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  • Dec 15th, 2021 @ 6:59am

    Re: FCC, FAA, and focus

    I've working in commercial aerospace for decades and first received the FAA bullet on this topic several months ago and recognized it as an obvious issue that would likely be resolve one of two ways.

    1. Manufactures of effected Radar Altimeters would asked to tested for interface when exposed to 5G transmitters, or more likely
    2. 5G transmitters would simply not be allowed within some distance of airport approach/departure routes, as this is the only time these devices are active.

    Additionally, 5G only has a range of approximately 1000 feet and radar altimeters that are installed in private and commercial aircraft only provide valid data at altitude of 2500 feet of less. So simply restricting placement of 5G transmitters to within 5000 feet of airport's approach and departure routes eliminates any chance of interference.

    But why find a common-sense solution, when millions of tax dollars can be wasted?

  • Jan 31st, 2017 @ 10:54am

    Customer Satisfaction

    Where I can leave my negative review. I not a customer, but I definitely have a few choice word I'd like to leave.

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