It is not. It is all based on being posers for the media, and the need for re-election funding. Plus the need to show they are doing something to the public at large. It is all a joke.
Eventually something bad will happen, and they will then be able to show us this huge dossier on the suspect & break down all of the ways they failed to act on the information
... and then off to Tiger Repelling rock V 4.0 and requesting more worthless information.
This election cycle is about people being really fed up with politics as usual. Hence the rise of Sanders and Trump.
With how many people are getting news through social media, and online through various other sources, bypassing traditional media, lets hope these politicians and bureaucrats keep this business as usual for another 4 or 5 years. Perhaps then we can have term limits in the form of a "vote them all out" campaign.
Darth Putin @DarthPutinKGB May 27 Arriving at Athens today: Customs: Name? Me: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Customs: Occupation? Me: No, this time i'm just here for 2 days
No doubt this is going to be used to censor all the posts about the bang up job the EU's is doing on immigration, and well, any other policy they screw up royally. The two things they are doing, setting themselves up for a Streisand effect that approaches that of a mega tsunami levels, and hiding the resentment that is leading to the rise of the right, will come back to bite them in the end.
I say good on them, let them hide their heads in the sand, cover their ears, yell I can't hear you, and force all the hate speech underground where they can never monitor it.
This reminds me of something ... oh yeah, now I remember ... it's kind of like attention seeking attorney generals and police departments forcing Craig's list to de-list prostitution, and now that we have zero prostitution in the United States, I feel so much safer. /sarc
It will be fun to watch as politician begin scrambling to do something, due to all of their e-mails being now available on Wikileaks due to backdoor's in encryption.
The difference between the majority of millennials and most of the older folk is media is interactive. Most companies like Verizon do not understand that. They still see the world through pre 2000 rose colored glasses. Where business plans where made, no adaptation was done, no feedback was gathered, and anything that could affect any other portion of the businesses bottom line was nixed.
The thing I am waiting for is the first time a city decides to take on a DAO (Decentralized Antonymous Organization) doing business in their city.
city council member : WTF do you mean the company has no board members, no one to fine, no one to hold accountable, just rules that can not be altered ...
"That the criminal element now seems to present more of a danger coming from law enforcement than from the criminals is not improving the government's credibility. If anything it is leading citizens to now believe the government is the problem, not the solution and that is one of the many reasons it is showing up voting results as they have been."
the court is limited to what it can do in response to the DOJ's misconduct. Holding the DOJ responsible for the involved states' legal fees would result in the participating states effectively paying their own legal fees.
Here is a novel idea, have the DOJ lawyers pay the legal fees out of their own pockets. That might deter this sort of behavior in the future.
"it's an embarrassment for the NY Times to have allowed it to be published. Is fact checking dead at the Gray Lady?"
The New York Times has become a tabloid that does opinion pieces. Every week or two you hear about one of their high profile stories being full of "factual errors", that is political speak for totally made up.
"with the capability of playing stored media files selected by a user from a hierarchical display"
Troubling, in that a they are taking about 1) a tree structure 2) something that is so obvious to anyone that knows anything about programming, or has even glanced sideways at a GUI
I was wondering if they also got patents on displaying other things in tree structure, or if we have other companies out their about to drop a huge set of lawsuits on every internet site.
1) how many people subscribe to cable TV. 2) how many of the above people actually have cable boxes. 3) how many of them watch any TV during the month.
That would give you a clearer picture of what is actually happening cord cutting wise.
"officials announced that they were dropping the charges against Reilly and Lowery, in exchange for a promise that the two will not sue the county."
So, does that mean that the charges will not be dropped if they decide to sue? Because they seem to be saying, we will arrest you and possibly send you to jail if you do not agree to this.
On the post: Two Days, Two Shootings, Two Sets Of Cops Making Recordings Disappear
Re: Re:
More likely Dick Cheney
On the post: Police Claim They Arrested Man Who Burnt American Flag Because Of Threats He Received
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Right to Free Speech - America, you don't know the half of it
On the post: Senator Wyden Puts A Hold On Intelligence Authorization Bill To Block FBI Warrantless Surveillance
On the post: This Will Backfire: Google/Facebook Using Copyright Tools To Remove 'Extremist' Content
Re: Define extremist
On the post: DHS Wants Travelers Entering The US To Include Their Social Media Handles... Just Because
Re: Re:
... and then off to Tiger Repelling rock V 4.0 and requesting more worthless information.
On the post: House Intel Boss, Rep. Devin Nunes, Lying To Congress About Attempt To Stop Encryption Backdoors
With how many people are getting news through social media, and online through various other sources, bypassing traditional media, lets hope these politicians and bureaucrats keep this business as usual for another 4 or 5 years. Perhaps then we can have term limits in the form of a "vote them all out" campaign.
On the post: Not The Onion: Morocco Bans Sharing Newspapers To Protect Publisher Business Models
On the post: Twitter Bans Obvious Putin Parody Account, Retreats After International Shaming
Way funny
Arriving at Athens today:
Customs: Name?
Me: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Customs: Occupation?
Me: No, this time i'm just here for 2 days
On the post: Top Internet Companies Agree To Vague Notice & Takedown Rules For 'Hate Speech' In The EU
I say good on them, let them hide their heads in the sand, cover their ears, yell I can't hear you, and force all the hate speech underground where they can never monitor it.
This reminds me of something ... oh yeah, now I remember ... it's kind of like attention seeking attorney generals and police departments forcing Craig's list to de-list prostitution, and now that we have zero prostitution in the United States, I feel so much safer. /sarc
On the post: Burr-Feinstein Anti-Encryption Bill Has No Support, Won't Be Moving Forward Anytime Soon
On the post: As Expected, Verizon's Attempt To Woo Millennials Is Falling Flat On Its Face
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: 'Smart Grid' Company Demands MuckRock Turn Over Info On Anyone Who Might Have Seen Public Records Docs Involving It
Re: This just goes here...
On the post: Cities Rushing To Restrict Airbnb Are About To Discover That They're Violating Key Internet Law
city council member : WTF do you mean the company has no board members, no one to fine, no one to hold accountable, just rules that can not be altered ...
On the post: Federal Judge Catches DOJ Lying, Sanctions Lawyers With Mandatory Ethics Classes
Nice ...
On the post: Federal Judge Catches DOJ Lying, Sanctions Lawyers With Mandatory Ethics Classes
Here is a novel idea, have the DOJ lawyers pay the legal fees out of their own pockets. That might deter this sort of behavior in the future.
On the post: You're Entitled To Your Own Opinions, But Not Your Own Facts About Copyright, NY Times Edition
"it's an embarrassment for the NY Times to have allowed it to be published. Is fact checking dead at the Gray Lady?"
On the post: Google Goes On The Offensive Against Troll Armed With Old Mp3 Player Patent
Troubling, in that a they are taking about
1) a tree structure
2) something that is so obvious to anyone that knows anything about programming, or has even glanced sideways at a GUI
I was wondering if they also got patents on displaying other things in tree structure, or if we have other companies out their about to drop a huge set of lawsuits on every internet site.
On the post: Once Again With Feeling: Cord Cutting Is Not A 'Myth'
1) how many people subscribe to cable TV.
2) how many of the above people actually have cable boxes.
3) how many of them watch any TV during the month.
That would give you a clearer picture of what is actually happening cord cutting wise.
On the post: Journalists Arrested In Ferguson Promise Not To Promote The Settlement
So, does that mean that the charges will not be dropped if they decide to sue? Because they seem to be saying, we will arrest you and possibly send you to jail if you do not agree to this.
On the post: Former FCC Boss Turned Top Cable Lobbyist Says Cable Industry Being Unfairly Attacked, 'No Evidence' Of Consumer Harm
Re: Re: No evidence
Hate when that happens
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