If you are implying that you are an artist, then I feel like you have confused "artist" with "arrogant asshole with a[n] [insert musical instrument here]". I'm not saying you don't have talent, as I haven't experienced your art-- probably because you spend most of your time making sure only the "allowed" people can experience it-- but feel free to share a sample of it with the class and let us be the judge, hmm?
While you're deciding whether or not to give yourself free publicity (and probably deciding against it!?) take a look at thru-you and try to tell me remixing isn't a creative endeavor.
Here's the skinny, skippy: This cable only embarrasses the united states. They almost all do. So, take off that tin-foil hat, my nervous friend, and relax.
Mr Coward, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
There are no claims of torture, except to say that solitary confinement is itself a torture, which is an argument that the courts in the US have rejected over and over again.
Finally, a good citizen to explain to us the err of our ways! Our great nation has also said that waterboarding is not torture, and let me tell you, sir, that I believe them. Even if most other countries, except China and North Korea-- maybe they're not so bad afterall?- says that it's torture, what do they know? Our Great Nation says that it's okay, and that's good enough for me, yes sir it is!
Innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean that he cannot be locked up without parole until his trial.
I didn't hear anyone saying that he shouldn't be in jail awaiting his trial, but, hey, way to knock that strawman down, Citizen! Score one for the greatest nation God ever gave Man! HooRah!
I am saying he is billeted with all the others accused of spreading 250,000 official secrets and confidential documents. He is the only one.
QFT, my fellow Citizen! That's also why we don't let him have a pillow or sheets, because we don't have any sheets bought for people awaiting a trial for allegedly spreading 250,000 secret and confidential documents. I mean, really, who has a set of those lying around? It's also why we don't let him exercise in his cell, because then we might have to give him a towel or a mat or something, and we don't have any of those bought for for people awaiting a trial for allegedly spreading 250,000 secret and confidential documents, now do we? No sir, we do not! Books to read? No way! He'd probably just try to leak them to Wikileaks, am I right? *nudge nudge* Not only that, but even though we're supposed to treat him as if he is innocent until our great legal system determines whether or not he's guilty-- I say the doesn't *deserve* books. I've never needed to read them anyway! If I need to know something, Our Great Nation will tell me, won't they? Yes, sir, they will, at that!
The net result is he is in solitary confinement, if only because he is the only prisoner in this condition.
His conditions are exactly the same as any other prisoner held under the same circumstances.
That's korrect! He is alone because he's unique and he's treated this way just like all the others! Why didn't I see that before? Thank you, learned Citizen!
The story is a non-starter, created only by people who are looking for a way to get the weasel out of trouble.
That's right, we don't want that innocent-until-proven-guilty weasel to get out of trouble that he may or may not be in, amirite? I just don't understand all those mamby-pampy people who say, if he's found innocent, then we are punishing a US citizen with harsh (many say torturous) conditions. I can feel it in my gut that he's guilty! We should just kill him now so we don't have to order those bedsheets!
You go to bat for Manning. Would you go to bat for the mass murders who live in solitary (like Charles Manson)? Does he deserve to get out because solitary is so bad?
Correct-o-mundo, Citizen! This innocent-until-proven-guilty weasel is worse than a mass murderer, if you ask me! That's surely why he isn't even allowed books, like all those mass murderers. No books at all! Why, if it were up to me, he wouldn't even be allowed to *think* words. I know I don't, and I turned out just fine!
Paul, no one in their right mind would suggest every download equals a lost sale. That has no basis in reality.
The RIAA and the MPAA most certainly do suggest that. I agree that it has no basis in reality.
Problem is, anyone that suggests every download would have never resulted in a sale is also equally delusional.
The problem is that people focus on the money they could be making on selling an infinite product if it were scarce. You might as well get into business selling (the fictional) Everlasting Gobstoppers. Then, when people realize how to make them at home and they don't need you to make them, you can go out of business too!
The truth is somewhere in between, and not likely with a result you'll want to brag about.
The bigger point is that focusing on this statement at all is pointless. It simply doesn't matter. I can't imagine how much stress is involved when you can see the market for your product melt away and I sympathize- or, I used to, but dwelling on the reasons for that melting market isn't going to keep you in business. Try competing instead.
If it wasn't offered for free, and you wanted to have the songs to play whenever you wanted, your only option would be to buy it.
Buy it, huh? So, I pay $1.29 to iTunes and I own the song? Or did I just license it? I think all that it's-not-a-purchase-it's-a-license nonsense has cultivated a society that *knows* they don't own it after they "buy" it, so they figure they don't really have a reason to give money at all.
Your demands are fallacious.
You are saying that you *don't* believe you need to give your customers a reason to buy your product above-and-beyond the fact that it was created at all? Excellent business strategy. Or, is it an exit strategy? Who can tell?
But none of this matters anyway. The time is quickly approaching when if guys want to have a song, you're going to have to pay for it.
Everyone step back, I'm going to try science. Click on a song. Press Ctrl-C. Press Ctrl-V. Do you now have two identical songs? Well, what do you know, it worked! So, what was that about the death of piracy, again?
If a ten year old kid on a 5 year old computer can break your 50 year old business model, then you need a new business model.
The old middle men are dead, long live the new middle men.
I am confused about a few lines in that wall of text (seriously, try to organize those thoughts, man!) that perhaps you'd be so kind as to clarify:
The need for changed business models is also illustrated in our independent music Roadmap white paper and follow-up meetings we have likewise held across the country, stressing the need to experiment and adopt new business models and be more creative in our businesses. Those models advocate including distributing music for free to engage our fans, often for limited periods of time, when our members decide it's appropriate.
I am unclear how you can distribute a digital file for free for a limited time. (probably due to my own misunderstanding of what you mean by "for a limited time") Once it is out there, it is out there forever, is it not?
A2IM does support fighting internet piracy, as well as a reasonable interpretation of the Federal DMCA rules that can protects creators, and welcomes both private and public support, so that our members can continue to make a living and invest in the creation of new music and not just be used by tech companies to build their business models with no regard for copyright and intellectual property creation.
Are you saying that you feel that internet piracy should only be fought when a company is using the work commercially? If yes, does this mean you don't support suing fans sharing for no commercial gain? If no, do you really think suing music fans will help your members "continue to make a living and invest in the creation of new music"?
These aren't the fat old record labels you guys love to hate, these are the smart, nimble, internet able, social media mavens who are suppose to make up the future, and remarkably, they are coming to some of the same conclusions as the fat old record labels.
These aren't the fat old middle men, they're the slim, new middle men trying to ape the fat old middle men.
On the post: Permission Culture And The Automated Diminishment Of Fair Use
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
While you're deciding whether or not to give yourself free publicity (and probably deciding against it!?) take a look at thru-you and try to tell me remixing isn't a creative endeavor.
On the post: DailyDirt: Mysteries Of The Universe -- And Shooting Stuff
Re: Re: Writing right, amirite?
On the post: DailyDirt: Mysteries Of The Universe -- And Shooting Stuff
Writing right, amirite?
On the post: Canadian Music Collection Society Demanding Payment For 30 Second Song Previews
Poison Apple
On the post: NY Times Finally Speaks Out Against Financial Firms Blocking Wikileaks
Re: Dear Banks:
Don't let me down.
On the post: Swedish Officials Complained To US That Hollywood-Pushed IPRED 'Anti-Piracy' Law Did More Harm Than Good
Re: Re: Re:
Thanks pal.
On the post: Swedish Officials Complained To US That Hollywood-Pushed IPRED 'Anti-Piracy' Law Did More Harm Than Good
Re: Re: Re:
..soylent green is people. On a horse.
On the post: Swedish Officials Complained To US That Hollywood-Pushed IPRED 'Anti-Piracy' Law Did More Harm Than Good
On the post: UN Investigating Whether Or Not US Is Torturing Bradley Manning
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Finally, a good citizen to explain to us the err of our ways! Our great nation has also said that waterboarding is not torture, and let me tell you, sir, that I believe them. Even if most other countries, except China and North Korea-- maybe they're not so bad afterall?- says that it's torture, what do they know? Our Great Nation says that it's okay, and that's good enough for me, yes sir it is!
Innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean that he cannot be locked up without parole until his trial.
I didn't hear anyone saying that he shouldn't be in jail awaiting his trial, but, hey, way to knock that strawman down, Citizen! Score one for the greatest nation God ever gave Man! HooRah!
I am saying he is billeted with all the others accused of spreading 250,000 official secrets and confidential documents. He is the only one.
QFT, my fellow Citizen! That's also why we don't let him have a pillow or sheets, because we don't have any sheets bought for people awaiting a trial for allegedly spreading 250,000 secret and confidential documents. I mean, really, who has a set of those lying around? It's also why we don't let him exercise in his cell, because then we might have to give him a towel or a mat or something, and we don't have any of those bought for for people awaiting a trial for allegedly spreading 250,000 secret and confidential documents, now do we? No sir, we do not! Books to read? No way! He'd probably just try to leak them to Wikileaks, am I right? *nudge nudge* Not only that, but even though we're supposed to treat him as if he is innocent until our great legal system determines whether or not he's guilty-- I say the doesn't *deserve* books. I've never needed to read them anyway! If I need to know something, Our Great Nation will tell me, won't they? Yes, sir, they will, at that!
The net result is he is in solitary confinement, if only because he is the only prisoner in this condition.
His conditions are exactly the same as any other prisoner held under the same circumstances.
That's korrect! He is alone because he's unique and he's treated this way just like all the others! Why didn't I see that before? Thank you, learned Citizen!
The story is a non-starter, created only by people who are looking for a way to get the weasel out of trouble.
That's right, we don't want that innocent-until-proven-guilty weasel to get out of trouble that he may or may not be in, amirite? I just don't understand all those mamby-pampy people who say, if he's found innocent, then we are punishing a US citizen with harsh (many say torturous) conditions. I can feel it in my gut that he's guilty! We should just kill him now so we don't have to order those bedsheets!
You go to bat for Manning. Would you go to bat for the mass murders who live in solitary (like Charles Manson)? Does he deserve to get out because solitary is so bad?
Correct-o-mundo, Citizen! This innocent-until-proven-guilty weasel is worse than a mass murderer, if you ask me! That's surely why he isn't even allowed books, like all those mass murderers. No books at all! Why, if it were up to me, he wouldn't even be allowed to *think* words. I know I don't, and I turned out just fine!
On the post: Debunking The 'But People Just Want Stuff For Free' Myth
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Addtional Free Sodomy
The RIAA and the MPAA most certainly do suggest that. I agree that it has no basis in reality.
Problem is, anyone that suggests every download would have never resulted in a sale is also equally delusional.
The problem is that people focus on the money they could be making on selling an infinite product if it were scarce. You might as well get into business selling (the fictional) Everlasting Gobstoppers. Then, when people realize how to make them at home and they don't need you to make them, you can go out of business too!
The truth is somewhere in between, and not likely with a result you'll want to brag about.
The bigger point is that focusing on this statement at all is pointless. It simply doesn't matter. I can't imagine how much stress is involved when you can see the market for your product melt away and I sympathize- or, I used to, but dwelling on the reasons for that melting market isn't going to keep you in business. Try competing instead.
On the post: UN Investigating Whether Or Not US Is Torturing Bradley Manning
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: UN Investigating Whether Or Not US Is Torturing Bradley Manning
On the post: UN Investigating Whether Or Not US Is Torturing Bradley Manning
On the post: Indie Music Association Comes Out In Favor Of Seizing Domain Names Of Blogs That Promote Their Music
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Samples
Buy it, huh? So, I pay $1.29 to iTunes and I own the song? Or did I just license it? I think all that it's-not-a-purchase-it's-a-license nonsense has cultivated a society that *knows* they don't own it after they "buy" it, so they figure they don't really have a reason to give money at all.
Your demands are fallacious.
You are saying that you *don't* believe you need to give your customers a reason to buy your product above-and-beyond the fact that it was created at all? Excellent business strategy. Or, is it an exit strategy? Who can tell?
But none of this matters anyway. The time is quickly approaching when if guys want to have a song, you're going to have to pay for it.
Everyone step back, I'm going to try science. Click on a song. Press Ctrl-C. Press Ctrl-V. Do you now have two identical songs? Well, what do you know, it worked! So, what was that about the death of piracy, again?
If a ten year old kid on a 5 year old computer can break your 50 year old business model, then you need a new business model.
On the post: Indie Music Association Comes Out In Favor Of Seizing Domain Names Of Blogs That Promote Their Music
Re: A2IM
I am confused about a few lines in that wall of text (seriously, try to organize those thoughts, man!) that perhaps you'd be so kind as to clarify:
The need for changed business models is also illustrated in our independent music Roadmap white paper and follow-up meetings we have likewise held across the country, stressing the need to experiment and adopt new business models and be more creative in our businesses. Those models advocate including distributing music for free to engage our fans, often for limited periods of time, when our members decide it's appropriate.
I am unclear how you can distribute a digital file for free for a limited time. (probably due to my own misunderstanding of what you mean by "for a limited time") Once it is out there, it is out there forever, is it not?
A2IM does support fighting internet piracy, as well as a reasonable interpretation of the Federal DMCA rules that can protects creators, and welcomes both private and public support, so that our members can continue to make a living and invest in the creation of new music and not just be used by tech companies to build their business models with no regard for copyright and intellectual property creation.
Are you saying that you feel that internet piracy should only be fought when a company is using the work commercially? If yes, does this mean you don't support suing fans sharing for no commercial gain? If no, do you really think suing music fans will help your members "continue to make a living and invest in the creation of new music"?
Thanks for your time!
On the post: Indie Music Association Comes Out In Favor Of Seizing Domain Names Of Blogs That Promote Their Music
These aren't the fat old middle men, they're the slim, new middle men trying to ape the fat old middle men.
Color me unconvinced.
On the post: Indie Music Association Comes Out In Favor Of Seizing Domain Names Of Blogs That Promote Their Music
Re: Re: Reap what you sow
Our next president is going to ban lobbying? If not, then I don't think who the president is matters much at all.
On the post: Now Random Webhosts Are Demanding Wikileaks Mirrors Be Taken Down Over Possibility Of DDoS?
Fat dumb and happy.
On the post: Debunking The 'But People Just Want Stuff For Free' Myth
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Debunking The 'But People Just Want Stuff For Free' Myth
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: this is what happens when you decimate the middle class
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