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  • May 31st, 2011 @ 2:24pm

    Their gonna do what their gonna do!

    Their gonna do what their gonna do! and I will do what I will do, no threat of arrest or anything else would stop me from protecting a child from a pedophile TSA pedo!

    Their groping children and now their talking x-ray photos of kids cavity's that's all I need to know, and I would be justified in defending children from confessed pedo's it's not like the TSA is hiding their doings and their intentions!

    To threaten me with arrest for making it known I would defend a child amounts to blackmailing me out of fear.

    Good thing I don't fear pedophiles because that's what the TSA people are admitting to.

    Defense of a child and justification is a good defense in any court!

    If I see with my own eye any pedophile groping a child I will have authority of my own accord to defend that child!
  • May 31st, 2011 @ 1:22pm

    TSA are pedophiles

    TSA employees are pedophiles and their admitting to it to the whole world by admitting what they do to children!

    Argue over the legality of it ALL you want, don't mean a damn thing to me they are nothing but a bunch of professional pedophiles being paid to molest kids!

    If anyone at the airport see's those TSA pedo's grabbing a child in the wrong way scream at the top of your lungs their PEDOPHILES and beat the crap out of him/her for it, and don't stop yelling PEDOPHILE while to beat the bastards!

    Did TSA admit to x-ray cavity searches? then accuse them of child porn!
  • Mar 24th, 2011 @ 11:46am

    Give them what they give you!

    On the way to the airport stop off at Taco bell and eat a couple of burritos before you get to the airport.
    During their pat downs and such let out as many farts as possible and do not try to hide it from them that your farting at them stick your butt out and proudly fart at them.

    Bring along your own gloves and put them on before TSA inspections.
    While they pat you down be sure to pat them down at the same time.
    You have reasonable grounds to believe pat downs are legal in the airport so pat them down too.

    Don't be shy about it their not so give them what they deserve.
    Fight fire with fire, fight pat downs with pat downs and burritos!

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