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  • Feb 17th, 2017 @ 12:53pm

    first thing lets do...

    ...argue away all rights so The State is not inconvenienced, 'cause The State is the be-all and end-all of our existence, richtig ? ? ?
    i mean, in upside-down world, we mere nekkid apes exist to serve The State, richtig ? ? ?
    oh wait, wasn't there a time in the distant past when we pwetended the opposite, as if that was the moral state of affairs ? ? ?
    " Obviously, the government of the U.S. can NOT build a medieval rack and begin stretching the recalcitrant on it until they revealed the password."
    yeah, locking a person up for years over such crap is in no way torturous... *snicker*
    you do realize that the worst torture is no-touch torture, richtig, servant of the corrupted kourt ? ? ?
  • Feb 16th, 2017 @ 8:17am


    1. the impetus for ths cams may have originated from the zoning change, but so what ?
    2. yeah, you live above a 'guest house' (whatever that means), and they want to increase the number of people allowed to stay there, it is not unreasonable to oppose that...
    shit, i cant stand living cheek-by-jowl in a normal suburban setting, i can't imagine a LOT of stupid nekkid apes undrrfoot... why i live in the country with more critters for neighbors than stupid nekkid apes...
    3. i don't care if it urban public spaces, private property, schools oe bidnesses, having sauron's all-seeing eyes everywhere is the mark of police state, not a free society...
    time to burn the mutha down and let the cockroaches have a shot...
  • Feb 11th, 2017 @ 3:38am

    Re: Re: Re:

    14 replies so far and no one (including writer/editor) noticed 'fundemental', y'all must be mental...
  • Feb 9th, 2017 @ 7:06am

    Re: The TD article is missing a crucial fact, where illucidates the Court's ruling.

    1. do not dispute that canada has more humane laws regarding incarceration (in point of fact, just about EVERY country but a few are infinitely more humane in their treatment of prisoners)
    2. but while i am all for giving people a second chance, i dont think that means they csn erase his story to their whims...
    3. as another poster pointed out, our superior korporate 'people' (sic) will simply use this 'right' to erase any and all inconvenient truths they dont like...
    4. you did something fucked up and people found out ? suck it up, buttercup, maybe next time you will hesitate before deciding on a fucked up decision...
  • Feb 5th, 2017 @ 4:46am

    Re: Very obvious

    'why i hate sports...'
    then you are a fool...
    that people take issue with the multifarious ways modern pro (and some big time amateur) sports are 'bad' is fine; that you condemn all of sports because of a minor subset is foolish...
    (FAR MORE amateurs participate in ALL sports then the totality of the pros...)
    keeping the meat machine in shape to support the wet ware is important; sports are a very good way to do that, regardless of the excesses of pro sports versions...
    sports *can* impart MANY important life lessons and provide great means of teaching kids all sorts of generally desired behaviors...
    (i would only add one other confounding point: do you believe in freedom ? IF you say you do (actually, you probably don't), then you would have to allow people the freedom to make 'stupid' (one person's stupid...) decisions, such as playing a game where you might incur a concussion(s) with lasting effects... damn that freedom thing, it is so-o-o-o annoying to get in the way of a perfected world ! ! ! *snicker*)
  • Feb 4th, 2017 @ 5:31am

    puppy bowl on at 3...

    shot in october, 100 hours of rescue puppies from all over the country edited down to a couple hours... (not to mention all the poop wranglers efforts edited out)
    supposedly, does the scoring on the up-and-up...
    wonder what the betting action in vegas is for the puppy bowl...
  • Feb 3rd, 2017 @ 9:53am

    Re: Re:

    not for nuthin, but the whole deflategate bullshit was just that, bullshit...
    only reason it went anywhere is the other owners making a mountain out of nothing to beat the patriots over the head... (good article at SI or somewhere that stripped away all the lies and misinfo to get to the meat of the matter... )
    dont give a shit about brady or the pats (dont watch a lot of pro ball), but they were wrongfully screwed on that...
    lastly, think the trademark crap is crap, too...
    some other sport, debate team or spelling bee champ goes 19-0, they cant put that on a tee shirt ? ? ?
  • Jan 30th, 2017 @ 11:13am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: To me it is 1st. a math problem, 2. what's in it for the USA?

    oh, so it is all one new world order of an Empire ?
    countries dont exist any more ?
    there are no borders, no wars, no separate economies, all just one happy tribe ? ? ?
    gee, i must have missed that...
    you ARE delusional...
  • Jan 30th, 2017 @ 11:06am

    Re: Re: Re: Well...

    thank you, the many victims of TDS need to be reminded (apparently even it guy below, who is usually a little more perspicacious) of how they sat on their pussy hats for eight long years while choco jesu went much further than bush the lesser ever did, AND THERE WAS NOT A FUCKING PEEP OUT OF THEM...
    by that alone, they have PROVEN they have NO PRINCIPLES they will not sacrifice for useless optics...
    secondly, mikey's shakey-voiced polemic on his all-american immigrant family may explain why HE feels so strongly about thst, but it doesn't mean shit to the rest of us...
    depending on how pedantic one wants to get, we are ALL immigrants, so that factoid is meaningless...
    i am not going to bother with the research (bet i know what the answer is), but did techdirtia get all weepy and pearl clutchy and mobbing airports (wtf ?) when saint obama did the same for iranians for six months ? ? ?
    yeah, all t-rump has done is shown that a LOT of libtards have NO PRINCIPLES, AND are massive hypocrites...
  • Jan 26th, 2017 @ 12:57pm

    Re: Re: Theil wasn't closeted

    so, people (presumably of the male persuasion) who are familiar with peter's peter are not allowed to say they were with Lord Thiel unless our overlord allows it ?
    well, i guess we have outed one of his lordships minions...
    foad, minion...
  • Jan 25th, 2017 @ 4:23pm


    Puuuuuuuuuu-tiiiiiiiiinnnnn ! ! !
  • Jan 24th, 2017 @ 3:45am


    stop being an authoritarian chucklehead...
    'the law is the law' is the stupid bleating of a cowed sheeple...
    The Law is (SUPPOSED) to be used FOR US, not AGAINST US...
    when the law is an ass, kick ass...
  • Jan 24th, 2017 @ 3:24am

    Re: Re:

    yes, thank you for that good sense...
    even the writer feels compelled to virtue-signal their uber-patriotism by the phrase '...even if you find it stomach-churning...' ? ? ?
    seriously, EVEN IF you are some sort of uber-patrioter-than-thou sort that would find the burning of a colored piece of cloth to be 'stomach-churning', that you find it stomach-churning is stomach-churning...
    it is a symbolic piece of cloth, if you get so warped out of shape over someone burning it for whatever reason, then you are an unbalanced individual and a right proper propaganda victim reflexively spouting uber-patriotic bullshit...
  • Jan 19th, 2017 @ 2:30pm

    um, are we adults ? ? ?

    ...or a-dolts ? ? ?
    if adults, we should be able to get all meta and discuss issues ABOUT the nigger-word by actually (*gasp* i know, right?) saying/writing 'nigger' and not using the childish 'n-word' stand-in...
    but, we're not weally adults any more, are we; just infantile consuming maws greasing the gears of Empire...
    ain't that a b-word...
    hee hee hee
    ho ho ho
    ha ha ha
    ak ak ak
  • Jan 18th, 2017 @ 3:14am


    WOW ! ! ! no way in hell i thought this would happen under pretty much any circumstance...
    YEAH, YEAH, YEAH ! ! ! a teeny, tiny, eensy, teensy amount of justice left in 'merika...
    a GREAT American gets a bit of belated justice, just about THE ONLY good thing obama has done...
    GO CHELSEA ! ! !
  • Jan 17th, 2017 @ 11:14am


    yeah, well, i would only say that principle applies to any medium... the inertnet tubes do not have a monopoly on fake news, nor just plain stupid shit... in fact, i would go so far as to say, you have a BETTER chance of sussing out The Truth from online sources than from most any other traditional media...
  • Jan 11th, 2017 @ 1:05pm


    counter-suit ? ? ?
    the little shit needs to be kneecapped...
    you know, metaphorically speaking...
  • Jan 11th, 2017 @ 9:54am

    my two centavos...

    better half is an heroic teacher shoveling sand against the tide with a teaspoon...
    in a poor school w lots of minorities; the teachers are CONSTANTLY put in a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation : if they 'report' the kids for shitty behavior, then the principle gets upset that they are reporting too many kids, and it 'looks bad'...
    if they don't report them, they disrupt the classes such that actual teaching/learning is negligible... not to mention, admin will back down from punishing or expelling kids since they then don't get any money for them when not in school...
    compounded by the de facto 'separate AND unequal' treatment of having a 'quality' school within a school where mostly white kids get away with the same shitty behavior the black kids get jacked up for... frankly, a lot of the white kids and parents know how to 'play the game', say the right conciliatory bullshit/lies, and worm out of consequences; homies don't play that game...
  • Jan 10th, 2017 @ 9:34am

    this is great...

    ...with every boneheaded, counterproductive move, the gummint makes the Dark web that much more attractive and widely used...
    pretty soon, won't have to worry about anyone doing 'bad' shit on the intertubes, cause everyone will be on the Dark web...
  • Jan 10th, 2017 @ 7:43am

    Re: Re: Dangerous Territory...

    heh man, i have no brief on pizzagate, but those are some SERIOUSLY weird/borderline fucking nutz paintings and sculptures...
    i have a wide latitude for weird shit, but i was a guest in a house with paintings like that, and i would exchange surprised looks with my wife, and head for the door... that is some seriously weird shit for a non-serial killer to have hanging in their homes...

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