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  • Aug 4th, 2010 @ 8:40am

    You're wrong

    Coach George said: This is how democracy works. If it's this way, it's not a Democracy, it's a USA Corporatecracy or USA Corporategovernment, but not Democracy, so you are wrong.
  • Aug 4th, 2010 @ 8:09am

    Re: Any doubt now?

    HA HA AHA HA, No Doubt my friend, your are 1000% right, Wow, lobbies is our fourth branch of government. Someone here commented, the lobbies should lobby the government to get rid of the elections, so the lobbies (so in this case, Corporate Lobbies) elect presidents and government officials, so they can run USA to their profiting interests, Like the song says "This is the way it is" in USA. Lobbies is proof that USA is ran by Corporations and not the People, that's why I don't vote, it's a waste of time, and nobody tells me if I don't vote I don't have right to speak, 'cause since I pay taxes I get the right to open my mouth.
  • Jul 12th, 2010 @ 8:52am

    (untitled comment)

    Anybody Please. What BSD means?? Thanks
  • Jul 8th, 2010 @ 8:41am

    To Mike, Movie Idea

    Hey Mike, nice story, very helpful for me, thanks. I said very helpful 'cause I got a movie "IDEA" on my head and I have thought to send it, in the form a letter, powerpoint or video, to movie studios, movie executives or movie investor or whoever I decided to, but, I am afraid mi idea can be stolen. Since you are always reporting about Lawsuits and Copyrights, if you have the knowledge, can you advise me how to avoid that? Or if you don't have the better or right answer, can you find out for me please? Or anyone else here in the comments can help? Thanks Very Much !!!
  • Jul 6th, 2010 @ 10:48am

    Re: Re: Re: Pre-emptive TAM

    Ha HA HA you make laugh 'cause I think the same thing about "Anonymous Coward". The first time I started to read Techdirt news, I like "Anonymous Coward" comments, but I got confuse about the Dual thinking in his comments, in favor and against whatever Mike writes in the article, so I got tired of it that I don't pay attention to whatever comments He/she/They does/do. I think He/She/They hates/hate Mike

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