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  • Dec 4th, 2010 @ 10:12am

    (untitled comment)

    Information is a good thing providing people are given all of it, and when all of what is given is able to be understood for what it is. However it's not for any John Q Public to decided for the rest of us what should be known or not known. Unless he himself is placed in that position by lawful appointment, and understand all of what�s going on behind the scenes. Until this happens the public role should only be on a "need to know basis" in matters of National security.

    However "John" does the right to run his mouth recklessly to a point and have his own opinions without taking an oath. That's why he elects people to office, pays taxes to hire police officers, and fire fighters, and goes to the doctor when he's ill. He also damn well better understand that secrets need to be kept when his country sends troops to war as well. Each one of these professions I've mentioned has issues of secrecy and confidentiality to respect and is sworn to an oath.

    The way I see it, the only thing here that isn't ok is mob rule, and this is exactly what it seems Wikileaks is advocating by the unregulated release of sensitive information. There has to be some sense of responsibility in place for the repercussions for such an act on the part of the person releasing the info.

    What good does it serve for someone to expose one or two problems only to create 20 or 30 more? Maybe their initial goal in the first place is to create chaos. What a great way to get a pack of dogs fighting than to throw a bit of red meat into their midst. Hitler knew this, so did Stalin, Lenin, and Mao. Hell, all people manipulating for power in some way shape or form do.

    Human nature being what human nature is mandates some regulation in the dissemination of information be in place. Incidentally,this is a Republic, meaning "Rule of Law" not a Democracy. Not once in any of the founding documents of this country is the word Democracy used. This is a word that has far too often been misused to define our form of government, more often then not by people who advocate Socialism. We may use the concept of Democracy to elect our officials, but the law is the law, and any changes to the laws must be acted upon by the officials that we elect. Remember, a lynch mob is a form of a Democracy too.

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