Whether you're trying to establish your brand as a thought leader, generate buzz about a new product or crowdsource feedback from the online world, native advertising is the best way to get your content in front of readers. A variety of placements integrated into our most popular pages and content wells send readers to Techdirt-hosted pages with sponsor branding or to your own online destination.
Sponsored slots with prime placement in navigational units like Hot Topics and Related Posts
Posts from your company blog featured inside the main Techdirt content flow
Integrated content wells that promote your online destination alongside or in place of our navigational units
We've discovered that one of the best ways for advertisers to reach readers is by pairing your brand with targeted original content. We excel at finding the angle on a topic that will engage our readers most, so based on the interest groups you want to target, we can generate a wide variety of sponsored content packages and integrate them with our regular content.
We've even got some tried-and-tested programs to unite with your brand, like The Future Of... series, where we find the most innovative (and often unexpected) ideas emerging in a given field, and use them to start a discussion about where things are really headed.
You give us a topic, or work with us to brainstorm one, and we'll explore it with original editorial content. Prominent sponsor exposure and direct-response links connect everything to your brand
Maximize your chances of going viral with a medium known for its popularity online. We can work with your data, or do research on your behalf, and produce a piece of highly-shareable branded content
Become a thought leader and a conversation hub by building a home for the topics that matter to your brand. We'll create a dedicated blog with ongoing original content, cross-promoted on Techdirt
We provide several ways to drive extra attention to the branded content campaigns that we build with you. These optional add-on components each have unique advantages and can be mixed and matched to meet your specific goals. They can also stand alone as sponsorship initiatives or advertising units that connect directly to your website or direct-action campaign. Comprehensive campaigns that leverage all these promotional vectors can simultaneously generate exposure, engagement and good will.
Bring your branded post series or microsite to the forefront by adding a navigational unit to our pages. Get additional exposure for your branded content, and incorporate links to your own online destinations
Capture attention by sponsoring a gift for our readers: either the activation of our premium Crystal Ball as a free feature for a limited time, or a prize offered to the winners of our weekly comment rankings
Boost your campaign with additional visibility and direct-response by including display advertising with your branded content, or use site-wide advertising for internal promotion of your branded campaign
We can deploy standard display advertising campaigns site-wide or on a targeted basis. Our primary display real estate is in the sidebar, which can accommodate a variety of ad configurations in multiple locations. We support most rich media features as per IAB standards—please contact our sales team for more information.