Doubtful, since DMCA implementations are typically applied to content that is exchanged pursuant to a mutually agreed upon business transaction, & entered into freely by both the provider & consumer.
Now, if some would-be, self-appointed gatekeeper (think ISPs) were to try & interpose DMCA implementations between content made available by unaffiliated providers to the unaffiliated consumers of that content, without the prior consent of both the content provider & consumer, that's a different kettle of fish entirely./div>
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Re: Re: Re: DMCA
Now, if some would-be, self-appointed gatekeeper (think ISPs) were to try & interpose DMCA implementations between content made available by unaffiliated providers to the unaffiliated consumers of that content, without the prior consent of both the content provider & consumer, that's a different kettle of fish entirely./div>
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