egg’s Techdirt Profile


About egg

I'm an old school technology consultant. I'm known for my years experience in firewalls & routing with large corporations. I've worked for EDS, HP, DEC, & Intuit (to name a few). I've held residence in Wisconsin, California, Texas & Minnesota. I spend most my time working out, running & reading.

egg’s Comments comment rss

  • Feb 23rd, 2013 @ 12:38pm

    Re: Re: Not quite CyberNorris. (as Todd)

    I'd also like to point out users on youtube have absolutely no way of knowing if the author is in fact licensed to reproduce the material & for this reason alone viewers can't be held accountable. In my personal opinion you shouldn't assume the user is licensed considering the stiff penalties but I don't see a threat to viewers or folks who embed. This is also why google allowed the embed feature because their legal department agrees & they did so knowing they wouldn't be able to get to every single violation right away. It's a no brainer and won't make it past a preliminary hearing for obvious reasons because that defense argument. In my personal opinion you still shouldn't assume that so I wouldn't do it. There is always a chance you could get a strict judge or jury who is opposed to the idea. I consulted our law firm & they agree.
  • Feb 23rd, 2013 @ 12:19pm

    Re: Not quite CyberNorris. (as Todd)

    excellent example
  • Feb 23rd, 2013 @ 12:15pm

    Re: copyright infringement (as Todd)

    What do you think the press is!? They take information relayed to them from a source and deliver it to the public every day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that information could be misrepresented or exaggerated (which it usually is). The whole idea of maintaining an ethical and moral system went out the window decades ago with the press & media's behavior. I'm not saying I agree with it but if you're going to raise a stink on this front it seems a little odd other fronts are allowed. Many words in the english language leave much room for further interpretation. In my personal opinion this is the governments fault for not properly educating or further elaborating on certain subjects they warn about. The cost of incarceration or enforcement in comparison to simply educating the public is a no brainer but yet still this system remains. And they cry about a massive deficit & yet don't stop to consider where much of the hidden cost comes from. It would be a lot cheaper & easier to simply deploy programs which proactively firewalled traffic both in & out that violated these rules instead of crying about the result. My God it's like leaving a fork on the ground near an outlet then complaining about how the child was able to get hurt. "Do not tell me it can't be done!" ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

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