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  • Jan 3rd, 2011 @ 12:31pm

    Conflicting Accounts

    I recently heard this story from a local radio station and it was claimed that AA initiated the pullout because of the fees that Expedia was charging. They also stated that Expedia was charging every time an AA flight was viewed outside of the initial search window. Hard to say which side is correct until all the facts become less muddled.
  • Dec 25th, 2010 @ 6:47am

    Re: Re: Still Not Legal

    Video has the ability to be accurately reviewed multiple times, what a person sees cannot not be reviewed accurately multiple times. Also he did not take a photo of himself, he took video of security weaknesses, his video was then posted for public viewing. You are attempting to argue a blurry TSA provision, but TSA is not the only governing body. Check also CA state laws (which are admittedly unclear) and local laws.
  • Dec 25th, 2010 @ 6:23am

    Re: Re: Still Not Legal

    I have no internet citation, I only have my training to rely on. In counterintelligence and counter-terrorism courses, paid for by the DHS & USN. I sure that if one needed written confirmation, he/she could spend hours scouring the internet or write multiple letters to the DHS and get a reply.

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