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  • Nov 30th, 2020 @ 11:48am

    When it gets so bad no one can agree on the color of the sky

    Time has come to batten down the hatches for this civil war. I hereby cancel my subscription of maybe ten years due to a very warped direction techdirt has been leading.

    I don't feel I am getting an honest, fair view here, just a loud echo-chamber that makes my ears ring!

    Every warped blog I support is just making everything worse. Since, as you say, let this be fought out in the tech world, not the courts, I am voting in the tech world.

    I already dumped Facebook, soon twitter and the list goes on. This is war. War is hell.

  • Oct 17th, 2020 @ 8:27pm

    (untitled comment)

    First we had telegraph, then telephone. Next Television and then email. all these companies are responsible for liability. Say AT&T decided all calls promoting Biden for President would be disconnected if voice recognition detected his name.

    What if gmail had a text filter that stopped all pleas for campaign donations for only one candidate? Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, are evolutions of modern day communication.

    It could be argued 'the', primary form of communication today, thanks in part to algorithms designed to make them 'addicting as cigarettes', according to a recent Director of Monetization from one of those platforms.

  • Oct 17th, 2020 @ 8:05pm

    Re: Re: Twitter and Facebook are not moderating when REMOVE link

    You are playing with semantics. Whatever you call it, when an individual's communication is filtered on the basis of opinion, their 1st Amendment rights are damaged. If you allow pipes of American communication to clog this country is in deep sh*t!

  • Oct 17th, 2020 @ 7:52pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Yes. But that is a fight for another day. Lobbying and huge donations for political favor, is an accepted form of corruption in politics today, and eventually should get the same scrutiny that the police are getting today.

  • Oct 17th, 2020 @ 7:45pm


    Besides agreeing with your points, the fallicy in the original post is Fox News and MSNBC and CNN etc.. are Not currently protected by section 230! Nicholas Sandman and CNN can tell you that LOL.

    The platforms have become the 'voice' of the people. Freedom of speech is an individual's right. And that right is denied if the postal service, Amazon, FedEx, or any method of modern communication was warped for political squelching of those individuals' right to free speech.

    All the bill says, is if a communication platform insists on putting their 'finger on the scales' to push for a private company agenda, then section 230 should be lifted and those individuals should have their 'day in court' to be heard, if they and their attorney think their 1st Amendment rights were infringed upon.

  • Sep 27th, 2020 @ 1:04am

    Re: Re:

    One of those Big Tech orgs has admitted their employees have gone over a line. Conservatives that have worked at them, say they are in a vast minority so, the hands 'flipping the switches' and writing the code are greatly biased, even if the leaders of the orgs were interested in being impartial. 'Do no evil' is already a biased mission statement, as 'evil' has no real-world perfect definition, but is truly in the eye of the beholder.

  • Sep 22nd, 2020 @ 12:07pm

    (untitled comment)

    I should point out that you haven't proven either of those vloggers weren't treated unjustly for political reasons any more than I have the other way. I just allowed you the fairness of admitting I don't have conclusive evidence.

    I have however heard interviews from both Google's Sergey Brin, and Twitter's Jack Dorsey. Both clearly not only leaning, but certain that the left is the only correct path, even to the point of offering advantage to what they believe to be a better life for all of us, through their technology. This is not a conviction of wrongdoing, but a motivation, IMHO.

    You seem to clearly have all the answers and when not sure, you make assumptions that at least semi-justify the potential offender. You would make a good defense attorney. True, I try to convict prematurely. You believe it or not, have caused me to re-think my positions on Big Tech. Not ready to let them off the hook just yet, but my mind is open. It would be a much simpler world if they weren't skewing history, hiding one view and promoting the other.

    If there is any Big Tech Bias, we are all 'victims', arguably even those that agree with the bias!

  • Sep 19th, 2020 @ 9:42pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    I have been patient, willing to hear what you have to say, and relatively respectful, but I feel we need a translator to continue. If necessary, hit me with your final vitriolic shot. Whether or not my two poorly chosen, off the cuff examples fly, or not, we both know there is a serious raping of privacy that needs to be reined in, and a deliberate, or inadvertent manipulation of politics and the future of our lives through technology.

  • Sep 19th, 2020 @ 12:24am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    I am beginning to feel I am talking to a drunk individual? No. Not a blogger a vlogger. Linus Tech Tips is a YouTube vlog. He has maybe a thousand vlogs that he has done for over ten years. One day I clicked on one of his, and he was mortified. He woke up and found massive amounts of his content gone. I looked for it in his stored YouTube content and could not find it.

    It could have been a cloud glitch and he did not save his rant or YouTube may have made a deal that would not allow him to keep the rant. Although he is a tech vlogger he has gotten rather x-rated at times, some of those are still in his current catalog of old shows. Yes. I know, 'I am a liar!' Anything I cannot prove is a guaranteed lie to you, it seems.

    About your drunken insistence to call me a 'liar' my friend, your VQ (vitriol quotient), has exceeded your IQ. Your need to use vitriol has blurred your common sense. A 'lie' is a deliberate untruth. Even if I was in error, (which I am not currently convinced), it would NOT make me a 'liar".

    You are welcome to spew vitriol by calling me names, but liar is not applicable here.

    I do not see a vast conspiracy of the Big Tech companies because most are in serious competition to gather the majority of our information. Information is power, and power corrupts. There is no 'star chamber' where the Big Tech CEOs get together to inflict maximum harm on us, they are each motivated to secure the dossiers of everyone in the World!

  • Sep 17th, 2020 @ 8:08pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    It is interesting that as different as we may be, we can find some common ground by being respectful with each other. Morgan Freeman when asked what he thought of racists, said he was brought up being one by his Grandmother, and finds that you can learn something from anyone if you are open to it. There is a remarkable man behind that phenomenal voice.

    Not to 'beat a dead horse' here, but you can see I was talking about two different bloggers. Here is my statement, copied from the above post:

    I, first hand have experienced the demonetization of my favorite conservative blogger. He is an edgy comedian that deals in political satire.

    (I separated this so it is easier to see. And another, not the same guy..)

    And another had most of his library removed, with no warning. If they were that bad, why did he survive for almost ten years on YouTube?

    Also 'Big Tech' is not 'demfamatory', it just is a common slang so you don't have to say Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Instagram etc... and I do realize some are a bit repetitive as they are currently owned by another, but that could change quickly, these days.

  • Sep 17th, 2020 @ 4:57am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    The Eli Pariser video is far from random, he found in May 2011 the very heart of the Big Tech Bias that has torn America apart. The very reason that a large majority of left won't even allow discussion, present company excepted, (as you will engage.) Both left and right are 'grouped' into pods of agreement.

    Before the algorithm was launched, we all spoke and most listened and after some emotion people's minds changed. By reinforcing your belief that you are always correct and me, that I am always correct, (believe it or not!), the filter bubble has split the country like never before. So badly protesters are rated on peacefulness with a percentage. If a meteorite the size of a bus hits the middle of the U.S., the World was 75% peaceful that day. The fact that Millions see that one way and millions see it the other, is Eli's filter bubble. His video is only nine minutes. But it did more for my understanding of Big Tech Bias, than anything I had heard those 19 years ago.

    I am not sure of the guy that lost his YouTube library. But if you go back and read my original comment I clearly said that was another person. I will research him. He was freaking because he did not have a full backup and was planning to move to another platform. I don't lie. I can be mistaken, but I don't lie. Lying to win an argument is to me like cheating in cards. What have you accomplished? Nothing! I think that was Linus of Linus Tech Tips, maybe? YouTube did not explain to him why. Probably an AI controlled decision, so a human explanation might be impossible. But still the fault of Big Tech for the algorithms in the AI.

    Google's reluctance to help the US military with AI, but actually planning to engage AI in China is scary if you ask me. I heard they had second thoughts, but not sure if there wasn't some light shined on that, how they would have gone?

    Crowder regularly dresses in stereotypical garb to be politically incorrect. He has no fear of any group or race. He just pokes fun at everyone. He has a half-Asian lawyer and half-black co-host, and insults himself as much as anyone else.

    I don't accept your paint brush that cancels his right to honest fair free speech. His humor is edgy like Eddie Murphy, or Chris Rock. I have never heard him say hateful words against any race or group. Making fun of a character similar to what Saturday Night Live does is not the same as being in a hate group. He never leads anyone toward hate or violence. He often says he doesn't want anyone even fired, (because of political differences), even when that person had to retract false news stories, which has happened more than once.

    I am not offended as much as frustrated by labels. People aren't labels. Yes there are Left, Democratic, liberal and right Republican, conservative, and Independent, Libertarian, etc.. which are labels but mostly documentable, but the litany of labels intended to dismiss someone with an opposing view is wrong. I try to refrain from smacking labels on people because I always believe people can change.

    You got me on the mat! I give up. My original premise is only a working theory. I do still believe in the Subject. There are some very harmful 'Big Tech Biases' in play. If we don't fix this it is going to get much worse, I am sure.

  • Sep 17th, 2020 @ 2:35am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    The Twin link posting was an accident and I clearly apologized in the next post seconds after posting the first, so cool your jets.

    My favorite comedian satire guy is Louder with Crowder (Steven). He regularly offends everyone so there is no focused bias. I'm sure he has offended you. Offense is not a crime, and free speech is a guaranteed Constitutional right.

    You keep trying to put me in a box, to label me. BTW, you used one of the 16 demfamatory labels used by the left, 'Whining'. I am the fartherest thing from whining, dude! Pointing out high tech accidental or deliberate skewing of free speech is my duty as an American.

    Do you also have something against Ted Talks? The speech by Eli Pariser about filter bubbles is absolutely provable! I guarantee my search for Donald Trump will look very different from yours, LOL) It was designed to 'addict' us by presenting pleasing results. That is why this country is so polarized today. I predicted this in the summer of 2011, after hearing his speech. I also predicted that the liberals were in an echo chamber and did not realize there was as much contradiction to their platform and Hillary's harsh words. She would be President today if she never uttered the phrase, 'basket of deplorables'.

    Read the Subject: BIG TECH BIAS... my message is broader than your concept. If there ever is the kind of proof you want, Sundar will be arrested! I doubt we will get past accusations, but the noise and bright lights, will reel him in a bit I am sure.

    Twitter just suspended a respected Chinese virologist for blowing the whistle on Covid-19 origination. Remember, China claims it was made in the USA! More Big Tech Bias. It should not be up to Twitter to run interference for the Chinese Communist Government. Did Twitter get hired as Xi's PR firm?

    This is the second Wuhan whistle-blower, the first Ai Fen has mysteriously just disappeared! Watch for the story when Li Meng Yan also evaporates! I hope not, but it is very likely.
    https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-dr-li-meng-yan-twitter-account -suspended-wuhan-b454268.html

  • Sep 16th, 2020 @ 7:56pm

    Re: Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    Sorry 2nd link did not copy correctly. it should be:

    https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/facebook-memo-leak-sophie-zhang-mark-z uckerberg-social-media-b446138.html

    This link was added as the NY Times is quite aggressive in subscriptions so some may not be able to view that article.

  • Sep 16th, 2020 @ 7:52pm

    Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

  • Sep 16th, 2020 @ 6:08pm

    Re: Re: Big Tech Bias

    I disagree with everything you just said, and all seven of your demfamatory (sic), labels.

    Your echo chamber is alive and well.

  • Sep 16th, 2020 @ 5:44am

    Big Tech Bias

    I knew you would bring out the liberal 'paintbrush'. Everything has a label! I have listened to interviews where leaders of Google and Twitter said that tweaks to make the world a better place are acceptable. One example in an interview I watched was, if we skew the number of women in executive jobs higher, the result will encourage more companies to promote women to those positions.

    Money is not a good excuse for revving up emotional rhetoric, that can lead to increased violence. Google and YouTube may walk right into a massive lawsuit if and when one of those guided titles gets too much reaction.

    I was stunned by your thinking Google can assign a conservative with acceptable platforms, and restrict anything outside of that list! You obviously do not know the conservative voter. We are open to discussion!

    I voted Democrat all my life until 2016. As many others have said, I didn't leave the Democratic Party, The Democratic Party left me! These algorithms are protected like the formula for Coke, because if they were exposed you would see what is going on.

    Here is a Google employee that states there is bias! He handed over 900 pages of evidence. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7357201/Google-whistleblower-reveals-tech-giant-DOES-blackl ist-news-sites.html
    https://www.projectveritas.com/news/google-machine-learning-fairness-whistleblow er-goes-public-says-burden-lifted-off-of-my-soul/

    I, first hand have experienced the demonetization of my favorite conservative blogger. He is an edgy comedian that deals in political satire. And another had most of his library removed, with no warning. If they were that bad, why did he survive for almost ten years on YouTube?

    They cannot have it both ways. Either they are a private company that only publishes content they find acceptable and are legally responsible for all the content displayed, or they stop curbing free speech and are not the publisher of the content and can continue being protected.

  • Sep 14th, 2020 @ 10:45pm

    Re: Re: Big tech bias

    I am happy to show many examples a conservative bias. I am not sure if I am violating a forum policy by posting so many links but I will show you a few I easily found. These were just searches, I do not support any of these sites or their views. They are just indications of a problem. By sheer number (search and see), there is a problem. They come from way more than any one concerted effort to spread misinformation.

    htt ps://www.vox.com/recode/2020/8/19/21373960/social-media-companies-censor-political-bias-trump-pew-st udy


    I also do not fall for your bait and switch antics. If there were equal or even more liberal bias, it would not make it any more acceptable! Duh! Bias is bias! I also believe when you are fighting for a political view that can be proven to have good benefits, and will change minds if they just get to hear the whole story, not a carefully edited misleading one, and that narrative is shadow-banned, removed, or labeled in one of about 16 words and phrases strictly meant to deflect a good, honest message that may not be the 'fad of the day', any bias that does not allow the idea is not acceptable.

    As far as misinformation about Covid, let me count the ways: The World Health Organization first said it could not be transmitted from human to human.
    If I posted on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter that I thought it could, should they remove my content?

    Travel bans were not recommended by CDC or WHO.
    If I posted on YouTube Facebook, or Twitter that I thought they should, should they remove my content?

    Then the Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams Dr. Fauci said masks should not be worn unless you show symptoms,
    If I posted on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter that I thought we should, should they remove my content?

    The experts have been and will be wrong again, so how can a liberally controlled video repository know if I am suggesting good information? Ideas need to be heard to be debunked.

    I'll bet the majority of Americans viewing the classic news services think as the Governor of California that global warming caused the fires. Fires happen annually in California, and arson, and people related incidents is suspected in two of the three raging. Also the lack of clearing of old dead wood, and not cutting fire paths contributes to the rapid escalation of these fires. If the Governor really believed that global warming affected those fires, he would be clearing that dead wood out yesterday!

    As far as the AR-15, it was never used in combat, it was never effective enough by military's standards to protect our soldiers! It is not an automatic weapon. And again your bait and switch, it's not important whether lots of people think it's an assault rifle. It is not the job of a search engine to alter my search slanting me toward a narrative, especially one I know to be false. More people die from hands and feet, than any rifle, 'assault' or not! This is from FBI and CDC data.
    Data from 2007-2017, newer data was not packaged as these are not done every year. There is a new site that reports all gun deaths within 72 hours and very few are from rifles.

    These tech companies are not 'mom & pop' outfits that could be excused for mistakes. They are Billion Dollar state-of-the-art organizations, manipulating us through high tech psychology, secret algorithms, and even child-like pastels to give the impression they are harmless. It started out as a moneymaking concept, but not being stupid, they soon discovered that what they consider to be correct politically, can and should be promoted. They see it as good over evil, but when you step back and see the big picture, they are causing more harm than good. We used to each have a say, mostly respectful, but now cancelling is promoted when anyone opposes the fad of the day.

    I write blogs and the Google rating as to how attractive my title is caused me to change 'One too many parties' 45% attractive, to 'A toxic media & PAC ‘rats gnaw at America’s free choice' which gave me an attractive rating of 93%! This may be accidental, but big tech Google is inciting more emotion and potential violence by their 'monetizing algorithms!

    Now that you know they recommend about 50 to 55 characters in your title, including emotional word, unusual word, and power word, notice the titles of YouTube videos. Interesting, now when you look... You can't 'un-see' it!

  • Sep 12th, 2020 @ 11:45pm

    Big tech bias

    If you don't see big tech bias you should you need LASIK surgery. Burying effective conservative blogs, removing years of their content, belittling their points with overlays to refute their views. Hello? Here's an obvious one you can try: Okay Google, Show me images of the AR-15... When I did using the Google AI in my Pixel 3aXL, I got a bright a cheery voice saying, "Okay, here are images of assault rifles."

  • Sep 12th, 2020 @ 11:15pm

    what future? (as mark)

    Sounds a lot like Blockbuster when Netflix kneecapped 'em to me.

  • Mar 12th, 2014 @ 10:40pm

    Easy solution to out-of-control Blu-ray restrictions (as 4pcwhisperer)

    Blu-ray is now the industry's voice and clearly the iron fist blocking user freedom to enjoy personal-use reformatting. We all have stories about wanting to use our paid-for Blu-ray discs on a more convenient media player (example an Android tablet or phone in my case).

    The industry wants me to pay for the Blu-ray disc, pay again to watch on my tablet and again to watch on my phone and if I want to watch again a Month later, pay them another time.

    Clearly the industry is out of control. The most powerful tool we have is our purchasing power. If we all picked a week and simply refused to buy any Blu-ray product the industry would feel that impact.

    If we all refused to buy any Blu-ray product the first week of every Month until the industry loosened the personal-use reformatting legal constraints, it would not take long for things to change,

    We have the power to fix this, We just don't know it. Personally as long as DVDs are still being sold I am avoiding the Blu-ray discs just for that reason. I can easily make reformatted MP4s that work on Android tablets and the quality is perfectly acceptable.

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