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  • Jan 21st, 2022 @ 3:52pm


    The reality is that no one is "responsible" and everyone is "responsible". It's what happens when you have different government entities with totally different priorities looking at an issue from different perspectives. Communication would obviously solve this but inter-agency cooperation is basically an unnatural act. It sucks. But it is an inconvenience -- not a crisis.
  • Jan 20th, 2022 @ 7:26am

    the simple answer is "liability"

    I can't to speak to the actual possibility of interference or to whether or not there were delays and miscommunications. We all know how long we were told that simply having a cell phone turned on in the cabin "might" cause navigation problems. The simple truth is this. If the telcom companies screw up their services people go without communications and the telcoms say "Oh, darn. Sorry." and send you the same bill. If the airlines are correct and there is any risk of an issue with a plane landing there will be 1) lives at risk and 2) major legal action taken. If I was an airline CEO I would have [off the record] told AT&T & Verizon 'accept all liability and you can do whatever you want'.
  • Aug 25th, 2016 @ 7:56am

    how about an actual 'schedule'????

    I'll admit I haven't 'cut the cable'. I live in a somewhat isolated place where the cable isn't even available so I depend on satellite TV. Would have loved to watch some specific events, BUT there was no listing that told me when that event would start. I could record a 3 hour block that might contain pieces of six events . . . five of which I did not care about. Sorry. Want me to watch? Give me a timeslot that I can program into my DVR.
  • Mar 4th, 2016 @ 8:56am

    (untitled comment)

    This guy has seen too many episodes of CSI Cyber . . . .
  • Jan 11th, 2016 @ 7:42am

    Broadband? What's that?

    I'm with you Haywood. I live in a rural area but less than 12 miles line of sight from the state capitol building. I have access to one workable wireless ISP. They advertise 1.5 Mbps down but I'm lucky to get 700 Kps. My other available options are AT&T wireless or satellite. AT&T is also the landline provider and they are making zero investment so DSL is a fading dream.

    25 Mbps???? I would love to just get a reliable 1.5!!

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