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  • Jul 6th, 2011 @ 1:26am

    Re: Re: Idiots

    Can you think of anything Iran has been allowed to participate in since 1979... besides slanderous lies from israel? (oh, and b/t/w... he never said anything about nuking israel... only they and our media have said that). He exactly spoke of free elections in israel, and laughability of communism & nazism! Now, what other democratic, capitalistic, freedom-of-religion speech do you want, dumbass??? 16 intel agencies across the world debunked that DAYS after Adolf Bushler & AIPAC pushed it into your stupid head... and have not stopped for six years. You've had six years to research the truth - but still believe the same things... HELL- even the Nazi's figured out the misleadership they'd been subjected to before that!!! YOU are a dope 4th Reich loser, the 'new jew' is anyone with oil under their feet... and the profiteers, if successful, AREN'T EVEN YOU- STOOGE. You are here only to die for the Adolf Bushler-Darth Cheney-Israeli crime syndicate... Anglo-Oil & the MIC!
  • Jul 6th, 2011 @ 12:27am

    Re: Re: Idiots

    the jews have only had Persians to save [them] since...
  • Jul 6th, 2011 @ 12:23am

    Re: Idiots

    agreed... Iran is actually the only peace-loving genius country of the region... nobody dislikes them besides contemporary israel (b/t/w... the jews have only had Persians to save since the beginning of time! the 21st century, scumbag 'synagogue of satan' (Jesus Christ, Mtthw 23) is the troublemaker directing the unknowing/ uncaring/ unenfranchised). Ask the Scandanavians, Chinese, Russians, et al, what they think of Persians... if FOX News and our US NatSec 4th Reich lets you. PEACE is what the world wants (unfortunately, nay Israel).
  • Jul 5th, 2011 @ 11:36pm

    remember the bankers!!!

    DIVERSION of americans' labors/ americans' visions/ americans' ownership of their futures---> to a few globalists = WHOLLY unpatriotic!!!
  • Jul 5th, 2011 @ 10:35pm

    here's the drop

    In these "Error of Terror" days... warrantless wiretaping/surveillance/NatSec papers are allowed on nearly all of us... but concentrated on the most valuable of us, or most 'threatening' (to tyrants).

    MANY bad agents/ 'screw-crews' in NSA & FBI have caved to 'personal exceptionalism' instead of 'American exceptionalism'; they voraciously work towards the former (possessing: means, motive, & oppty). Fortune 500's & Private Equity's with contacts within such use these 'fallen angels' as their personal mafia. FISA/PatAct is now used largely for this... not the "terrorism" they drumbeat daily.

    For every ONE (1) "terror event" claimed to be thwarted... 100k patents/(c)'s/(TM)'s/Trade Secrets/business strategies/Financial Trades/etc... are front-run/"filed first" by these rogue intel gangs at the expense of American Innovators/ capitalism. Do you suspect such is happening to you (ANY American who communicates/collaborates overseas... or who has an "Axis of Evil" flare to their ethnicity)?

    Well, maybe you're not crazy (like they want you to believe)!!! Close to 50% of patents issued by the USPTO the past 10 years came from such demographics. Now do you 'get' why they 'got' "USAMA" just before the FISA/ PatAct extension vote? AND, exactly while they're sending first to file "patent reform"???

    Oh, and now hear how often Obama is pushing Americans to innovate!!! You are supposed to be smart people who see the future using the truth in front of you... what happened???

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