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  • Oct 24th, 2016 @ 5:57am

    New Technology

    As someone who's on the front-lines of the music industry, I find that usually the music business models are one step behind. While this article does a good job of explaining how established artists use the internet to go from 90 to 100 , this is a great time for up and coming artists to use the same tools to go from 0 to 5 or 10. It's easy to say, "Well this model works for this popular artist, so I should also be doing this", but what about new ways to connect with fans that aren't yet popular. In my opinion, new artists should do lots of new things, and do different things, not just imitating the big labels ideas, that way we can have new technology used in new innovative ways to reach peoples ears. Thats the great thing about being a new artist. You can try new things.

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