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  • Dec 17th, 2009 @ 1:56pm

    Nowhere but down to go

    Authors get paid maybe 10-50 cents a copy depending on how big they are.
    Publishers have a lot of dead tree technology and it costs money to print books, hard backs more so.
    Editors marketing etc cost money of course.

    All of that irrelevant. Publishers are going to be in the same squeeze the recording industries finds it's self. It will be cheaper and more cost efficient for authors (and we are seeing this now) to make a separate ebook deal that rewards them as well if not better. New industries and industrie arms of companies like amzaon will grow based on direct author and fan connections. Dead tree companies shrink. The economics and digiital distribution and ludicrously low leaving only editors and marketing to pay for. Everybody can have a bigger cut even with books being almost free (which is a good way to point out how screwed up things are now just like with the record industries).

    Ebooks not from major publishers will be 2.99 within 2 years new releases will be around $6. Within 5 years ebooks will be 1.99 on average with new releases being 2.99.
    Sadly, authors will be back to being payed around the same as today, since the original creators allays get screwed by lack of leverage. But for a short while new digital publishing stars will rise.

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