Techdirt Innovative Advertising

Good Advertising Is Great Content

(And Vice Versa, Too)

One of the perks of Techdirt's ongoing focus on innovation is that it teaches us lessons we can use ourselves. As publishers and avid consumers of online media, the evolution of advertising has always been a favorite topic of ours, and for years we've been learning about how advertisers can best connect with our audience.

It all comes down to one idea: advertising is content. Online audiences will eagerly engage with a campaign, and the brand behind it, when that campaign has something substantial to offer. Maybe it's insightful, or funny, or artistic, or useful, or fun... or all of the above. These are the factors that lead to genuinely engaging content instead of the traditional advertising that audiences have trained themselves to ignore.

Lots of common goals come up in the world of online advertising, from making individual items go viral to establishing thought leadership at a high level. Ultimately, these are all facets of the same thing: quality content. Creating, spreading and starting a conversation around quality content is our specialty, and that's how we build our integrated advertising packages.


Start A Conversation Around Your Brand

There's so much content and advertising online that it's all too easy for a reader to forget something they've seen only moments later when the next piece of content grabs their attention. But there's one guaranteed way to capture an audience over the long term and replace mere exposure with genuine attention: start a conversation.

Conversation and interactivity is a huge part of Techdirt, and you can leverage the benefits of our highly active community by building campaigns that invite participation. When we work on a branded content program with you, we can put additional emphasis on conversation by inviting comments and social interaction, and extending the campaign to the Insight Community, our feedback-oriented platform.

Not only do you get the benefits of a more heavily-engaged audience that keeps returning to your content, you'll also be crowdsourcing insightful feedback from our audience of experts and influencers. Moreover, a focus on conversation increases your social media footprint and organically expands the audience to include people the campaign might otherwise never reach.

Next: Ads & Sponsorship >