Re: Re: Re: Its a letter from a specific person to a group, that is open to everyone to read
This is exactly why I do my best not to insult someone's spelling/grammar. That, and for all I know, English is his second/third/fourth language. It's always better to debate the content of the message than the words typed.
Now, in Darryl's case, English seems to be his fist language, and, yes, he seems to type with his hands in oven mitts. I don't have to worry about that, because I just skip anything he posts. Try it, it's great.
I was a soldier too, and I applaud this man's bravery. He saw what he thought as a wrong that the most powerful government in the world was doing and instead of keeping his head low and carrying on smartly he put his freedom and his life on the line to see that light was shed on the situation.
"Treason" assumes that the government you are betraying is doing the right thing. We applaud men and women who stand up to governments like North Korea and China because we feel that those governments are in the wrong and we aknowledge that their citizens should stand up against those wrongs. Should we not do the same if we feel our government is in the wrong?
Honor. Courage. Commitment. He has displayed them all, whereas you, my carion-eating friend, have only displayed that you would murder a man based on Truthiness instead of Truth.
Yeah and I bet you are one of these people that believed the whole "HOPE" message during the last presidential election.
I was, in fact. I choose to believe people until they are proven to be untrustworthy. Obama won't be getting my vote net go around, trust me. However, that is completely beside the point (and surprisingly trollish, coming from you..?) The *reason* I would find it interesting is because it is easy to say those with power over you should have less power, but not as easy to say that *you* should have less power. So, it would be interesting to see if he would put his hypothetical money where is proverbial mouth is, ya dig?
I would pay a fair amount of money to get Ron Paul as the president. I'm not saying he would do a great job, though I suspect he would, I just think it would interesting to see what someone who thinks the federal government has too much power would do if he were in charge of it.
Dude, don't make me dig through all your old posts and link them. Seriously, is hypocrisy contagious? I agree that personal attacks are stupid, but you are also no stranger to tossing them around, are you?
Please point me to where Shermy says "there is no fair use."
Are you looking for those exact words, or words that mean those words? I doubt he said those 5 words, but if you take the time to read Mike's post above and all the others about this subject, you'll see that this man clearly feels that any use of another's copyrighted works equates to stealing an expensive car. I find it tough to mentally reconcile someone who says reposting a blurb from an article is stealing with someone who believes in Fair Use.
Ignoring your random insult that served absolutely no point except to harm your status as a serious commenter, I have to ask what you thought would happen.
It only makes sense: when you have one side of a debate pushing for more and more extreme measures to be taken it's natural for the opposing side to retaliate, calling for even more extreme, but opposite, measures. The ProIP crowd has only brought this on themselves, really.
The time when a middle-ground compromise can be found is quickly slipping away, and you'll see more and more "all information should be free" members begin to amass. What we *need* is the ProIP people to start to head back to the middle. Some (most?) parts of IP law (and, recently, Trademark law) have started to loose touch with reality all in the name of the almighty dollar. (Forever-minus-a-day, I'm looking at you.)
You said earlier in this discussion that laws should not get fixed on the bench, but in Congress. Unfortunately, many people are quite aware these days that Congress is bought off by big business. The only way we have to get these bad laws put down is through the judicial branch. I am aware that is not the right way to handle it, but desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.
What I have decided is not that we should abolish all IP laws, as I'm sure they sill have a place in this new digital world, albeit a small one, but instead we should abolish lobbying. As long as it exists this country and her laws will be pimped out to the highest bidder, as has *clearly* happened with IP laws. Once bribery of a government official is outlawed, I feel that this country will naturally gravitate back to sanity. (Because, personally, I don't want anyone in the government to be there to get rich-- that is the wrong type of motivational factor for becoming a public servant.)
I think you're confused, friend. What they are doing is taking something away that people (customers) have come to expect and requiring them to pay to get it back. This is not the same as an upsell.
They are trying to rewrite history, and clearly the customer isn't fooled.
Furthermore, they have crippled the rental product to make it less desirable than a pirated copy, as now you get to sit through the 20 minutes of crap to get to the movie, but the extras are gone.
All around a stupid move my the movie studios, but we are used to that by now.
I have read the wording of the Espionage Act: Just today, in fact, when I heard that Assange will most likely be charged for violating it-- but, looking at past examples of when it was invoked, I find a hard time understanding how it is *not* considered in violation of the First Amendment. I know that the Surpreme Court ruled that it was not, but still, in my own mind, I can't believe that it doesn't.
Ignoring that, I think our government needs to realize that there is a huge difference between embarrassing truth and national security.
But the main thing is that Assange knowingly received and released intellectual property that did not belong to him.
Knowingly received it? are you claiming that he knew the leak before it was leaked to him? Despite what you seem to believe, there is no current law against receiving classified documents.
Also, I trust you're using "intellectual property" in the loosest form of the phrase, because all those documents are in the Public Domain, having been created by the US Government.
He was a co-conspirator with the one who stole it.
So, if I copy some classified documents and email them to you, you're now my co-conspirator? Awesome. Good to know.
Once its published, and the newspapers reprint it, that is totally different.
So, it's illegal to publish it until it's published, and then it's okay to publish it? Seems logical to me. Next you'll tell me it's illegal to speed unless your car is already going faster than the speed limit, then it's okay to speed. Amirite?
As much as possible without compromising security, yes.
While I agree with you here, I think you should elaborate on "without compromising security" as, as far as I know, only one person compromised security, and it was someone in the military, not Assange.
And BTW, the Iraq war was not based on a lie, it was based on bad intelligence.
Imagine if this is how it worked for other markets.
"This dwelling is intended for rental purposes and only includes walls and a roof. Own it to enjoy the bonus features of indoor plumbing and heat and complete your dwelling living experience."
"This vehicle is intended for rental purposes and only includes a chassis, wheels and a gas pedal. Own it to enjoy the bonus feature of stopping and complete your vehicle driving experience."
I think these guys have forgotten what "value added" feature you really get with buying the DVD-- you don't have to give it back in 2 days.
It's always so refreshing to see someone new try discussing patents with angry dude. It's almost a rite of passage here at TD. :)
If you haven't already, you'll soon discover the uselessness of it. angry dude may or may not be a patent troll, but he is definitely a troll when it comes to discussing them. Once you come to terms with that, you'll be ready to make an account and wait for the next poor bastard to give it a try.
On the post: Denver Post Column That Righthaven Is Suing Over May Have Given Implied Permission To Copy
Re: Re: Re: Its a letter from a specific person to a group, that is open to everyone to read
On the post: Denver Post Column That Righthaven Is Suing Over May Have Given Implied Permission To Copy
Re: Re: Re: Its a letter from a specific person to a group, that is open to everyone to read
Now, in Darryl's case, English seems to be his fist language, and, yes, he seems to type with his hands in oven mitts. I don't have to worry about that, because I just skip anything he posts. Try it, it's great.
On the post: Columbia Journalism School Staff Warns Obama That Prosecuting Wikileaks Will 'Set A Dangerous Precedent'
On the post: US Is Apparently Torturing Bradley Manning, Despite No Trial And No Conviction
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
On the post: US Is Apparently Torturing Bradley Manning, Despite No Trial And No Conviction
Re: Re: Re: Re:
"Treason" assumes that the government you are betraying is doing the right thing. We applaud men and women who stand up to governments like North Korea and China because we feel that those governments are in the wrong and we aknowledge that their citizens should stand up against those wrongs. Should we not do the same if we feel our government is in the wrong?
Honor. Courage. Commitment. He has displayed them all, whereas you, my carion-eating friend, have only displayed that you would murder a man based on Truthiness instead of Truth.
For shame.
On the post: US Is Apparently Torturing Bradley Manning, Despite No Trial And No Conviction
Re: Don't bury the lead here....
Side question: How hard is it to get Icelandic citizenship?
On the post: Does Saying You Wouldn't 'Buy' A Congressional Seat Mean You Don't Care About Politics?
Re: Re: IMHO
I was, in fact. I choose to believe people until they are proven to be untrustworthy. Obama won't be getting my vote net go around, trust me. However, that is completely beside the point (and surprisingly trollish, coming from you..?) The *reason* I would find it interesting is because it is easy to say those with power over you should have less power, but not as easy to say that *you* should have less power. So, it would be interesting to see if he would put his hypothetical money where is proverbial mouth is, ya dig?
On the post: Does Saying You Wouldn't 'Buy' A Congressional Seat Mean You Don't Care About Politics?
On the post: Oh Look, Digital Downloads Aren't Saving The Music Industry
Re: Re: Who said the music industry needs saving,, apart from you Mike ???
It's so fucking worth it, though.
On the post: Sherman Fredericks 'Steals'* From Me
Re: Re: Re:
I'm not fooled, you are defending lawyers, not Fair Use.
On the post: Sherman Fredericks 'Steals'* From Me
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Dude, don't make me dig through all your old posts and link them. Seriously, is hypocrisy contagious? I agree that personal attacks are stupid, but you are also no stranger to tossing them around, are you?
Please point me to where Shermy says "there is no fair use."
Are you looking for those exact words, or words that mean those words? I doubt he said those 5 words, but if you take the time to read Mike's post above and all the others about this subject, you'll see that this man clearly feels that any use of another's copyrighted works equates to stealing an expensive car. I find it tough to mentally reconcile someone who says reposting a blurb from an article is stealing with someone who believes in Fair Use.
On the post: Supreme Court Ruling: You May Not Be Able To Legally Sell A Product First Made Outside The US
Re: Re:
It only makes sense: when you have one side of a debate pushing for more and more extreme measures to be taken it's natural for the opposing side to retaliate, calling for even more extreme, but opposite, measures. The ProIP crowd has only brought this on themselves, really.
The time when a middle-ground compromise can be found is quickly slipping away, and you'll see more and more "all information should be free" members begin to amass. What we *need* is the ProIP people to start to head back to the middle. Some (most?) parts of IP law (and, recently, Trademark law) have started to loose touch with reality all in the name of the almighty dollar. (Forever-minus-a-day, I'm looking at you.)
You said earlier in this discussion that laws should not get fixed on the bench, but in Congress. Unfortunately, many people are quite aware these days that Congress is bought off by big business. The only way we have to get these bad laws put down is through the judicial branch. I am aware that is not the right way to handle it, but desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.
What I have decided is not that we should abolish all IP laws, as I'm sure they sill have a place in this new digital world, albeit a small one, but instead we should abolish lobbying. As long as it exists this country and her laws will be pimped out to the highest bidder, as has *clearly* happened with IP laws. Once bribery of a government official is outlawed, I feel that this country will naturally gravitate back to sanity. (Because, personally, I don't want anyone in the government to be there to get rich-- that is the wrong type of motivational factor for becoming a public servant.)
On the post: Movie Studios Purposely Crippling Rental DVDs In Misguided Effort To Get People To Buy
Re: Re: Monopoly Rents
They are trying to rewrite history, and clearly the customer isn't fooled.
Furthermore, they have crippled the rental product to make it less desirable than a pirated copy, as now you get to sit through the 20 minutes of crap to get to the movie, but the extras are gone.
All around a stupid move my the movie studios, but we are used to that by now.
On the post: Ron Paul's Sensible Thoughts On Wikileaks
Re: Re: The Infamous Joe
Ignoring that, I think our government needs to realize that there is a huge difference between embarrassing truth and national security.
On the post: Ron Paul's Sensible Thoughts On Wikileaks
Re: Has Techdirt become a political organization?
Knowingly received it? are you claiming that he knew the leak before it was leaked to him? Despite what you seem to believe, there is no current law against receiving classified documents.
Also, I trust you're using "intellectual property" in the loosest form of the phrase, because all those documents are in the Public Domain, having been created by the US Government.
He was a co-conspirator with the one who stole it.
So, if I copy some classified documents and email them to you, you're now my co-conspirator? Awesome. Good to know.
Once its published, and the newspapers reprint it, that is totally different.
So, it's illegal to publish it until it's published, and then it's okay to publish it? Seems logical to me. Next you'll tell me it's illegal to speed unless your car is already going faster than the speed limit, then it's okay to speed. Amirite?
As much as possible without compromising security, yes.
While I agree with you here, I think you should elaborate on "without compromising security" as, as far as I know, only one person compromised security, and it was someone in the military, not Assange.
And BTW, the Iraq war was not based on a lie, it was based on bad intelligence.
Says the people being accused of lying, right?
On the post: Movie Studios Purposely Crippling Rental DVDs In Misguided Effort To Get People To Buy
Monopoly Rents
"This dwelling is intended for rental purposes and only includes walls and a roof. Own it to enjoy the bonus features of indoor plumbing and heat and complete your dwelling living experience."
"This vehicle is intended for rental purposes and only includes a chassis, wheels and a gas pedal. Own it to enjoy the bonus feature of stopping and complete your vehicle driving experience."
I think these guys have forgotten what "value added" feature you really get with buying the DVD-- you don't have to give it back in 2 days.
On the post: Warner Bros. Finally Realizes That 'Pirates' Are Underserved Customers
Re: Half Empty Much?
It's not a "largely positive news item" just because someone has stopped doing something bad.
In brighter news, after years of physical attacks, a local man has decided to stop beating his wife.
The glass is always full, btw.
On the post: Warner Bros. Finally Realizes That 'Pirates' Are Underserved Customers
Even a goldfish has a brain, that doesn't make it smart.
On the post: Movie Studios Purposely Crippling Rental DVDs In Misguided Effort To Get People To Buy
Re: Re:
On the post: Wi-Lan Just Keeps On Suing; Says Cable Modems Infringe Its Patents Too
Re: Re: Re: Re: Be careful with wording, punk
If you haven't already, you'll soon discover the uselessness of it. angry dude may or may not be a patent troll, but he is definitely a troll when it comes to discussing them. Once you come to terms with that, you'll be ready to make an account and wait for the next poor bastard to give it a try.
Welcome to the club.
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