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  • Aug 16th, 2019 @ 11:10am

    Re: Re: Re: TROLL

    And then there is that President Trump joins the few: Ronald Reagan, Calvin Coolidge and, perhaps, Hoover, among them; who are/were out to reverse the uniparty's destructiveness.

  • Aug 16th, 2019 @ 11:03am

    Re: Re: TROLL

    Spot on about the past 30 years, though the un-and-anti-American uniparty's destructive activities and actions can surely be tracked via the definitive traitor, Franklin Milhous not a typo Roosevelt back to the first full-blown fascist, Wilson -- and likely even to 'anti-truster,' Theodore Roosevelt.

  • Feb 9th, 2019 @ 6:55am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    President Trump is not destroying our beloved fraternal republic's government but is, by ridding it of the "democrats'" Deep State's (bureaucratic) fiat courts and 4th branch's corrupt rigging, is restoring it. And are the dhimis, their RINOs and Fascist Media, pissed -- or are they all pissed?

    Not since President Reagan, by ending their cold war. broke the fascist Left "democrats'" military-industrial-complex's rice bowl have they all been as Psychotically Enraged!

  • Nov 30th, 2017 @ 5:25am

    Re: Re: Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    Hi there and thanks for commenting. I'd say we're pretty much twins, historically and ideologically and am mostly in agreement with you, too. Uniparty? Yep - Absolutely. Be loathe, tho', to accept any comparison of the un-and-anti-American/former Nazi, Soros and the essentially decent Kochs. And would suggest that those "conservatives" who're indistinguishable from "democrats" are, in fact, "democrats." Democrats in Republican costumes: - AKA RINOs.
  • Sep 15th, 2017 @ 12:14am

    (untitled comment)

    Talking of BS?

    How wonderful to be able to know what others, thousands of miles away, are thinking and to own the criminal arrogance to, thus situated, try them for their thought crimes, convict them -- and sentence them to serve out their lives in prison.

    At worst, Mr Dotcom might be civilly sued for the breach of copyright of which you write, whereas he has (by the Two-Bit Kapo/globalist, John Keys, acting on behalf of a corrupt "justice" system in a country Mr Dotcom has never visited) been arrested, harassed, bullied, threatened and abused and stripped of his wealth and of all of his possessions and of much of his liberty.
  • Jul 30th, 2017 @ 2:43am

    (untitled comment)

    Every morning, upon awakening, we incoherent and ill-informed illiterates jump online to the fascist Left's self-generated and self-sustained source of all knowledge, "wikipedia" to find out what the Left is likely feeling, today.

  • May 27th, 2017 @ 7:31am

    Re: Abuse of Power

    .... It is an abuse of power ....!

    It is symptomatic of the fact that for decades, already, the vast organized-criminal hordes that trade as the "Democratic" party, have infiltrated and have corrupted and systemically and systematically employ every aspect of America's every level of government and every level of its court,s to control people's lives and to loot and thieve and steal every Cent they can get their hands on.

    Better pray that President Donald John Trump is able to keep his promise to "drain the swamp."

    To rid America, that is, of the "Democrats" Deep State.
  • May 26th, 2017 @ 9:21am

    Re: Re: Re: Greater of two evils.

    Thank you for having shared.
  • May 22nd, 2017 @ 8:57pm

    Re: Re: Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    I, also, am from New Zealand. Born there, that is but escaped long ago and became American, when the writing - since carved into stone - of New Zealand's demise as an independent nation of Free Men - was first writ upon the wall.

    I have just spent two years back in New Zealand, which, in the years I have been away, has degenerated from a tough and hardy and monoculturally-unique and fabulously-well-assimilated land of which to be proud and into being a cheap Xerox copy of any one of the Europeons' neo-Soviet's on-and-offshore satellite states. As-if-cloned from any other soul-less governed by an increasingly-authoritarian, elitist, globalist, fascistic, ("private ownership" but intrusively-government-regulated) - "permanent public service."

    The nation whose warriors once left their mark on battlefields all over the world and whose son effectively-single-handedly won the Battle of Britain, now rendered incapable of defending itself.

    But has no difficulty terrorizing Mr Dotcom and his family nor of stripping him of his every last Brass Razu without his having ever had a minute - let alone his day - in court. Nor his having been charged with nor convicted of any offense in New Zealand law. (Nor in America - where the allegations against him are Civil in nature - not Criminal) -- B A.: L A CA -- and The Very Far Away
  • May 22nd, 2017 @ 7:48pm

    Re: Re: Greater of two evils.

    .... choice for "president" likely to be between a mentally-ill, misogynistic, deranged, delusional, malignantly narcissistic, career-cronyist con-man and a mentally-ill, misandristic, deranged, delusional,l malignantly narcissistic, co-serially-treasonous, career-cronyist recidivist ....

    Thank God I got that half wrong!

    President Trump? DRAIN THE SWAMP!

    Mr Dotcom - Chase down Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and expose the Deep State's assassination of Seth Rich! (And others)
  • May 22nd, 2017 @ 12:38am

    Re: Re: Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    .... If he were to step foot in America especially under the Obama administration he would have gone straight to prison ....

    In fairness it won't matter who is occupying the White House if Mr Dotcom is ever press-ganged to America, as the criminal "justice" system and the, thus, made-fiat courts are comprehensively effectively owned operated and controlled by activists of the same totalitarian ideological bent as Obama. Who will spend as much as it takes to force Mr Dotcom or whomever is their victim of the minute to "plea bargain" into some form of conviction and/or loss. Its "conviction rate" of close to 96% is achieved by the criminal "justice" system standing over and threatening those it has predetermined are "guilty" ... until they agree.

  • Feb 11th, 2017 @ 12:08pm

    America's Feral Government Legally Stole Millions From Kim Dotcom

    Nope. America's feral government CRIMINALLY stole Millions from Kim Dotcom.

    "Legalizing" a criminal action does not make it moral.
  • Nov 6th, 2016 @ 11:24pm

    (untitled comment)

    .... Under this absence of logic, the silly sookie, Sayyid Soetoro "administration" department of injustice could do the same to all of the Clintons' assets. Given that by their own admission, when (along with a looted $400,000.00-worth of its furniture and fittings) they Left the White House, claiming to be "broke" -- but are now worth Hundreds of Millions of Dollars ....

    Not a fair comparison. The Cli'tons are prima facie RICO-racketeering career mobsters. And Mr Dotcom has not so much set foot - ever - in America - let alone stolen anything there.
  • Oct 5th, 2016 @ 6:11pm

    (untitled comment)

    The New Zealand "government's"conduct in this matter is appalling. But then - apart from that its nice to look at - so is everything else about New Zealand.

    Brian Richard Allen
  • Sep 28th, 2016 @ 7:49pm

    Re: Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    America's federal government its bureaucracy and rule-by-fiat "courts" firmly in the hands of fascist "Democrats," has a 95+% conviction rate in its courts. Achieved by the absolute corruption of all legal processes by any-means-to-an-end closely-allied-to-the-Hollyweired, "Democrats." Virginia's courts, their juries usually comprising "Democrat" federal government employees has, if its possible, an even higher conviction rate. Mr Dotcom's chance of getting a fair trial there? Less than Zero!

    Best he stay the Heck away!
  • May 23rd, 2016 @ 1:29pm

    Re: Greater of two evils.

    .... Whatever Kim Dot com may have allegedly done, what the US federal government has done to him is far, exponentially and infinitely worse.

    .... If the US federal government is trying to be the shining light and bastion of justice, it is being exactly the opposite of what it should ....


    And soon - with this year's choice for "president" likely to be between a mentally-ill, misogynistic, deranged, delusional, malignantly narcissistic, career-cronyist con-man and a mentally-ill, misandristic, deranged, delusional,l malignantly narcissistic, co-serially-treasonous, career-cronyist recidivist - to be unimaginably worse.

    God save us all!

    Brian Richard Allen
  • May 23rd, 2016 @ 1:16pm

    Re: Theft vs 'Theft'

    .... As if it wasn't obvious enough how big of a mess this whole case has been, and the kind of treatment he'd receive in America's federal system ....

    Whose 95+% conviction /"win" rate tells of the Degree of corruption in a fiat system engineered, owned, operated and run by the several generations of fascissocialist "Democrats." Fundamental to whose essentially totalitarian ideology is the their own collectivists' conviction that the amoral (Theft, EG - as in this instance) may be made moral by "legislating" it so.
  • Dec 24th, 2015 @ 4:59am

    Re: Anonymous Coward

    #teaparty #auspol

    1. Bullshht;

    2. Are you taking something for that?

    3 .... America cannot stop the world from HATING The United States of America .... Or, rather, "the world" cannot stop itself from hating America. Such is the grip upon it of its own Malignant Envy. But;

    4. America can handle it. We're a magnanimous mob!

    Brian Richard Allen
  • Nov 10th, 2015 @ 11:40am

    (untitled comment)

    #teaparty #auspol

    arouk: ..... the creation of the state of Israel and the theft of "palestinian" lands to do so ....

    Goebbels Standard Big Lie!

    The Nation of Israel has historical roots dating back more than 4000 years in the lands to which you refer and including those that were for a time called Trans Jordan and are presently occupied by the less than 100-years-old so-called "4000-years-old hashemite 'kingdom' of" Jordan. Also part of the historically Jewish Nation's lands and sovereign territories but now Arab-occupied are Judeo and The Shamron (Samaria) and the Gaza Strip.

    The people you call "palestinians" are a collection of Bedouin, "Jordanian," Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyption, Yemini and various other assorted moslem Arabs who began calling themselves "palestinian" only during the late 1960s, having just been invented as such by the mass-murderer, Yasser Arafat.

    Unless the actual, moslem-Arab, occupiers are so (accurately) identified, Judea and Samaria, the so-called "occupied territories" -- and Gaza -- upon all of which the self-styled "palestinians" squat, are no such thing. But are, (including in international "law") definitively, "Disputed Territories."

    As for America "arming Israel with nuclear bombs:" America is more likely to learn from the Israelis than to teach them. Especially when it comes to the art of self defense. To the art of war!

    And nor did the Nazis need (nor use) America to launder their loot. For that, they had the, much more conveniently-located, Swiss. And although then president, the "Democrat," Harry Truman, had a hand in effectively reversing Douglas McArthur's, America's and our allies great Korean victories (and when was there ever a great American victory traitorous "Democrats" didn't subsequently reverse?) Kim Il-Sung and his co-monster cohort, Mao Tse Tung, imposed their evil on the Koreans and split the nation.

    Am Yisrael Chai!

    Brian Richard Allen
  • Sep 24th, 2015 @ 1:06pm

    Re: KDC

    .... KDC has had numerous opportunities to appear before the federal court in Alexandria, VA and present a defense ....

    Spoken like a kidnapper/ransom-seeker with a gun in the victim's pubescent daughter's ear.

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