are here to help...
/sarcasm off
On the post: Over 250 Top US Legal Scholars Condemn The Treatment Of Bradley Manning
Ignore who? The new 'guests' at Gitmo....
Oh, they haven't been rounded up and shipped off yet... give it a week or two, I'm sure some will be found to have 'conspiratorial ties to Manning' and will get a first hand sample of the treatment they criticizing.
We all know hypocrites don't like to be called out or have their position called into question, or they react violently and with 'conspiratorial purpose'....
On the post: Statutory Damages In Copyright Law Make It More Appealing To Sue Than To Innovate
How much money/time/resources wasted on lawsuits
Factor on the amount of money removed from the productive economy via 'lobbying' (if it was possible to get accurate figures on all the hidden/backroom/behind the back/guest at my resort in the Caman island type deals), and I'm guessing that these 2 'industries' would dwarf any legitimate industries in the United States.
When the shills and trolls come on to talk about how their industry is dying or being wiped out by piracy, this is the true industry they are talking about. The industry of taking money from productive members of society via lawsuit, which has become one of the most profitable industries in the US.
Sure I could provide statistics to back up all this, but 68% of statistics are made up on the spot, so just pick some random numbers out of the air and you'll be about as close as the 'industry' statistics that we are expected to believe support their outrageous claims.
On the post: Feds: 4th Amendment Shouldn't Apply To Online Emails Because... That Would Make Us Have To Work Harder
Re: Total Shame
On the post: 14,000 'Unsaved' Votes Suddenly 'Found' In Wisconsin?
Re: Forget secret votes
Still see no reason for votes to be kept secret? It's not about what we the people would do with information, it's about what would be done to we the people if those in power had the information.
Obama: Due to budget cuts and sagging economy, we are going to have to band together and make some serious cuts to get through this thing together. Effective immediately, public schools will only be allowed to serve 'selected' portions of the public. To check if your children will be allowed to attend a public school near you, check the last public voting roster, if you voted "Obama" congratulations, your children are eligible for public school until the next election, all others parents are required to enroll your children in the online only "re-education" program for an annual cost of $100,000 per child per year (come on you'all can afford this, it's less than the cost of 'stealing' one mp3 after all...) Once your children have completed the mandatory 5 year re-education campaign, and you as parents have signed the contractual agreement to vote 'correctly' in the next election, your children may be allowed to attend public school again (all rights reserved, not valid in all states of mind).
This message brought to you by the letters RIAA, MPAA, and the numbers 1337.... (sarcasm off)
On the post: SF Entertainment Commission Says Attending Any Gathering Of 100 Or More People Means You Lose All Privacy Rights
Re: The future.
I'm sure we could get one that replaces Father with Freedom.... it would be much more fitting...
Now if everyone was wearing one of these...
All the better to make the point... but they still wouldn't get it...
On the post: Did The Library Of Congress Just Honor Copyright Infringement?
Re: Re: My name is Inigo Montoya and you killed my name.... prepare to die
On the post: FDA, KV Pharma Bend A Bit To Public Pressure; Lower Makena Costs, Allow Competing Drugs To Remain... For Now
Re: Re: This is sick
That will teach those dirty 'mothers' a lesson now, won't it? (and I'm not talking about the ones having the babies here).
1. Mandate health-care for all (subsidized by the government of course)
2. Grant monopolies to drug manufacturers so they can inflate prices 1000%
3. Kill babies.... by restricting use due to excessive cost to only government subsidized births
4. Profit... for the drug companies, and the senators and congress men they bought
Sounds like a plan, I'm sure I have a patent on this business model somewhere, or I can submarine one in there pretty quickly.... lets get some lawyers and get to suing, it's the American way after all right?
When did as American as Mom, Apple Pie, and Baseball become...
As American as Monopolies, Malfeasance and Litigation?
On the post: Does It Really Make Sense For Silicon Valley Companies To Make Friends In DC?
Re: I've patented that... Pay up or I'll sue....
Also included in my copyrighted patent/trademark documents are: moving to a different universe, dimension, quantum universe/dimension, galaxies linked by artificial wormholes, black holes, and any other 'unregulated' places not yet discovered or not currently technologically possible (moving into the digital world, aka TRON will be covered by this when it becomes technologically possible).
Please be aware that for anyone considering this type of move, I will be happy to provide a 'license' to allow the move, for the amount of $1 billion dollars for a 10 year renewable license.
/sarcasm off
On the post: Chris Dodd Memorizing Bogus MPAA Talking Points; Says File Sharing Ruins Community Bonding
FTFY Chris...
We must continue to work together, pushing for stronger laws to protect intellectual property and more meaningful enforcement of those laws is the only thing we know how to do these days. We must also educate parents and students and everyone else about the real world impact of cultural theft on jobs and on local tax revenues, and how our ability to steal your culture can have a direct impact on on our ability to make the kinds of profits that we wish to see.
On the post: Judge Makes Feds Pay Pocket Change To Two Lawyers It Wiretapped Without A Warrant
Wait a minute here... was there any 'music' recorded in these illegal wiretaps?
So while they may only be on the hook for $100 per day to the lawyers, we should be expecting to see a lawsuit by the RIAA against the federal government for copyright infringement for every piece of a song that was recorded on any of those 204 day's recordings. This could open the Feds up to some huge fines based on what consumers would have to pay if they did the same thing (remember folks, recording music IS THE DEVIL, and you have to give the devil his due....).
Seriously though, lets say I setup a recording device in public near an area where lots of people play music (radios, CD's, car stereo's, etc) and recorded all the 'sounds' for 204 days. Lets assume that I only recorded one 'song' per day in my perfectly legal public recordings, how much would the fine be if I was taken to court and the recordings were presented as proof of my 'copyright infringement'? $10,000? $100,000? $2,040,000?
I think it's only fair that the Feds should be sued by the RIAA for any piece of music that they happened to record in their illegal wiretapping. Furthermore I think they should be slapped with Murder charges under the 'felony murder rule' since they are committing a crime related to killing someone, since 'Home recording is killing the music industry'.......
yeah, I'm serious.... now where did I leave that tinfoil hat
On the post: Would A Moron In A Hurry Confuse Military Equipment With A Bamboo Fishing Rod?
Is it a fly rod, or an 'long range mid digit extension to facilitate occular obsfucation'?
'long range mid digit extension to facilitate ocular obfuscation' = a finger in the eye (extended by the bamboo rod of course)....
On the post: 'Hollywood Accounting' Losing In The Courts
Re: Who takes the real losses?
On the post: Authorities Force 73,000 Blogs Offline?
Re: Re: Best Bumper sticker
Fighting Terrorism since 1492
On the post: Reading The Bilski Tea Leaves For What The Supreme Court Thinks Of Software Patents
Re: Re: Re: Groklaw concurs and goes a bit further
All parts of anything used in a process are already defined: as a part of reality. Unless the process 'breaks' reality and functions outside of reality then it shouldn't be patentable? Right? There is nothing being done today that hasn't been done or thought of previously (even if it wasn't patented or recorded, someone out there has thought about it...) Reality is already known, even if it hasn't been specifically manipulated in that manner before.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: When will they learn? Instead of trying to fine and jail pirates they should turn us into paying customers (or advertising targets).?
The onus is not on society to surrender or bend to criminals...
Oh crap....damn those pesky time warps, and here I was thinking we were still in the back in the beginning of the century, you know when segregation, the repeal of prohibition, and the women's rights movement would have all been considered terrorist activities (I mean they were all promoted and sponsored by criminals who didn't like the law at the time, right?)....
Now where did I leave that tinfoil
On the post: Students Overwhelmingly Don't Like Kindle As A Textbook Replacement Option
Re: Add Value
Next people will be saying that movie studios could do away with release 'windows' and still make money...
You do realize that expecting companies NOT to charge you over and over for the same thing (in a different format, in a 'new and improved' version, in a new edition, etc) will be the DEATH OF THOSE COMPANIES....
I mean it's not like they know how to provide customers with value, all they know how to do is suck every last dime out of their existing products, then they slap it in a new format/edition, rinse, and repeat.
Now where did I leave that tinfoil....
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