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  • Apr 8th, 2020 @ 9:17am

    Re: Re: Awarded 1$ in damages

    This ordeal has been well documented that's for sure. Those that have witnessed it have been stalked, targeted, and even physically attacked. I will always stand for our Constitutional Rights, because if we don't they will be trampled on. This is a Win for Constititional Rights. Let's be honest here there a lot more behind this than what meets the eye. Do not let the media put their spin on it. The views they have come from lack on investigative reporting to understand the full story behind this matter. People, no one hires lawyers and sues the police unless there's a good reason for doing so. Read www.patrickcountyva.blog

  • Apr 3rd, 2020 @ 9:00pm

    Re: Re: Awarded 1$ in damages

    Thanks for the support of our 4th amendment rights. Timeline of events are important to under stand that this wasnt about flipping anyone a middke finger. It was really about a multitude of discovery and that their local Commonwealth Attorney was set to face a abuse of process charge and malicious prosecution on August 23rd 2016. If you care too your welcome to read www.patrickcountyva.blog

  • Apr 3rd, 2020 @ 8:46pm

    Re: Re: Awarded 1$ in damages

    I didnt flip him off. This was a planned harrasment stop carried out at their local Furneral home after I just had left Court. It was meant as a threat and he was very angry because others pulled over, that was just in court with me in a Civil Matter, and was video tapping this stop. It wasnt just Officer Coleman. There was 7 cars there including a State Trooper Vehicle. The papers just want to spin it as such. One of the Witnesses, the lady who was later Assaulted on.August 23rd 2016 had overheard these officers threatening to take me out and down and couldnt wait to see the look on my face when they did so. All this is in the full Court trail records. Of course most other media will omit that.
    Read www.patrickcountyva.blog there's the full truth and details posted there. Thanks for your support. For our 4th amendment rights.

  • Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 4:54am


    Just FYI: This is not just a Brian H. Clark thing. Masked up under a Flip off Story line. Theres a lot more behind this story than that.

    Unfortunately this is an Anyone who stands up against the establishment thing.

    The only thing that separates us from a total police state, is our constitutional rights. The real disappointment is that 7 Jury members in this case, and they know who they are, ruled against the Constitution and the instructions of this Federal Court Judge in this case.

    I'm pleased with the Win, for our Constitutional Rights.

  • Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 4:41am

    Re: time in jail?

    Because my attorney had filed this USC 42, including a Writ of Prohibition at a Judge with the VSC, while these cases where still ongoing, I was charged with Contempt by this same Circuit Court. It was later then tried and convicted and I was held in Jail for 6 hours.
    Still fighting that on an appeal, which has been denied at the VSC level of course, so now we are awaiting to be granted a Stay to appeal this to the US Supreme Court. Otherwise they intend to try and still place me into the Patrick County VA Jail. This ordeal is still ongoing, so stay tuned. This Contempt Charge, was by clear retaliation for exposing all these matters.

  • Apr 2nd, 2020 @ 3:24am

    Awarded 1$ in damages

    Dear Posters

    First off i would like to thank you all for your support of our rights under the US Constitution. As all of you can see our constitutional rights have been devalued in this Country. While my Attorney wants to appeal the denial of a new trail to determine damages. I'm not in favor of doing so and have conveyed that to him. Let it stand as is because doing anything to seek damages will be viewed as I was instigating it for money,. I want even get ALL my Attorney fees / expenses this ordeal took to defend. In fact, this was just one of many days of harrassment that followed even after this Stop. One of the female witnesses to the stop was given a ticket for video taping it. The other lady was later targeted followed and assaulted, nothing was done about that either. If you read this entire case history you might have also noticed that this Officer who conducted this illegal stop was actually promoted from LT to Captian. This was about standing up to police conveyed threats and pure out harrasment. I'm glad that our 4th amendment was defended and that we ultimately prevailed with the Win.

  • Mar 28th, 2020 @ 11:07pm

    4th amendment win

    By the way the Judge set aside the Jury decision that went in favor of the officer because they didnt follow the Judfes instruction. It was a BIG win for the 4th amendment for all. Oh by the way I was awarded 1$ plus attorney fees. This ordeal has cost well over 80,000.00 in legal expense to date, and I probably want see a fraction of that even. Its cost me much more than that defending our 1st and 4th amendment rights. I have no I'll feeling towards the officer, he was wrong in his action according to the law and the constitution. Perhaps defending a Constitutional Right to some is moot, but as for me and our children it's important that we maintain these rights and our freedom.

  • Mar 28th, 2020 @ 10:48pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    So it's ok for a Police Officer to pull you over and violate a constitution oath that he swore to uphold and protect. This thought process would make us become a police state. If there is not boundary to police power, then essentially they can pull a passenger of a car over because they habe purple hair
  • Mar 28th, 2020 @ 10:41pm

    Re: Being lawful doesn't make you less of an ass

    You dont have all the facts behind this matter, you've not read the Federal Case Transcripts. If you had you would know this was a planned and targeted harrassment stop. The judge knows that it was done deliberately to intimidate and harass me and other court witness who had just left court as Civil litigants. Go research www.patrickcountyva.blog there you will have all the FACTs surround this matter. Let's see if you have a different view after that?

  • Mar 28th, 2020 @ 10:31pm

    This wasnt because he was running a speed trap

    Setting the record straight. This Officer was in Court and he was overheard talking with other deputies threatening to take me Down. He ran out of court after it was over, got in his car and waited to pull me over in a Furneral Home. This was a planned targeted harrassment Stop pure and simple. This was all over Court Civil Cases where it was discovered that a local Judge family had a 27 year relationship with a 3rd party Defendant. Those of you jumping to conclusions dont have the Facts around it. Also a month later one of the lady witnesses was assaulted in court. She was the one that had overheard these deputies making threats to take me down..

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